
Fighting A Vicious Beast

Looking at Snow Angel's angry face, Song Yu could not help but feel indignant. It was not like he was actually sleeping. And why did she have to kick me again? Do I look like a soccer ball in her eyes?!

Song Yu got up while dusting the dirt of his white robe. He gave Snow Angel a death glare, and was about to reprimand her snobby attitude, when you saw some movement out of the corner of his eye. Looking in that direction, he saw a small, white furry animal. This creature had big ears that stood straight on its head, two buck front teeth, and a cotton ball tail. Yes, a little white rabbit was currently tied to a tree.

Song Yu showed a puzzled expression, "I thought you were going to find a Demon Beast for me to fight? Why did you come back with this cute little bunny? You expect me to fight this thing?" Song Yu always imagined that he would fight a Demon Beast like a Golden Gorilla, or a Dimond Horned Rhino, not some harmless looking rabbit...

Seeing his expression Snow Angel instantly knew what he was thinking, "O, Little Brother feels that this Red-Eyed Rabbit is not a big enough challenge for you? Appearances can be deceiving hehe"

With that, Snow Angel made a slashing motion with her hand. The rope that tied the rabbit to the tree was instantly cut, freeing the rabbit. Song Yu disdainfully glanced at the so called Demon Beast, nonchalantly holding his ground. The rabbit did not give off any signs that it had cultivated so Song Yu felt that it was beneath him to fight a mortal animal. The rabbit and Song Yu locked eyes, as they casually stared at each other. A moment passed before Song Yu said, "Little Bunny, if you silently admit defeat, this Young Lord will feed you a carrot." While Song Yu was arrogantly laughing to himself, the eyes of the rabbit started to turn red.

Little Birds voice sounded in his mind, "Master, Little Birds sensors have indicated that the creature in front of you's energy signature is starting to rise drastically." As Little Bird was speaking, something outrageous started happening.

Suddenly, the rabbits eyes turned blood red. Its white fur started to squirm as bulging muscles exploded outside its body. The originally half a meter tall rabbit started to grow taller..

one meter, two meter, three meter, four meter...

Finally the grotesquely muscled rabbit stopped growing at four meters tall.

Song Yu's jaw almost hit the floor as he took a few steps backward. How was this the cute little rabbit from a few moments ago?

At a decent distance away from Song Yu and the rabbit, Snow Angel was currently laughing uncontrollably. She quickly took out a *Memory Capture Stone* and took a picture of Song Yu's surprised and panicked expression.

Meanwhile, Song Yu was told by Little Bird that the giant rabbit was releasing the energy strength of a strong Dao Muscle stage demon beast. Song Yu silently cursed Snow Angel then calmed his mind. This was going to be his first fight in this world.

The rabbit was finally done completing its metamorphosis. It stared angrily at Song Yu. If eyes could kill then Song Yu would currently be dead nine times over. The furious demon beast then bent its rabbit legs and pounced towards Song Yu.

Seeing the rabbit flying towards him, Song Yu could not help but feel anxious. He was a scientist in his past life so he never fought any battles. He was actually a weak, little nerd who still had his virginity, let alone being a veteran warrior.

Song Yu quickly activated his *Ice Skates* as he barely avoided the jumping rabbit by skating to his left. He could feel ice cold sweat drip down his back, for if he was a moment late his body would have become a Song Yu flavored pancake. He tried to operate his *Ice Spike* spell but just could not get it up. He was having some serious performance issues...

Song Yu started to slightly panic. His attacking spell would not work because he was too nervous, so all he could do was avoid the rabbits attacks barely escaping with his life each time.

Song Yu had not started to cultivate his Dao Muscles yet, while this rabbit was at the peak of the Dao Muscle stage. The only reason he was able to escape the rabbit was because he had mastered a movement technique, making him slightly faster than the rabbit. However, if this continued he would eventually run out of Ice Heavenly Energy and die. Song Yu felt pretty depressed, he was just a meek scientist, not some strong warrior...

