
Extra's Pov

When you think everything's going well, the world will be publicizing his middle finger in your face. I lived a great life, a lovely family, great friends, a good job... I owned everything. Not only that, but I was also a writer... It was my hobby that I loved very much, as my novel “The Land of Survival” was a great success... Little did i realize at the time , that she would be the main reason for turning my life around, i was reincarnated inside my novel l, and worse than that........ inside the body of the much-hated villain frey. That failed villain who dies from the beginning. If a novel has 100 tracks, it will die in 99 of them... and I was not joking here. But who cares about it? I don't want this life... I've already owned everything... Spare me the second chances nonsense... Because one is enough for me.. Fu*k this world and fu*k the son of the b*tch who brought me here... I'm going back to my world... To my life... Whatever it takes.

just_an_extra1 · ファンタジー
12 Chs

A Step Into Hell Part 1

300 years ago, during the War of Light, the conflict intensified between humans and the extermination squad of a malignant race.

Demons waged war on many life forms throughout this vast universe, and humans were not their only target.

In fact, humans were not the strongest among their targets, but this did not change the fact that the first extermination squad that entered the human domain was enough to push humans to the brink of extinction.

During that time, many people awakened their powers thanks to the changes that occurred on the planet.

At that time, the star of the greatest warrior and the first emperor of this world, 'kazys Valerion,' shone.

He managed to fight off higher-ranked demons and, in the end, sacrificed himself by igniting his soul to close the rift and prevent the demons from entering.

This legendary existence left his will wandering around the world for decades, waiting for someone worthy of his power to emerge.

And this chosen one was Snow, the protagonist of the story, whom I had to defeat.

My fist clenched at the thought.

The one-sword style was undoubtedly a formidable technique...

Currently, I was without technique... A swordsman without a martial technique was essentially nothing...

No matter how much he trained or what he did, he would never be able to reach true strength.

But I wasn't concerned about that. Let's talk a bit about the hero who has been revered by many in this world, 'Single Sword Kazys Valerion'.

Was he strong? My answer is yes. He was a superpowered, SSS-class entity with enough power to shake the world.

But was he the strongest among humans? My answer is no

The One Sword style was undoubtedly great, but it was not the only one. These are things I know as the originator of this story. However, the One Sword created an illusion that this world believed in.

During the War of Light, many formidable warriors emerged who may have surpassed the One Sword itself.

For instance, the sword god "Cavalon" and the godfather of the black death "Chun Ma". Both of them could accomplish what the One Sword did, and more.

But they were aware of the truth. The power to close the rift, which still exists today, is merely child's play for the Demon King. Even the strongest of his higher demons would be enough to breach the defense that others thought was impregnable.

If it weren't for the large-scale war waged by the devils against various races, Earth would have perished without a trace.

Realizing this, warriors like the Sword God were not interested in the idea of closing the rift or making a noble sacrifice.

They were warriors... bloodthirsty by nature. Even before awakening their powers, they were natural fighters, madmen who sought to bring war to the Demon Realm by crossing the rift and wreaking havoc.

What I was currently pursuing was one of these lunatics' methods... Chun Ma's '10,000 Steps of Shadow' technique.

Without it, my entire plan would be rendered useless.

I needed a style like this, no matter what, if I wanted to have even a chance.

Fortunately, I knew where he was. The protagonist of the story is supposed to encounter him in the distant future while searching for a weapon.

At that time, the protagonist discovered Chun Ma's sword and fighting style, even though he already possessed the one-sword style. In fact, the entire event was intended to familiarize readers with some of the legends from the past era.

I knew where Chun Ma was, but that was the problem. Chun Ma was a fighter with Chinese roots, and his style resided within his own sect in what used to be the Himalayas in China. However, this place was now known as the Nightmare Lands, infested with monsters whose strength exceeded S class. The chances of surviving such a journey from the Eastern Frontier Empire were close to zero.

But did that mean I would give up? Certainly not. I had a plan up my sleeve, although most of it was based on guesswork. However, as someone who had built everything in this world from scratch, I trusted my instincts.

