
Extremist Has A Devil Family

Zero was an extremist who once liked something will get that no matter how many obstacles he face. He was a true maniac, a true enthusiast. Now, a new world is opened to him in which there are supernaturals involved. He was turned into a devil and a husband of the devil princess. However, his story didn't end there as he had RH Null Blood. He got a devil family now. And he is an extremist. The story and Zero's new life has just begun. The new life to become the strongest existence. The existence that would make all other existences kneel because of his dominance and power.

Anima_4341 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 5: I Am Sorry

A man was sitting on a building in a beautiful city of California. He was enjoying the slightly cold breeze of night. He was looking at the beautiful scenery of city in front of him.

There were many buildings and houses with colorful lights. His face had a gentle smile as he looked at the scenery.

Next second, a woman appeared behind him.

"You are here?" He spoke with a woman without turning around.

He still looked at the city while the breeze caressed his face.

He was Zero. After the fight, he was here sitting while waiting for someone and that someone had arrived.

The woman just nodded and sat beside him. She had black hair and black eyes. She was really beautiful like a butterfly.

She had a slender figure, C-cup breast and slender legs and normal butt. She was 1.90 metres in height.

Zero looked at him and spoke, "I didn't expect my big sis to be a goddess."

She didn't speak anything. Zero just smiled at it. He knew she never spoke. But he always somehow knew what she was thinking.

Even before becoming a devil, he already had supernatural instincts and after becoming, a devil his instincts became countless times more powerful.

This is the reason, he knew he got new abilities after marrying his two wives and also that, he was evolving earlier. His instincts told him. To say his instincts were monstrous would be an understatement.

"Sigh, so you are Kali?" Zero spoke to the girl beside him.

She nodded at it.

"I don't what my other two big sis are but they would be not humans, right?" Zero spoke.

Kali just nodded. She had tears in her eyes as she spoke, "I am sorry." She had a beautiful voice that could sooth any man in world.

Zero knew what she was thinking and flashed a smile.

"Don't be sorry, big sis. I don't know why you adopted me but I know you never meant harm for me. Not only you, other big sis also didn't mean harm for me. I love you three."

Kali nodded with tears dripping from her beautiful face. Zero wiped the tears with his hands.

Kali then hugged him. Zero didn't push her away and also hugged her back.

He knew she was guilty of not telling him about her identity.

Zero was really lucky for having such a good big sister.

"Now, tell me why did you adopt me?" Zero spoke.

However, he didn't expect Kali to blush.

Zero's instincts told him what is was, but he didn't want to admit it.

"I....love....you " She spoke with much hesitation.

Zero's left eye twitcher hearing her and he didn't know what to say. He loved her only as a sister. Now he had the same feeling for his other big sisters. Even though, they were not blood-related, he still considered them as his sisters.

Then, he felt like he heard Kali saying, 'I know you love me only as a sister but I will make you fall in lover with him.'

Zero smiled hearing this and spoke, "Good luck, my sister."


"Where is she?" A woman with black hair and blue eyes spoke aloud.

"Stop moving in circles." Another woman who had brown hair and green eyes spoke.

They both were Zero's big sisters and the ones who adopted him. They were Irina and Rina respectively.

"How can I not move in circles? That Kali has went somewhere when Zero called him and she didn't tell me." Irina spoke with clear agitation.

"Stop worrying. Zero will never leave us just because we didn't tell him who we are." Rina spoke as if she was not worried.

"First, look at your ugly hands, bitch." Irina spoke as she pointed at Rina's hands who were shaking due to being nervous.

"..." A vein bulged on Rina's forehead.

She gave Irina a middle finger and spoke, "Shut the fuck up, you thot."

Irina was going to speak when her phone rang. She picked up her phone from her pants and looked at the name of caller.

"Who is it?" Rina asked.

"Who else? That muscle head." Irina spoke with clear irritation.

"He is still calling you. Looks like your ex misses you." Rina spoke with a smirk.

"This bastard, I am gonna block him." Irina tapped on her phone a couple of times and blocked the number.

"Well, well, I wonder how Zer will react when he knows you are still in contact with your ex." Rina spoke with a smirk.

"I.AM.NOT.IN.CONTACT.WITH.HIM." Irina answered in a loud voice that made the windows in room shake a bit.

"Ugh. Shut up, bitch." Rina spoke as she blocked her ears with her hands.

Irina sat beside Rina on bed and spoke, "I am worried what will happen with this vampired. Zer was taken by those devils and they currently don't have good relations with vampires."

"I know. But look we know that he is currently son-in-law of Evelyn, right?" Rina spoke but it was clear that when she spoke the word 'son-in-law', she got angry.

Irina had the same expression on her face.

Irina stood up and spoke, "I don't know anything. I just want my Zer to come back. Even if I would have to go on a war with vampires, I will go for him."

Rina nodded, showing she agreed with her.

"Let's just make food for him while waiting." Rina spoke as she stood up and placed her hand on Irina's shoulder.

Irina nodded and walked out of the room followed by Rina.

They were in a huge mansion. The two girls were alone in the room.

They were talking on 3rd floor of mansion. They went toward the kitchen of 3rd floor.

Upon reaching, they started taking out ingredients for the dinner they were making.

They started making food for Zero. They were making in so much peace and harmony that no one would believe they were fighting a minute ago.

As they were making food, they heard someone coming towards them. They looked toward the sound and saw a blue-haired man with a black haired woman.

Zero was with Kali in her disguise form. She had same black hair and black color but her body language was changed a bit. In this form, she was called Iana.

Zero looked at Irina and Rina with a smile and spoke, "I think we need to talk, big sis Irina and big sis Rina."

When they heard him, they felt shivers down their spines. They knew what it was about.

They looked at Iana who was hugging Zero's arm like she was his girlfriend and a vein bulged on their heads.

'This bitch.' They were here sweating buckets and she was enjoying her time there clinging with Zero.

The fuck? Even though they were not real sisters, still she should help them.

Iana opened her eyes and looked at them. They felt like she would help them but she closed them again after giving them a glance.

More veins bulged on their heads.

'She is playing with us.'

"Dinner is almost ready. Let's talk at dining table." Irina spoke with a smile and internally wishing he would agree.

Zero nodded with a smile. Irina and Rina internally sighed in relief.

They both were goddesses of their respective pantheons, you know. But they would get nervous like hell when they knew it related to him. Even more than in a war.

He was their beloved, after all.

'Even when Adonis left me, I didn't get this much hurt as compare to when I think about him leaving me.' Irina thought.


In an alley of California, a man was standing near the corpse of a vampire.

He spoke with tears flowing his eyes, "I hope you would be judged for your sins in hell and then, sent to heaven. Amen!"

He made a cross on his chest.

He looked at the corpse and next second, disappeared from his place.

The corpse of vampire was left there on the ground in an insolated alley.

Soon, a fire was set on vampire unknowingly and the vampire was burnt.

The man was far away from the corpse of the vampire as of now. He was moving at high speed.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at the direction where four figures, precisely four women were walking.

"Four vampires." He spoke and tears began to flow from his eyes.

"I will surely give you salvation, so you might be forgiven in the afterlife."

He rushed toward the women as he unsheathed his large sword hung diagonally on his back.

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