
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · ファンタジー
70 Chs

17. Striking a Deal 2




Livia's POV:



As the academy school ring announcing the afternoon break, I heard the professor mentioning something about the class after the break and where it will take place. However, my mind was preoccupied of something.

' Taking a glance at the farthest seat to the back' I saw the same student that was on my mind, speaking casually with who seemed to be his friend. It is more like his friend was the one doing the talking.


How did he know? No who is he? Did my sister reveal what I was doing? But I am sure that she would never do such a stupid thing.

A couple more scenarios were going through my head as the same student walked out of the class.

" I guess I have no choice but to ask him directly "




Arthur's POV:

Cafes, they're the biggest scam in history. In my original word, I never bought a coffee from a cafe unless I wanted to stay there to study.

" Just how crazy can people become just so they pay almost ten folds the price for just some coffee?"

I wasn't a stingy person, but I wasn't an idiot either.

Trying to calm myself down I got inside the cafe and went to the barista.

" Welcome, what can I get for you?"

" One water please"

'Typing something in the screen' The barista replied

" Sure that would be five bronze coins"

" F-five? why, It is just water"

The barista gave me a look of annoyance and said.

" It is spring water"

"O..oh, fine"

That's why I hate cafes, who the hell likes water with some sand and iron taste. Honestly, I wouldn't drink that for free.

' Ignoring the useless tantrums' I searched for my sugar m… deal partner.

And as I thought, I found her sitting at the side table and strangely there was no one at the cafe except for us.

I sat down and looked at what she got…. And as expected from the richest teen. She had something that looked real good which is probably real expensive.

Going back to the main topic I greeted her.

" Hi miss Livia, you are probably wondering how I knew of your position"

Without hesitation she answered with confidence.

" Yes, F ranker Arthur Riverblood"

Heh... she already got my profile. She wasn't the richest for no reason. Cautiousness is one of the very important traits of a merchant, and thinking about it now… she probably paid the cafe to give us privacy and close the shop for now. Maybe her bodyguards were hiding somewhere here as well.

'Thanking the novel for giving me such knowledge beforehand' I replied indifferent to her bringing out my ranking.

" Don't worry, I just have a merchandise that I would like to sell"

She seemed to be a bit surprised of how I nonchalantly replied to her, but I really don't care. I just wanna get the gold and leave.

' Nodding as if she somehow believed me?' She replied

" Hmm? What could a commoner with no backing offer to us?"

She wasn't lying that I was a commoner but the words that she heard next shocked her entirely.

" Project ' Galactic Exploration '. Have you heard of it?"


She seemed bewildered of what I said. Of course this is classified as a top secret that non of the elite families neither Lexun have any Idea about.

Before the first demons invasion, a top secret project was ongoing. ' galactic exploration ' was the research of the spaceship and trying to analyze its functions. Of course the location was never mentioned as only a minority of the high social members were allowed to access its location. After the demons invasion every single high social member, who were involved in the project, were killed by Bahl and his demons during ' the bloody day'. However, a single article that mentioned the existence of the ship was currently held in the merchant group ' Golden seagull '. The article contents were bizarre and almost unbelievable, but the stamp on it was very identical which make one wonder whether it was a fake or not. Livia knew from other signs like how the ancestors of the elite families were somehow linked in a similar project, but even their descendants never knew. She was looking for any link to that article.

Livia responded with a sense of excitement but worry at the same time

" What do you mean?"

I don't really understand her passion in spaceships. Actually, that will make more sense because she is a child.

' ignoring the stupid idea that crossed my mind' I said

" The spaceship, I know Its location"

The reason why I didn't need proof to back my claims is because I know of the functions and what artifacts she had. One of them was the amulet that she is currently wearing. It is an Epic grade ' Emotion Jewelry '. It changes its color to red once it detect a lie.

' Checking her amulet' she was confused of why the amulet wasn't changing colors.

' Looking at the time' I found that I didn't have much time, so I had to hurry up before the end of the break.

" The amulet is working fine, I didn't lie to you"

Once I said those words a shadow appeared right behind where I was. Probably one of her bodyguards. Then Livia said with cautiousness and a hint of threat.

" Who are you? Which organization do you come from?"

I looked at the bodyguard who was probably at least a B rank from his pressure. It was getting more troublesome and the pressure made it difficult for me to breath so I had to use it.

[ Activating Epic Grade Artifact 'Ring of Wisdom' ]

[ Calculating the duration of the effect…. ]

[ 30 minutes until the effect runs out ]

I felt a sudden calm sensation taking over me. It was kinda like a sedative but didn't make me sleepy but rather more attentive.

I was annoyed. I didn't do a good job with making deals, but her method of threatening me was very annoying.

But at the same time I can't fight here. She will probably be scolded as the first rank and the famous genius sister of the rich merchant group. As for me? Who doesn't have a family or backing? Immediate expulsion isn't a exaggeration to say.

I thought of an idea of how to escape this situation, many ideas popped. Then looking at her amulet, a bold yet possible idea appeared, so I said.

" Stop this stupid threatening. I can kill both of you If I want to. Check your amulet if you don't believe me"

Livia seemed surprised as the situation turned from threatening to being threatened. Just in case she checked her amulet, but the amulet didn't change its color at all?

" H-How… You are an F rank I am sure that It said F rank in your student evaluation test"

I wasn't lying. If I use the vampire lord curse with all my mana, both her and her bodyguard will die. However, I might die as well from the side effects, but they have no idea about that.

So I replied confidently, " would you like to try me?"

As the atmosphere grew colder and colder.

The bodyguard seemed to be fed up as all he could sense from me was an E rank. He attacked me with a binding skill from afar just in case I got a counter attack or some trick up my sleeve.

A weird purple colored strings of magic tried to rap around me…..

And then….

[ Warning! a B rank skill is attacking the host!]

[ S rank skill ' The void ' has been activated…..]

[ ...The skill protected the host successfully… calculating the cool down time...]

[ Cool down time is 1 hour from now...]


... a large space like portal appeared around me and swallowed the binding strings as if they were mere noodles.


The bodyguard seemed shocked as his binding skill was trashed without effort.

I was now defenseless. If he tried that again, I would be squirming at the ground like a worm.

Shit...there is no going back...' Continuing my bluff' I said

" You attacked shall I retaliate now?"

The bodyguard guard sensed the danger, and immediately stood beside Livia to protect her. Livia just stood there in a daze. She couldn't comprehend how I was a danger.

I turned towards the exit and said while walking outside " The deal is still up, I will forget what you have done today. If you want the spaceship, bring me something of similar value"

I left the cafe as both Livia and her bodyguard were staring at me in a daze.


