
Extremist Has A Devil Family

Zero was an extremist who once liked something will get that no matter how many obstacles he face. He was a true maniac, a true enthusiast. Now, a new world is opened to him in which there are supernaturals involved. He was turned into a devil and a husband of the devil princess. However, his story didn't end there as he had RH Null Blood. He got a devil family now. And he is an extremist. The story and Zero's new life has just begun. The new life to become the strongest existence. The existence that would make all other existences kneel because of his dominance and power.

Anima_4341 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 4: Women Watching A Man

Three figures walked in hurriedly inside the meeting room. Everyone looked at them. They were irritated as they were disturbing the meeting.

However, when they saw the figures, their irritation got thrown out of the window.

But when they noticed their agitated look, they frowned.

Evelyn asked worriedly, "What happened? Weren't you with Zero?"

"Zero?" Amber raised an eyebrow as she spoke. Everyone also had the same questioning gaze. As far as they knew, Evelyn didn't have a male in family or at least someone named Zero.

Evelyn ignored their questioning looks and worriedly looked at her daughters and granddaughter.

"Yes, mom. We were with darling but Akane teleported us here on the orders of darling. But I have a feeling that darling is in trouble." Snow explained in hurry. Worry was evident in her voice. She had been worried this much about her daughter only. She can't lose her darling.

Eve nodded. Her face had a cold look but she knew how much she was sweating. Zero only transformed into a devil today. So, he didn't evolve completely. He didn't have much power.

Evelyn upon hearing them frowned. She spoke in a quiet voice and soon, a large number of black spots moved

After a second, a large screen formed at the centre of table. Evelyn snapped her fingers and two chairs made of ice formed at the end of table.

Evelyn signaled Eve and Evelyn to sit on the chair. They both sat on the chair. Siena was naturally on her mother's lap. As for June and Anna, they were in castle at the orders of their madams.

On screen, a woman whose eyes were black was shown. She seemed to be fighting a blonde guy with a huge sword.

They were fighting with great attention. As the fighting progressed, they didn't see Zero anywhere.

This made Eve and Evelyn agitated. However, Evelyn calmly looked at the screen.

After a minute or so, the blonde guy swung his sword behind the black eyed woman.


In California on Earth.

The blonde guy swung his sword diagonally at Lia's back.

He smiled as he was sure she was gonna get hit and then, it will be his win. However, everything never goes as planned.

The sword passed through nothing. He was confused. He looked left and right but found no one. Then, he looked in front of him and saw a man covered in blue lightning holding a woman.

The woman was the same woman, he was fighting.

Zero spoke, "My maids, you did a good job. Now return to my shadows. You will get a reward for this."

Lia and Akane smiled at this and returned to his shadows.

The blonde guy smiled and spoke, "Heh. So, you are back, huh?"

The guy of course knew that Zero was present but he was fighting Lia, so he didn't do anything to him. Well, even if he did try to, Akane and Lia would have stopped him for doing so.

Zero looked at the blonde guy. His eyes were crimson red with his scleras being black and there were red lines in it. Blue lightning flickered on his body.

He spoke in a voice that sent shivers down the spines of all people present, "Today you guys are gonna go to hell."

Next moment, he disappeared from his spot and appeared behind the blonde guy.

The blonde guy didn't even know what happened and his body was cut in half vertically.

Zero had a lightning sword in his hand and that sword had some blood on it.

Zero then looked in front of him and disappeared.


Seeing all this in meeting room, everyone was shocked. Evelyn had already told them about Zero.

So, they were shocked that he just turned into a devil and was already this powerful. Not only that, as devils have long lifespan, so he was just a baby in devil race.

As everyone was shocked, some people were also smiling.

Among them, was Evelyn, Eve, Snow, Isabella, Amber and another woman.

That woman had long black hair. She opened her silver eyes and looked at the screen. No one was paying attention to her, so no one knew she had opened her eyes.

She was Selene Shine, a Archduchess of Hellburn. She was a blood devil. Blood devil is same like a vampire. It feeds on blood but of course, devil is stronger and it's appetite is also naturally more.

A voice rang in Selene's head, [He is quite powerful and also a progenitor. He is quite a good match with you. Hehe, why don't you get him enter you?]

[I know that. But first, I hope so he would be the king of guy I hope. He will have to agree to marry me too. I will teach him to use lightning.] She spoke in her head.

The one she was talking with was her alter, that she got due to a certain incident in past.

Alter Selene remained quiet for a second before speaking again, [That is right. But those two bitches will also get him to be their student. After all, they are battle maniacs and they will train him to be stronger and fight them.]

[I know but they have other matters to attend. I also have work but I am known for my speed.]

Alter Selene didn't speak anything more. She just hoped that he would not be arrogant like other devils.

Selene looked at the blue haired man slaying people and a smile formed on her face.

'Well, fuck yeah. I will make him mine.' She thought and had her panties wet.

She looked down and thought, 'I need to change my panties.'

As Alter Selene, heard her she facepalmed. Selene really was a pervert.

On the other hand, Amber was thinking, 'If trained well, he can be a good opponent.'

Isabella's thoughts were same. As people say, company makes a person, that is why Amber and Isabella had almost same personalities.

They were together since childhood.

Eve had a smug look on her cold face that said, 'Look at my darling."

Snow was just smiling.

Siena had stars in her eyes.

Evelyn was all smiles. She wanted to make him her soon. She was also a bit wet.

Both Evelyn and Selene were perverts but Selene got win in this aspect.


Zero now stood on the ground with many corpses here and there.

He looked above. And a large smile formed on his face. He had become more handsome after evolution. He was now 1.92 metres tall.

He jumped and was lifter several metres above the ground. He was now above the buildings and looked at a particular direction.

He formed ice behind his foot and using ice as a platform he moved toward his destination.


The lightning got wild on his body and he moved so fast that he broke the sound barrier.

As he was moving he saw a man.

His smile got larger. Two black horns formed on his head. His horn were moving upward.

He now had big wings with black feathers.

His speed increased and a large ice blade formed in his hand.

He swung his sword at a high speed, however his ice sword clashed with a metal sword of the man.

The man had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was quite handsome.

"Devil, you will be slained today for your crimes." The man spoke with a neutral expression and made a cross on his chest.

Zero ignored his 'bullshit' and attacked him again. He swung his sword at high speed and he increased his speed again.

The man's face changed slightly but he held on. He blocked Zero's ice sword with his metal sword.

Zero's smiled got bigger. He spoke in a demonic voice, "More, more, show me more power."

As Zero spoke, he swung his sword at high speed that could not be seen with naked eye.

As he was swinging his sword, he used water manipulation and made a water rope. He swung his rope and attacked the man.

The rope hit the man and he was sent flying five metres.

"Cheh." Zero was irritated. He wanted to battle more but the man in front of him was weak. He thought that maybe the man was strong but he was not.

Zero spoke in a demonic voice as he snapped his finger, "Ice Storm."

Then, a large ice storm was formed by him. The ice storm came and filled the area along with man who died in storm.

Zero the spoke, "Disperse."

The ice vanished. The ice was nowhere to be seen.

He then, looked in left direction and spoke in a loud voice, "Eve and Snow, I will tell you when you can come here. First, I have to do things. So, don't come now."

As he spoke, he disappeared leaving a bit of lightning behind him.


Eve and Snow looked at each other. They sighed and didn't say anything. They will do as Zero had said.

After that, Eve, Snow and Siena left the meeting room.

The meeting also ended soon.

Amber, Isabella and Selene also left to do their things quickly to meet Zero soon.

Amber and Isabella had same thought but Selene had different thought.