
EXTRA: In The World Of Mages

Michael a normal teenager found himself in the world of novel when he wake up inside the body of Ian a teenager who awakened rather special talent and the protagonist-half brother who never was part of the story

IanHolmes · ファンタジー
13 Chs


"Well you said you were gonna transmigrate my soul into someone else's body so who will it be"

"That's a surprise but don't worry i will slowly transfer all the memories of the person in you such that you won't face any personality disorders and at the same time you will perfectly blend with him"

"Well his looks and talents?"

"He is handsome and for talent, it's human but then also i will change the talent in something comparable to mine"

"Wait if you can do so much why don't you just resurrect yourself and start again?"

"Well i don't want to"

"Immortality may sound something powerful and be a dream for many but in reity it's a curse and eternal curse of boredom that i don't want to experience it again"

"Why me? In the world i don't think i am the only one who is alone there are millions of people comparable or better than me"

"Why don't you just enjoy what you get."


"There may be thousands like you and better than you but it's my choice to choose you so just eat mangoes till you are full there is no need to count them"

"You are already dead, I'm giving you a chance to live again so do you want that or not"

"I want that "

"Good now anything else you want to ask"

"Uhm can I get your knowledge"

"Why don't you ask directly for a blowjob"

"Excuse me?"

"You already are so overpowered because of my element which i created and now you want my knowledge as well for which i studied hard for a few quadrillion years"

"I'm sorry but can i really get some of the things that will make things easier"

"Oh okay what you want?"

"Weapon handling and rune knowledge"

"Runes? it's easy and i can give that to you but weapons only 4 weapon skills"

"Perfect, I want is of a bow or a gun, swords, spear and dagger mastery"

"Okay I will also give you a growth type special weapon made by me as a gift with it"

"Oh really thank you"

"sigh Now if everything is done i will star..."

"W-wait just a second"

"Now what?"

This time Lucifer's voice wasn't friendly at all, it really scared Michael.

"Oh that i haven't seen you yet so can I see how you look like?"

"I'm dead i don't have any body, if you want to see my body go and look at my corpse which Alex used for himself"

"Now it's time for you to go"


A sound of snap echoed and Michael's consciousness was all gone and in his mind unknown memories began to play, of a little boy who was born in a wealthy family playing happily with his childhood friends and little sisters, but one day everything changes his father had an affair and his little sister was result of his mother's infidelity.

The beautiful family of his got collapsed and in their fight he was abandoned, they both got a divorce and started their new lives with their new family and his little sisters but he was left alone, he was sent to an orphanage where he grew up, he became cold and alienated people around him, he lived silently and after reaching age of 15 as an adult he left the orphanage and started living on his own, he is calm and calculative person but very volatile when it's something related to his family and not because he loves them but because he hates them to his core, a month ago he was awakened and is in coma since then, soon knowledge about runes began to enter my brain it was so much that it will take billions of years to acquire it by yourself and after it was over the knowledge about swordsmanship, spearmanship, marksmanship and all entered my brain it was not as much as that of runes but then also was result of millions of years of hardwork.

This all may look like something way overpowered and out of league but it's not even if i have perfect knowledge of these skills i still can't use them, what i just got is just reference or you can say how to properly use a weapon and making it come to reality i will need to practice hard and become strong enough to handle them.

"Sigh i thought I would directly become a master in all of these but it seems like that's not the case"

Even if it was not as expected it was still very good and i think it's better to work hard yourself as Lucifer said that it's boring to be an immortal i don't want to die by boredom so it's better to learn all of the things by myself.

At the end of the day i was very happy by getting such good things but when my memories were perfectly blended I wanted to curse so badly at the old lizard because my identity was of,

"I'm the half brother of the protagonist"