Whether I succeeded or not would be decided in the days to come.

Without realizing it, i was already asleep.

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Early in the morning, as usual, I woke up to find myself on my bed in the playground. I had stopped counting the number of times I woke up on that ceiling already. Following the habits of this body, I used to wake up at six in the morning and take a long shower due to my obsession with cleanliness. I spent the rest of the time doing what I wanted.

But today was different. At seven o'clock, I would take my first step into this world. We were embarking on a three-day trek to the Oaklas Mountains, where the Starlight family's headquarters were located. It was the first time I had ever left the Starlight Palace. I felt like a bird leaving its cage.

As excited as I was , I was nervous at the same time.

I picked out some clothes from Fry's giant wardrobe and left my room.

The servants had already prepared everything and I found Ada waiting for me downstairs.

She was going to accompany me during the inauguration.

In the main story, it was something impossible... for Ada to agree to accompany Fry or live with him.

But here we go... The Starlight siblings together for the first time.

I took the seat across from her and quietly ate my breakfast, for, apart from our good morning greetings, Ada and I had not spoken at breakfast for the past month.

I was not disturbed by this, for as long as the cooperative relationship existed between us, I did not ask for more than that.

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Ada Starlight's Pov

I couldn't help but watch it.

It's been a month since I moved in with my little brother, who was nicknamed the Devil.

I hated him to the core, he was a corrupt and evil being who did not deserve to be part of this family and this is what I believed in with all my heart.

So I refused to believe what was happening...

In the past, Fry caused disasters wherever he went... irresponsible, self-interested...

But why did he change?

First, he relinquished his title and his privileges to me and fulfilled what were my biggest dreams, to the point of disbelief at first.

That day I started watching him… my little brother, Fry.

He suddenly started doing a routine training that he repeated every day, he started asking me for different training potions and sometimes asking me some strange questions... questions he was supposed to be aware of the answers to..

What's even stranger than that... Frey stopped torturing the servants, he was calm.. he always screamed for the simplest things and got into fits of rage that caused disasters..

In the past, he harassed the ladies of the major families and had always been in love with the daughter of the Moonlight family's lord.. But somehow he hasn't shown any interest for the past month.

He became cold and apathetic... He always looked anxious as if those shoulders were bearing the weight of the mountains.. When he told me earlier that he wanted to focus on his sword art and stay away from the nonsense of the family, especially a family that wanted to kill him... Those last words made me I feel bitter..

Did I pity himself ? No...he deserves all the contempt after all he's done.

But... if somehow he decides to change and finally get serious... back to that cute little brother he used to be..

Then I'll protect him with everything I've got..

Those were my thoughts as I looked at his back as we walked out of the Starlight Palace amidst the servants who bowed to us.

Today we will start our journey towards the main family residence.

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Fry Starlight's Pov:

I got into the carriage that was waiting for us at the gate of the palace.

I sat inside with Ada, who was in front of me. I had not yet become accustomed to the strange technologies that the inhabitants of this world lived on.

This car was like a limousine except for the fact that it didn't have any tires and was floating in the air..

I remember writing about something like this in the past... Aura powered cars flying over the ground.

But seeing it in action, I couldn't help but admit how ridiculous the idea was.

The car trembled as the driver made a decision to proceed.

An armored car led the way, while riders followed behind to ensure our protection throughout the journey. It was a considerable distance we were about to cover—over a thousand kilometers, to be precise.

Although the trip wasn't originally slated to take three full days, two reasons justified the extended duration.

Firstly, the skies were perilous due to menacing creatures that now dominated the airspace. Flying at high altitudes poses a significant risk.

Secondly, our destination played a role. The Starlight HQ, being a military base itself, lacked nearby teleportation gates found in other major cities within the Empire.

Thus, this was the path we had chosen.

The scenes outside raced by as I peered through the window of the airborne limousine. Occasionally, I observed people and vehicles defying gravity, gliding above the roads.

Unfamiliar and fantastical architecture greeted my eyes.

