
Five Years Later

Time stands still for no man. Just like a blink of an eye, five years passed in the Ice Jade Sect. Nothing of major importance occurred in these five years.

Soon after Snow Angel left, some elders of the Xun family worked together to rebuild Xun Mountain. As cultivators it was not hard to create a giant block of ice, then carve it into their desired shape. As such the sect resumed to its normal state of life.

The disciples would mostly focus on cultivation while occasionally meeting together to gossip about the great four families or their little genius Junior Brother. To be honest in a sect where all the disciples are girls introducing a single male into the fold was bound to be a hot discussion piece.

For the first couple years that Song Yu was in the sect he was basically no where to be found. During that time Song Yu was forced to be by his mothers side twenty four hours a day. There was nothing that could be done about it. He was still only a baby that required an adult to carry him around.

Honestly, he did not like traveling around the sect anyway. Everyone would always point at him like he was some sort of zoo animal. The women would always make comments about how he was so pretty, and how they wished for their future daughters to be just as beautiful.

There was not much to do in the Ice Jade Sect, especially when one was not allowed to cultivate. Song Yu had to take those baths using the Extreme Yin Water once a day. He felt that every time he finished taking one that his whole body would become more compatible with the cold environment of the Ice Jade Sect. In addition to the baths, he was able to eat natural wonders of the world for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It was quite the luxurious lifestyle. Snow Angel forbid him from eating any other form of food, so no matter how beneficial the natural wonders were, his taste buds grew to find them bland. Song Yu would always sigh to himself and think that these are the consequences of just being too amazing...

Eventually, Song Yu turned four years old and it was only one more year until Snow Angel would come and steal him away. The tedious lifestyle continued, but it was better now because at least Song Yu could communicate and spend some time alone.

He and Little Bird figured out during this frame of time that the energy he encountered during his contemplation was called World Energy. It is different than Heavenly Energy because Heavenly Energy Interacts with the body, while World Energy interacts with the soul.

After learning the basics of cultivation from his mother, Song Yu learned that Heavenly Energy is most important in the first two realms of cultivation. While the higher the realm you reach, the World Energy starts to play a larger role.

Supposedly, to break into the Birth of the Dao realm one must forge their own path using the World Energy as the basis. Of course it sounds simple, but to actually do it is another matter. So far no one in the Ice Jade Sect has managed to take that step. Currently the Exalted Supreme Elder is only at the peak of the Seed Growth stage of the Dao Seed Creation realm. She has touched upon the world energy so she can use it to do simple things but she has not yet forged her own path. Song Yu continued his repetitious lifestyle dreaming of the day until it was time to explore this unknown world.

Finally, the day had arrived. Song Yu's fifth birthday.

It was not a normal day in the Ice Jade Sect, because everyone knew that the Little Ice Prince would be celebrating his fifth birthday with a sect wide celebration feast. All of the disciples were excited, for it was a rare chance for them to see this mysterious little boy. To them this was the same as seeing a mythical beast. Everyone in the sect new that Song Yu preferred to be with his mom or by himself. Plus there were rumors that the snowman wearing expert might even make an appearance. All the disciples decided that they were going to make sure they looked their best for this exciting event.

To Song Yu, this was just a formality so he could finally leave this place for greener pastures. Of course he still wanted to look good, because he was going to be seeing his future wife again after five years of separation.

Song Yu was currently standing in front of a mirror looking at his own reflection. He currently saw a child that looked to be around five to six years old with jade like skin, long white hair that fell past his shoulders, and big round eyes that were blue with white pupils. One additional change that had occurred to his appearance over the five years, is that a small pure white snow flake appeared between his eyebrows.

The child was wearing an all white robe with a light blue belt. If a stranger saw this child they would think that they were the most beautiful little loli in the world. Song Yu could not help but sigh in disappointment. He was hoping that as he got older he would turn more masculine but unfortunately he still resembled a pretty little girl.

Little Birds voice entered his mind, "Master I am so Jealous! If I had a body I would want to look just like you! hehe"

By now Song Yu would not fall for Little Birds tricks. He was pretty satisfied with regards to Little Birds functions as an A.I. but she somehow gained the ability to think on her own which caused no shortage of headaches for Song Yu growing up.

Song Yu pulled his white hair up using a light blue band, then made his way towards his mothers room. Once together they both headed to the main palace where major events were held in the sect.

They arrived early, but it seemed that their early was late because the whole sect was already there. Song Yu walked with his hands clasped behind his back, and head held high. To Song Yu this is how he imagined experts walking in his previous life novels. He did not deem it necessary to make eye contact with anyone while he made his way towards the seat of honor.

Some of the disciples were looking at Song Yu while others were whispering about him,

"Wow so this is the mythical creature of the sect!"

"Shhh he might hear you. Imagine if you made him cry."

"He might look even cuter if he's crying. Maybe try speaking a little louder hehe"

Discussions were happening like this all around the hall.

Finally Song Yu sat down in a throne completely carved from ice. His current seat was just below the Sect Master. To his Left was his mother, also seated in a throne made of ice. Everybody was finally seated, but there was still one empty seat left right next to the Sect Master. There were several rumors going around the sect that said this was actually a farewell party for Song Yu, because that scary snowman lady was coming to take him away. The Exalted Supreme Elder never made any official announcement about Song Yu's training plan, but eventually the rumors started to spread throughout the sect.

