
Sect Master Song Wen

All the ladies gathered around Song Li to get a peak at the newborn baby. Some were just interested in seeing the unique looking baby, while others who had ulterior motives put on happy faces but were secretly sneering inside.

One such women was Xun Li. She was a women with a pointy face, short black hair, and black squinty eyes. All together she was not a very pretty women. However, although she was ugly, Xun Li was previously recognized as the disciple with the most potential in the sect. Her Master, an elder in the sect, found her as a baby and brought her back to the sect when she saw her high cultivation talent. This gave her a high status among other disciples.

Growing up Xun Li always pictured herself as the next Ice Jade Saintess. She was a very domineering women who thought that the world owed her. Her life was very enjoyable growing up until the Sect Master brought back a three year old child named Song Li. Since then her path as the next Ice Jade Saintess hit a bump in the road.

The new child brought back showed unparalleled talent in her generation. Xun Li did everything that she could to stop Song Li's growth, even using unscrupulous means. Unfortunately, for Xun Li her plans always failed and she could not stop Song Li from eventually stealing her title as the Ice Jade Saintess.

Xun Li hated Song Li and wished nothing more for her to be eaten by demonic beasts. Xun Li smiled and said aloud, "Song Li I'm so jealous! You're so lucky to have such a cute little boy as a child." as Xun Li said this out lowed she was secretly thinking inside, "HAHAHA stupid Song Li. You could have chosen heaven and stayed the Ice Jade Saintess, but instead you chose hell and and a baby boy! and boy HAHAHA! Just wait til my Master gets here and she will cripple you and the baby throwing you both out of the sect!" Xun Li had already informed her Master about the sex of the child and new that her Master hated Song Li just as much as she did herself.

Hearing Xun Li's compliment, Song Li gave a slight smile, but on the inside she could not help but worry. She was not stupid, she new the rules of the sect.

For those girls who were pregnant they could either choose to leave the sect and cripple their cultivation, or risk staying in the sect to have the child. If the child is a girl then everything is wonderful, but if it is a boy then both the mother and child will be crippled and thrown out of the sect. These rules were created in the hopes that the women would not have sexual relations when outside the sect because losing their pure yin energy slows down their future cultivation.

Song Li was currently feeling mixed emotions. She chose to stay in the sect because she felt the child in her stomach absorb the Ice Jade Heavenly energy. To her this proved that her future child was going to be a girl. She could not help but question herself on weather she made the right decision.

While she was thinking these sour thoughts the door to the room was suddenly kicked open. A women stormed in who looked to be around forty years old, her face was covered pockmark scars, while her eyes looked like triangles. When looking at this women the first thought that usually comes to mind is, "Can you find a women any uglier than this?". Unfortunately for those in the Ice Jade Sect all you would have to do is turn your head slightly to find another hideous creature, Xun Li.

Surprisingly enough the women who barged into the room is Xun Li's Master, Elder Xun Shuren. They were like to peas in a pod or two leaves from the same branch. Both ugly as can be.

After Elder Xun Shuren barged into the room she glared at Song Li and yelled, "Song Li do you know your crimes?!"

Seeing the anger on Elder Xun Shuren's face, Song Li could not help but hold her baby closer towards her chest. Her beautiful eyes seemed to have tears ready to leak out as she weakly replied, "Elder Xun please don't take away my baby. Look my baby is special. He is able to absorb the Ice Jade Energy which means that he can stay in the sect!" Even though Song Li new that her pleas probably would have no effect on Elder Xun she still had to try.

The reasons that boys were not allowed in the sect was because they could not absorb Ice Jade Heavenly Energy safely. However, her baby could so he should be allowed to stay in the sect right?

Hearing Song Li's pleas, Elder Xun could not help but to snort as she revealed a sneer on her face, "Song Li you have lost all the face of out Ice Jade Sect! A loose women like you staying in our sect is unacceptable. So what if your little runt can absorb our Ice Jade energy. A little bastard will never join my sect! I will cripple both of your cultivations!"

Hearing the elders words Song Li's emotions abruptly changed as she could not help but get angry as she retorted, "You ugly wench you will never touch my son! You can cripple my cultivation, but I will never let you touch him over my dead body!"

Song Li jumped off the bed she was on and hurriedly pulled out an Ice sword out of her storage ring pointing it at Elder Xun. Seeing this action by Song Li all of the ladies in the room immediately backed away, creating a space between Song Li and Elder Xun.

While this was happening Xun Li could not help but feel happy inside as she thought to herself, "Finally that stupid bitch is going to die! Nobody can save her and that bastard child now!".

Elder Xun could not help but get angrier and a slight amount of killing intent leaked out how her body, "Little Bitch, how dare you point your sword at this Elder! You are asking to die. I was originally just going to cripple both of your cultivations and throw you out of the sect, but now I think I will cripple you both then feed that boy to a wild demonic beast and then sell you to a brothel like the slut you are!"

Elder Xun immediately after speaking took out a giant heavy two handed hammer and prepared to attack Song Li.

Song Li was currently in the Dao Seed Creation realm, first stage Dantian Opening while Elder Xun was also in the Dao Seed Creation but she was at stage two Seed Planting. They were only one stage away from each other but this was like the difference between the heavens and the earth. Song Li would have no chance of defeating Elder Xun. At best she could hope to survive maybe one attack.

Elder Xun gathered her energy towards her two handed hammer. The temperature in the room dropped several degrees as snow started to fly through the air. Song Yu was not idly standing by either. Although she knew she had no chance to win she had to do everything she could to protect her baby.

She also gathered her energy towards her slim one handed ice sword. From the energy fluctuations it was evident that Song Li had no chance of even putting up a fight against Elder Xun.

