
Big Sister Snow Angel

The light from the snow man shaped emblem covered the whole mountain peak. Even the Exalted Supreme Elder had to use her hand to block the light from her eyes. As quick as the light came it vanished just as fast, the next second it was gone.

As the four struggled to regain there vision, the sky above their heads suddenly started to turn dark. A pressure that felt like the end of time was near descended down upon the whole Ice Jade Sect. All the disciples in the sect stopped what they were doing and panicked. Fear started to seep into their bones for they have never felt this sort of power before. The only thought that they had in their minds was that they were going to die, there was no chance to escape.

Suddenly a rift in the sky opened up and a girl around the age of sixteen or seventeen walked through it. She had long light blue hair, a small roundish face, and big blue eyes. Her body was slim and graceful. She had a slight frown on her face which emphasized the dimple on her cheek. Strangest of all, is that this girl had a small ice colored snowman imprinted between her eyebrows. If that was all it would only be a little strange... She had snowman shaped earrings, and necklace that had a snowman ornament, and finally her long blue dress that she wore had white snowmen patterns sowed into the fabric.

The strange snowman girl looked down at the Ice Jade Sect still holding that frown on her face. She put her hands on her hips, striking a "strong" and "powerful" pose.

Finally, a cute and melodious voice escaped her cherry red lips, "Who dares bully the Ice Jade Sect?! Where are you at? Don't hide from me! I'll beat you all up!"

While she was talking she took her two tiny fists and made punching motions in the air. The whole sect was quiet as they stared at this strange creature in the air. Everyone in the sect didn't know whether they should laugh or cry as they thought, "The only person who is bullying our Ice Jade Sect is YOU!! We can barely even breath under this pressure you're releasing.."

As the strange snowman girl continued to search for bad guys, the Exalted Supreme Elder finally could not take the awkwardness, and decided to fly up to talk with the girl. She reached the same height as the girl, cleared her throat to get the snow man girls attention then cupped her hands and bowed, "Senior greetings, thank you for coming to my Ice Jade Sect so quickly, however I think there is a little..."

Before the Exalted Supreme Elder could finish her sentence she was interrupted by the snowman girl, "O Song Su it's you! Don't worry no need to explain, I understand what's going on around here..."

The Exalted Supreme Elder let out a sigh of relief. She knew the strange personality of this expert so it's best that the confusion was cleared up before something weird happened...

Right when she thought this the snow man girl finished her sentence, "I can tell that the enemy has infiltrated your sect and now they are holding your disciples hostage! Such outrageous bullies, I'll definitely beat you up!"

With a angry look on her face, the snow man girl looked towards Xun Mountain. All of a sudden Xun Mountain started to shake, the next thing everyone knew the whole mountain was floating high up into the air. The snow man girl made a clenching motion with her fist, which made the mountain start to twist and distort, it seemed as if the the Xia World was trying to expel this mountain from existence. With a small poof sound the Xun Mountain disappeared into the void only leaving behind the Xun Family who all had looks of terror and despair written across their faces.

The snow man lady looked towards disheveled Elder Xun who was also floating where the mountain once stood. The snow man girl humphed and said, "You think you can hide all that killing intent from these eyes by hiding in a mountain?! How dare you think bad thoughts about the Ice Jade Sect."

With that she flew towards Elder Xun and started to use her fists to beat the living day light out of her.

If we flash back to a few hours ago, right after Sect Master Song left with Song Li and Song Yu to go visit the Exalted Supreme Elder, Elder Xun decided to return to her home, Xun Mountain.

Of course, Elder Xun was furious how she was embarrassed my the Sect Master in front of the whole sect. She wished nothing more than to skin the whole Song family alive.

With these thoughts in mind, Elder Xun's mind started racing with creative ideas on how she could get her revenge. Unknown to her, some of her killing intent leaked out of her body into her surroundings. Even if she realized she would not have cared since she was on Xun Mountain, and only Xun family member could enter. Xun Mountain was her safest place in the sect....

Back to the present, the events took a while to explain, but in fact it happened in only a few moments.

Exalted Supreme Elders mouth was agape, as she struggled to comprehend what just happened. She finally managed to snap out of her stupor and yelled quickly, "Senior, please stop! You misunderstand. That is Elder Xun of our sect. Please stop beating her up."

The snow man girl suddenly stopped pummeling Elder Xun. As she looked at the bloody and disfigured Elder Xun, she could not help but feel a tinge of guilt but then it soon vanished. How was she supposed to know that the person releasing killing intent was not trying to destroy the sect?

The snow man girl righteously said, "Elder Xun, although beating you was a little extreme.. You only have yourself to blame for having such a hateful heart. Sigh, not everyone can be a merciful as me.."

As the snow man girl left Elder Xun, feeling very good about herself, Elder Xun was the exact opposite.

"Merciful!?! You think you are merciful! You destroyed my whole mountain! Where will I live now." Elder Xun thought this to herself. Of course she would never say this aloud unless she felt like dying.

The snow man girl flew towards the Exalted Supreme Elder with a happy smile on her face. The Exalted Supreme Elder although feeling exasperated, still matched her smile and said, "Senior thanks for arriving at my sect so fast. Actually there is no current danger with the sect I just wished to discuss a matter with you. If you would be willing to follow me to my mountain peak we can have some tea?"

Although a fifth of the sect was destroyed, Exalted Supreme Elder still had to treat this expert with due respect. The snow man girl nodded her head, "I see. Next time you should just tell me theres no emergency. Why did you make things so difficult haha."