As Song Yu continued to dodge for his life, Little Birds voice appeared in his mind, "Master, Little Bird has noticed that you soon might die. It would be such a horrible death too hehe.. Anyway, Little Bird has developed a feature called, *Battle Mode: Ice Devil*! Would Master like me to activate it?"

Song Yu felt that the heavens were just. He immediately allowed Little Bird to activate, *Battle Mode: Ice Devil*. Song Yu's mind instantly cleared. He no longer felt any emotions. In his mind there was only the target, and the terrain for battle. Nothing else mattered. Looking at the rabbit jumping towards him, Song Yu made no attempt to dodge.

Snow Angel was enjoying her time watching Song Yu struggle. Honestly, she never expected him to have any chance in defeating this Red-Eyed Rabbit. He only got the spells she gave him a for a few hours. How much could he actually learn in that time? She only chose for him to fight this demon beast in the hopes to curbing his arrogance. She would definitely save him if he was in any real danger. Plus it was just so much fun for her to watch him get chased around.

She was pretty surprised that he was able to use the *Ice Skates* so fluently already. However, he was only a five year old kid so his battle ability was extremely poor and he couldn't utilize it to its maximum potential. She continued to enjoy her free show. She decided that she would save him when he ran out of Ice Heavenly Energy.

Suddenly, she saw him stand still with a dull look in his eyes while the rabbit was jumping over to kill him. She thought to herself, "Has Little Brother gotten so scared that he decided to suicide?" She was just about to make her move when the situation made a drastic change.

Song Yu's mind was clear. All he saw was a giant rabbit jumping at him almost as if in slow motion. In his vision it indicated all the weak points of the creature by highlighting them with red dots. Song Yu, with the about the same difficulty as drinking water or breathing air, simultaneously summoned four *Ice Spikes* in the air in front of him. Slightly flicking his index finger, he caused the four *Ice Spikes* to fly towards the red dots on the rabbit. The four dots were respectively located on the rabbits armpits and the joints connecting its legs. The four *Ice Spikes* each hit the desired targets slicing through the rabbit like a knife through butter.

Blood sprayed out of the rabbits wounds, covering Song Yu in blood. The rabbit fell onto the ground in pain. Its body then started to shrink back into its cute looking form. It lied there, unable to move as it cried in pain. Song Yu walked towards the injured creature with a dull look on his face. When he was about a meter away from the creature he stopped and summoned an *Ice Spike*. The *Ice Spike* hovered in the air for a moment, then shot for the final weak point on the rabbit, its throat.

The *Ice Spike* was a centimeter away from piercing into the animal when it suddenly stopped mid flight. Soon the *Ice Spike* vanished, as if it was had never existed, and a pleasant voice was heard, "Little Brother, why take a life when it is not needed. All living things have karma. I brought this creature to spar with you. If you were to kill it wouldn't you be bringing Big Sister bad karma?"

Song Yu turned his dull looking face towards the sound of the voice. When looking at the "being" in front of him, it showed no signs of weakness, and the level of cultivation was unreadable. Luckily the *Battle Mode: Ice Devil* recognized Snow Angel as an ally, thus avoiding an awkward situation where he randomly fled from Snow Angel.

Little Bird ended the *Battle Mode: Ice Devil* and Song Yu's emotions came flooding back into his brain. He looked down at his body covered in blood and then at the injured creature and could not help but shiver. He using the *Battle Mode: Ice Devil* made him into some sort of psychopath killer. Luckily Snow Angel stopped him from killing the rabbit.

Song Yu was not against killing, he just thought it would be pointless to kill a creature that was only fighting because Snow Angel trapped it and it was trying to escape. Song Yu looked towards Snow Angel, he felt thankful towards her but there relationship was not like that, so instead he said, "*Sigh* this is all your fault. When I get angry I even scare myself... Look what you've done. That poor rabbit... I only wanted to feed it a carrot, now look what you made me do..."

Hey Everybody!

Just checking in. How does everyone like the novel so far? We're about done with the slow part and will be traveling to Flame City soon! If you've enjoyed it please leave a review.



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