
Extremist Has A Devil Family

Zero was an extremist who once liked something will get that no matter how many obstacles he face. He was a true maniac, a true enthusiast. Now, a new world is opened to him in which there are supernaturals involved. He was turned into a devil and a husband of the devil princess. However, his story didn't end there as he had RH Null Blood. He got a devil family now. And he is an extremist. The story and Zero's new life has just begun. The new life to become the strongest existence. The existence that would make all other existences kneel because of his dominance and power.

Anima_4341 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Devil

In Royal Castle of the Planet Hellburn.

On the top floor of the castle, three women were sitting around a table. All three had silver hair and blue eyes but there was one thing that was different among them. One woman was mature looking, second was not mature but had bit of mature look and the third one looked to be in her early 20s.

The mature looking woman whose name was Evelyn Glacier spoke while looking at her young daughter that seemed to be in her early 20s, Eve, "Your stalking really helped us, Eve."

Even though her voice seemed cold, there was a hint of teasing in it.

Eve who had a cold expression on her face blushed a bit.

The one at side whose name was Snow chuckled at her little sister. Her usual cold sister was embarrassed at herself.

"Fufu, no need to be embarrassed. You really got a good man for yourself. I hope I get one too. Maybe I should share him with you." As Evelyn spoke, the temperature dropped to negative and the floor began to freeze.

Eve's eyes turned crimson-red and her sclera turned blue as she spoke, "Don't you dare."

"Heh, the one who will decide will be my beloved son-in-law." Evelyn spoke with a smirk. Even though, she was Eve's mother, her expression was not cold as she was a sadist not at extreme but were.

Eve calmed down but she still glared at her mother. She was her darling. Hmph and will always be.

"By the way, where is Siena?" Evelyn asked Snow which made Snow yelp.



On the same floor of castle where three women were sitting, a girl who was 9 years old was in a large room. She was sitting on the bed. Beside her, a man was sleeping. The man looked to be in his early 20s. He had long blue hair that reached his waist. His name was Zero Kart. He looked really beautiful that the girl was in daze looking at him.

The girl had silver-hair that reached her waist and clear blue eyes. Her name was Siena Glacier, daughter of Snow Glacier.

Slowly the man opened his beautiful blue eyes that made the girl startle a bit but she spoke with a cute smile that seemed to make the girl freeze, "Daddy!"

Zero looked at the girl with confusion. He thought for a second where he was but no place came to his mind.

He looked at the girl again who jumped at him and hugged him.

He was surprised but didn't push her away and gently hugged her. She reminded him of his precious late little sister.

As he was hugging her, the door of the room opened and three women with silver hair and clear blue eyes entered. They were Evelyn, Eve and Snow.

Eve looked at the scene and was surprised.

Evelyn just smiled as Snow was surprised. Siena was never close to a man and now she was hugging someone. The reason she was never close to a man was because of her now dead dad. Of course, Siena killed that hateful man.

"Mama, I found daddy." Siena spoke with a smile.

The smile so pure which melted everyone's heart in the room.

Zero looked at where Siena was looking and saw a slight mature woman. She had silver hair and blue eyes and a voluptuous body. A G-cup chest and a plump ass. She reached 1.79 in height.

However, he felt a strange connection to someone else. His gaze turned to a young looking woman who was looking at him with a cold expression.

He felt a connection to her. He picked up Siena and held in his arms. She wrapped her small and tender arms around his neck to not fall.

Next instant, small blue lightnings appeared around him as he disappeared from his spot along with Siena and next second, appeared in front of Eve, which startled her.

Eve had a long silver hair and clear crystal blue eyes. She had H-cup chest and thick thighs and a plump ass. She reached 1.78 in height. She had a cold exore on her face and a possessive love in her eyes as she looked at him.

Zero looked at him curiously for few seconds and after that spoke, "Why do I feel a strange connection with you? And where am I?"

Eve took a deep breath and explained, "Actually, you were injured and was on the verge of dying and to save you, you had to become a devil. So, I married you as."

"Was there no other way?" Zero spoke.

"No, there was but I wanted to be your wife, so I did that. Don't worry, I will be good wife...no I will be the best wife." She spoke with resolution in her blue eyes.

Zero just smiled and spoke, "Yes, yes, wifey~."

Eve also smiled slightly but his smile hit not only her but all the woman in the room hard as they all blushed at his smile, even Siena was not spared.

Evelyn's insides squirmed as she thought, 'I want him. I want him.' She spoke few times this line in her head as she looked at the most handsome man she had ever seen.

Zero looked at Evelyn and then, Snow and spoke, "So, are you gonna introduce yourself first or I am gonna?"

Snow spoke in a somewhat confused manner, "Are you gonna believe us like that? I mean, didn't you feel like devil's are just fantasies?"

Zero smile lightly and spoke with a calm smile, "Nope, I remember I was almost killed by a shooter. My heart was also wounded, so I would have died by then but here I am, alive and healthy. Not only that, I also got faster and lightning appeared around my body. These are all the proofs I needed."

Snow was surprised. He was quite a observer, huh? He has good observation quality.

Evelyn walked to him and spoke with a smile, "I am Evelyn Glacier, your mother-in-law and your soon to be wife."

Hearing this, Eve's face twitched. This bitch is really rock hard on becoming his husband's wife. Evelyn had silver hair and blue eyes and a mature body. A I-cup chest and plump ass. She was 1.89 metre in height.

Snow was surprised but recomposed herself quickly. After all, just by knowing Zero's species, she knew any devil or demon would want to become his woman. She was no exception but she was not straightforward and pervert like her mother and she was not gonna marry someone again like that.

Snow also came forward and spoke, "My name is Snow Glacier, your sister-in-law and Siena Glacier's mother."

Zero knew naturally who was Siena as the cute creature in his hand, called Snow her mother.

He looked at Eve and she tilted her head in confusion but soon understood his thoughts.

"My name is Eve Glacier, your wife." Eve spoke in a cold voice like an eternal ice.

No one was surprised when she introduced herself as they knew Zero didn't know her.

"My name is Zero Katz, a new devil." Zero also introduced himself.

Evelyn looked at him and spoke, "Change your clothes and then we will talk."

She clapped her hands and then, a shadow appeared out of nowhere and from it a maid emerged. She had long black hair and black eyes. She had a fair skin and was 1.72 metres tall. She had a voluptuous body as she had F-cup chest and a plump ass. Her name was Lia Zion, a member of Zion clan that was under Glacier Clan.

"She is Lia Hart, she will be your personal maid from now on. Let me tell you that she is a perfect maid, so she will be able to comply to any of your wishes. Even the darker ones." After Evelyn's somewhat weird introduction a silence fell in the room as everyone looked at the Evelyn but in the end sighed in defeat. Only Lia, Siena and Zero was unaffected.

Zero looked at Lia curiously while Lia just bowed at him, "Greetings, master."

Zero thought about her ability of shadows, she just displayed and thought she was really a perfect maid and an assassin. She had good agility, so she could do things much faster.

And a perfect maid should always do things perfectly and quickly.

After those two, Siena was just innocent. She didn't understand the words of her perverted grandmother.

Zero spoke to Lia, "What can you do?"

Lia just smiled and disappeared from her place and next instant. Zero saw himself wearing new clothes. He was now wearing a blue shirt with blue jeans and white snookers.

Zero looked at Lia with a smile who was now looking at him with an expression saying,

'Give me more orders.'