Sect Master Song was contemplating in her mind whether she should start the feast or continue waiting, when suddenly a sixteen year old girl with blue hair and blue eyes magically appeared in the chair right next to her. Sect Master Song could not help but be terrified by Snow Angel's strength. She could not even sense her arrival when she appeared right next to her. If Snow Angel wanted to kill her she would not even know how she died.

Sect Master Song hurriedly stood up and bowed towards the blue haired girl, "Song Wen greets Senior"

Seeing their Sect Master be so respectful towards the blue haired girl, all the disciples dropped to their knees. Seeing how everyone was acting Song Yu just sat there ignoring the all the commotion. He thought it would be embarrassing if he was too respectful towards his future wife.

Snow Angel saw everyone about to get on their knees, so she gently made a lifting motion with her arm, causing everyone to rise to their feet, "Sect Master Song, there is no need to be so kind. Everyone can just treat me like a normal guest" said Snow Angel with a cute smile on her face.

Sect Master Song nodded and then indicated that it was time to start the feast.

Snow Angel looked towards Song Yu and asked, "Little Brother do you remember your Big Sister? I didn't see you get up to greet this Big Sister when she arrived. You really hurt this Big Sisters feelings" by the end of her sentence her eyes seemed to look as if they were going to leak tears.

Song Yu knew that she was treating him like a little kid, so it made him a little unhappy.

He looked at Snow Angels beautiful face and said in his adolescent voice, "How could I forget such a beautiful Sister. Sister can even make flowers feel ugly. This brother feels that he and sister match well together."

When his mother and Sect Master Song heard this they felt kind of weird, because it almost sounded like a five year old child was flirting...

Snow Angel's still had a smile on her face and she replied, "Little Brother you must have misspoke. You forgot to call me Big Sister. Big Sister knows you are still little so she will not mind this time. I also think that we look like a Little Brother and Big Sister match as well!"

Song Yu grew even unhappier when she kept calling him little. Who is your Little Brother?! Not me. "Sister, I may be small now but I can tell you that I will be big in the future, very big, but just for you Sister. Then we can be a special match Sister." Song Yu gave a little wink towards Snow Angel.

Everyone in the hall heard Song Yu's words because he was not talking in a hushed voice. Sect Master Song stood up from her chair and yelled, "Song Yu who taught you such vulgar language! How can a small boy such as yourself speak such obscenities." Honestly, Sect Master Song thought what Song Yu said was pretty funny, she was just afraid that the blue haired devil sitting next to her would cause trouble if she was upset.

Snow Angel was finding it hard to control her anger. No man has ever talked to her in such a way before. She, Snow Angel the powerful expert, was taken advantage of by a five year old child?! With a mixture of embarrassment and anger a blushing Snow Angel said, "Little Brother you better watch out. Big Sister is very powerful... Big Sister can make Little brothers, little brother disappear with just a snap of her fingers." Calming her emotions, Snow Angels face showed a smug look.

Song Yu's face turned a little pale at the thought of losing his little brother. He could still not help but mutter under his breath, "It would only be your loss.."

Unfortunately for Song Yu, Snow Angel has excellent hearing. Her face could not help but grow a shade darker, as she started thinking of ways she could fix this naughty Little Brother of hers. They would be traveling together soon so she had plenty of time to improve his behavior.

The feast continued on. Everyone was happy as they ate their food and drank their wine. Everyone told stories, laughed, and had fun. Good times never last forever as the night soon dwindled down.

Eventually there was only four people left in the main hall. Sect Master Song, Song Li, Song Yu, and Snow Angel.

Song Li had tears in her eyes because she knew that she would soon have to say goodbye to her child for an extended period of time. Her arms were currently wrapped around his body she looked at him, "Are you sure you have to go? You can stay with mom. You're still so young, you can go five years from now instead right?"

Song Yu could not help but feel sweet in his heart. It truly was nice to have someone love you unconditionally. "Mom, I do have to go. My dream is to see the world, and become strong. If I don't get strong how will I protect you in the future? Plus, I need to go so I can protect Sister Snow Angel. Without me by her side she would be in danger." replied Song Yu.

"Sob Sob" Song Li started to ball as she nodded her head, "You're right. Senior Snow Angel does need you. Sob Sob now be a strong man for mom and protect Senior Snow Angel from danger." As the two had their mother son moment, Snow Angel, who was standing off two the side could not help but make a pouting face as she thought, "These two are nut jobs.. Especially this little brother of mine. He's already such a horn dog at such a young age... Hmmm maybe I should castrate him.."

The next morning,

The sun was just rising but surprisingly the whole sect showed up to the entrance to the sect. Standing in front of a large group of people was a young girl adorned in snowman apparel and a little loli child that wore a white robe embroidered with light blue snow flakes. The two were quite the pair. They were of course Song Yu and Snow Angel. Song Yu looked at all the people wishing him farewell, "I'll be back soon!" he shouted. Snow Angel looked at Song Yu and said, "Get ready. Our adventure begins now!"