Just as the two were about to attack and tremendous pressure descended from the sky. The room the two were in started to shake, the walls were heavily vibrating but then in the next second the whole building disappeared just as if it had never existed in the first place.

Right where the roof of the building used to be, floated a women who looked to be thirty years old at most. She was not overly beautiful but with the air that her body naturally released people would say that she was a graceful women.

As soon as the disciples saw who was floating in the sky, they immediately all descended down upon one knee shouting out, "We pay our respects to Sect Master!"

The women in the sky did not seem to hear the kneeling disciples as she looked towards the battle ready Elder Xun, her eyes only paused shortly before she looked towards Song Li. Song Li bowed to the floating women softly saying, "Song Li greets master."

The women in the floating in the sky paused slightly on Song Li as a tender look flashed across her eyes. Afterwards her eyes then landed on the bundle in her arms. At first her eyes showed a complicated feeling but suddenly her eyes dilated and her body shook. It looked like she was about to fall from the sky.

The floating women calmed herself almost instantly, then made a grabbing motion with her hand. The bundle in Song Li's arms flew into the sky until it was grasped in the women's arms. Song Li freaked out as she threw her body down on both knees as tears streamed down her face, she shouted, "Master please spare him. I'll do anything. Don't hurt my child. Hurt me instead. I beg you!"

As the Sect Master Floated in the air she was looking at the unique looking baby in her arms. When she heard her disciples' words she looked up and opened her mouth to speak when another voice started talking first.

Elder Xun' raspy voice filled the air as she said, "Sect Master, I know that Song Li is your disciple and that she is the Saintess of the sect.. However, rules are rules. Song Li has broken the rules so she and her son should be crippled and thrown out of the sect. If you will allow me I will personally handle the crippling myself."

Hearing Elder Xun's words, Song Li could not help but break down even more as tears continued to streak down her face.

As the Sect Master looked at the situation while floating in the air she could not help but to wrinkle her brows as she stared at Elder Xun. "Elder Xun, you do not need to worry I will handle this situation. If anyone is going to cripple my disciple is will be me not you." Said the Sect Master with a displeased tone.

As the Sect Master was prepared to announce her decision on the matter, there was more and more Elders and Disciples showing up in the surrounding area. However, no one dared to fly while the Sect Master was in the air.

As the Sect Master looked over the gathering sect members she cleared her throat and announced, " I, Sect Master Song Wen declare that Song Li is guilty of breaking sect rules. She has given birth to a male child. For punishment Song Li will be forbidden from leaving the sect for ten years."

After this was announced the whole sect exploded in commotion. No one expected the Sect Master to be so lenient.

Elder Xun could not help but yell, "Impossible! Her punishment should be being crippled. This has always been the punishment. Sect Master are you being biased because she is your disciple?!?"

All the previous commotion went silent after Elder Xun's shout. It was so quiet that you could not even hear the wind. It was as if the wind knew Sect Master was pissed so it did not dare to blow.

Sect Master Sun gave a deadly glare towards Elder Xun, as she said words with killing intent leaking out, "Xun Shuren, you dare to question my decision?! What demonic beasts guts did you swallow to get the guts to question me?"

Sect Master Sun's energy was pressing down on Elder Xun causing her to fall onto her knees. Elder Xun was shaking and could barely force out, "This one would not dare. I misspoke. This one deserves to die." as she trembled on the snowy ground. However, Elder Xun was really thinking, "Song Wen you stupid Bitch. One day I'll cripple you as well." Unfortunately, Sect Master Song did not know this...

Sect Master nodded her head as she said, "I'm glad you know it."

With that last statement she turned her eyes away from Elder Xun and focused back at Song Li. Song Li looked up at her Master gave a bow and said, "Song Li accepts her punishment, but what about my son?"

Song Li looked at Sect Master Sun as many emotions flickered across her eyes, despair, hope, fear, and sadness.

Sect Master looked down at the bundle in her arms and then announce for all to hear, "Many may be wondering why I did not punish Song Li according the sect rules..." Many people looked at the Sect Master while they inwardly nodded their heads. How come Song Li is not going to be crippled? Is it as Elder Xun said, Sect Master is biased because she' her disciple?

These thoughts crossed many peoples minds as Sect Master Sun continued speaking, "Normally I would have crippled her cultivation no matter whether she is my disciple or the Saintess.. However, Song Li has contributed greatly to the sect so her punishment has been lightened."

This caused many people to be confused because no one remembered when she had contributed anything great to the sect. Yes, she is indeed very talented but that has no relation to contributions.

One elder could not help but ask, "Sect Master, this one does not mean to question you but how has Song Li contributed greatly to out sect?"

Even Song Li had a confused look on her face because she has never done anything too great for the sect.

The Sect Master's eyes scanned all the people in the sect then looked towards the bundle in her arms, "The great contribution that Song Li has done for our sect is giving birth to such an outstanding child. This boy... this boy is the most unique and talented child I have ever seen!"

This piece of news caused everyone in the sect to go crazy. However the next piece of news almost caused peoples hearts to stop.

The Sect Master looked at the child then said, "I will be immediately going to awake Exalted Supreme Elder from her eternal slumber and ask her to take this child as her final disciple."


While all this drama had been going on Song Yu was on a rollercoaster of emotions. At one moment he was going to be crippled, the next he was going to be crippled and fed to a demonic beast!.

Song Yu was thinking in his mind, "You're going to cause me to shit myself in fear and I don't even have a diaper yet." as tears streamed down his face.

Finally, when the Sect Master announced her final proclamation, he shouted out loud, "I, Song Yu from the moment of my birth have had people exclaiming about my genius!"

Unfortunately, all anyone heard was, "Waaawaaa GuuGoooGaaagaaa"

which caused the Sect Master to look down and say, "What a pretty baby!".....