The Exalted Supreme Elder could only smile as she flew with the snow man girl back towards her mountain peak.

The two quickly arrived in front of the small wooden shack and entered through the door. Currently in the small room, Song Li was sitting on a cushion with Song Yu in her arms. The two entered the wooden house after all of the action took place because Song Yu needed to be fed. The Sect Master ended up having to leave to go handle the aftermath of the mountain getting destroyed so that the sect would not fall into chaos.

Song Yu saw two people enter through the door of the shack. The first to enter was the familiar old hunched back lady, followed the snow man lady.

When Song Yu saw the blue haired, blue eyed girl his eyes could not help light up. She was just too beautiful. To compare if we were to say that Song Li was the most beautiful women among mortals than the the snow man lady was the most beautiful women among celestials.

The only thing that made Song Yu frown, was what was up with all the snowmen? Like, is she some obsessed snowman lover?

As Song Yu was daydreaming, Little Birds voice popped into his head, "Master, Do you have a crush on that women? hehe I think Master forgets that he's still a little baby."

Little Bird was right. How could Song Yu even fantasize about that women. Although his mind was that of a twenty year old his body was still just a baby.

As Song Yu was awakened with the cold hard truth, the two women finally sat down in front of a table. Song Li stood up and handed Song Yu to the Exalted Supreme elder as she hurried to prepare tea for the two.

The Exalted Supreme Elder said, "Senior, thank you for coming on such short notice." The snow man girl could not help but smile as she said, "Song Su no need to be polite you can just call me by my name, Snow Angel. So why did you call me this time?"

When Song Yu heard this ladies name he could not help but laugh in his mind, "How could you be named Snow Angel? Shouldn't your name be Snowman hahaha"

Song Yu could understand that Snowman would not be a very appealing name for a women, add to the fact that she has a mark of a snowman between her eyebrows. However, anyone with a brain would now that that shape is a snowman not a snow angel. Clearly this women was a little strange...

Song Li came back and filled the teacups with hot tea. Afterwards she did not stay in the room because she felt it was not her place to stay.

Song Su picked up her cup of tea and blew to cool it down before taking a sip, "The reason that I called you through the emblem is because I want you to take a look at this little guy here."

Snow Angel took a sip of her tea, then shifted her gaze to the bundle in Song Su's arm. Her eyes focused slightly as faint flicker of surprise flashed past.

Song Yu floated out of Song Su's arms and landed in the Jade like hands of Snow Angel. When Song Yu's blue and white eyes met Snow Angels white and blue eyes, he felt as if they shared a similar type of power.

Snow Angel could not help but gasp in shock, "What an amazingly unique existence. He has an Pure Ice Yin body constitution and outrageously high ice affinities."

Song Su could not help but be shocked as well. She knew the boy was special but she was unaware that he had that constitution.

Song Su showed a confused look as she said, "I thought that women were always Yin while men were always Yang.. How can he have such a constitution?"

This world followed Yin and Yang and needed balance. How could a child be born outside this balance?

Snow Angel took another drink of her tea and said, "I have no idea. This world is only a small part of the universe. Theres only so much we can know. It is actually quite unfortunate for this child.."

Hearing this, Song Su's complexion changed and asked, "How so? is he alright?" She was very worried because she hoped Song Yu could bring the Ice Jade Sect to greatness.

Snow Angel Snickered and replied, "O he's perfectly healthy alright. It's just that he's going to be way to beautiful for people to think he's a boy." Snow Angel could not help but giggle as she played with Song Yu;s cheeks.

Song Su exhaled a breath in relief. This women always messed around too much for her liking. Song Su forced smile upon her face, "Snow Angel are you interested in taking this child as a disciple?"

Snow Angel frowned slightly while looking at Song Yu, then a huge bright smile spread across her cherry lips, "Song Su I am too young and pretty to take a disciple. Won't everyone think that I am old if they see me teaching? hehe However, I am not too much older than this little baby so I think that I could be his big sister!" Snow Angel put a big smug smile on her face.

On the other hand, Song Su kind of had an uneasy look on her face. She was hoping for Snow Angel to take him as her disciple. Does having a Big Sister come with any benefits?

Snow Angel seeing the unhappy look on Song Su's face, easily understood what she was thinking, "HaHa Don't worry Song Su. I have a plan for him."

After saying that she messed with her storage ring for a short moment and pulled out a similar looking storage ring and handed it to Song Su. "This ring is filled with heavenly ice materials such as herbs and natural wonders that can strengthen body constitution and increase ice affinity. It is also filled with Extreme Yin Water. My plan is for you to use these herbs and wonders on him over the next five years. During these five years he is not to start cultivating. Also he needs to take a bath in Extreme Yin Water once everyday. Five years later I will return back to the sect to come steal by Junior Brother to travel the world. We're gonna have so much fun hehe" Snow Angel started to laugh while looking at Song Yu.

Song Su was very happy with this plan. How could she not be? A member of her sect got a bunch of heavenly wonders and is going to travel the world with a powerful expert. What could be better than that.

Song Yu was excited for another reason. Getting all that free stuff is cool in all, but he gets to travel the world with an Immortal Fairy. Now that is living life to the fullest.

Snow Angel looked at Song Yu and said, "Call me Big Sister Snow Angel!" while giggling.

Song Yu looked into her eyes and said, "Nah, I'll call you Wifey Number 1"

So if you noticed I did change the title of the book. I think the new title better emulates where I hope to bring this project. I hope everyone is enjoying the novel so far. We are about to finally get to some cultivation(Finally). Thanks for the support!

HeavensTurtleShellcreators' thoughts