

'Bell, how are you going to do it? How are you going to build everything?'

[I thought you wanted to just make everything appear out of thin air. Is that not the most straightforward way?]

'No, we can't do that. It is fine for everything else that is underground, but above ground must be built step by step. And I want it to be a big commotion. Big enough for satellites to pick it up instantly. Is that possible?'

[Yes, but you do know that I can't use technology above level 3 if we do it this way.]

'Were you planning on using any? You can use level 3 technology on everything else. Just make sure my bio-genetic facility is the best you can make it.'

[Okay, how long do you want the construction process to be?]

'It should be done by next week Monday. I don't think some people would be able to hold on after NOVA's next attack.'

[You want to copy the tech I use and make it yours? That is not very nice.]