I saw some strange architecture that I had only seen in my imagination in the past. It brought me joy to witness the realization of the world I had envisioned, yet a tinge of sadness accompanied it, knowing that I was now a part of this reality.

As the scenery rapidly changed before me, I couldn't help but yearn for a repetition of the past, when I was with my family in the car. Desperately, I wished for that radiant light to reappear and transport me back to my own world.

As the rapidly shifting scenery unfolded, I longed for a recurrence of the previous experience when I was with my family in the car. I yearned for that ethereal light to appear and transport me back to my own world. However, such a wish remained one-sided.

"Fry," Ada called out.


"It's nothing." Ada turned her head, refraining from voicing her thoughts.

"If you have something to say, just say it already. Perhaps this pleasant journey might be our last opportunity to speak freely," I encouraged her.

I spoke earnestly, aware that I was likely embarking on a perilous and protracted journey that held the potential to end my life.

"I know, don't worry about me... I spoke without thinking"

I noticed a glimpse of sadness on Ada's face, but I was unaware of the reason behind it.

Little did I know that Ada simply wanted to ask me, "Fry, why do you always look sad?"

How could I have known? I didn't always have a mirror to manage my expressions.

Three days passed by quicker than expected. We made occasional stops at predetermined resting places, resuming our journey each morning.

Finally, we arrived at the Starlite Lands.

I looked up and saw the majestic sight of towering mountains piercing through the clouds—the Oaklas Mountains. Stretching for thousands of kilometers, these mountains acted as a natural barrier against the Nightmare Lands. Right in the heart of these mountains lay the Starlight Family's base.

As we approached our destination, I couldn't hide my astonishment at the scene before me. A colossal facility appeared, defying the mountains that surrounded it. It resembled a small city, with palaces built upon one another, forming an architectural masterpiece.

"Amazing," I muttered in awe.

In contrast, Ada chuckled softly as she witnessed my expression of indifference shatter for the first time.

The car came to a stop, and we stepped out, greeted by armored guards. I couldn't help but flinch in their presence, feeling an invisible pressure emanating from them.

Their strength surpassed mine, emphasizing their superiority. Although my rank was only F, the sheer power possessed by mere gatekeepers startled me involuntarily.

This further confirmed the immense power wielded by Starlight.

The riders greeted Ada and me, and we entered the building. The guards, with serious expressions under their helmets, showed no emotions, as if they were robotic.

We stepped into a large arena, filled with a strong sense of importance. Inside, many soldiers were training vigorously. They shouted and practiced different fighting techniques, some even engaging in unarmed combat.

What fascinated me the most was the large number of people using guns. Yes, in this world, they had firearms. This was because not everyone had special abilities, and guns provided an alternative way to fight, especially during the war with demons.

These guns were advanced and fired special bullets infused with aura. They allowed anyone to join the fights.

Of course, compared to swords and other traditional weapons, guns were not as powerful. However, they still made a noticeable impact in battles. I was eager to find my own fighting style and needed a way to protect myself. And now, I had the opportunity right in front of me.

While I was busy watching the guns and bullets flying around, I didn't notice a large man approaching me. It was only when he exerted a strong pressure on me, making me feel like kneeling, that I realized his presence. When I looked at him, I saw a strong, muscular man with long white hair and a scary appearance. He had a scar over his right eye.

I was about to react, but Ada quickly stood in front of me. "Long time no see, General Byron," she said calmly.

The imposing man named Byron seemed to calm down a bit upon seeing Ada. He smiled and said, "Well, well, look who decided to grace us with their presence... It's been a while since I last saw you, Miss Ada... And, of course, Lord Frey." He spoke with a harsh tone and displayed his dislike when he mentioned my name. He had just praised Ada, but when it came to me, he seemed disgusted.

I chose to remain silent and let Ada take the lead. "Your strength as an A-rank is still impressive, Byron," she said confidently, "but I hope you will follow the rules when facing the Family Lord."

Hearing Ada's tone, both Byron and I were surprised. His thoughts were likely, "Since when has Miss Ada been defending Fry?!"

Similarly, I couldn't help but think, "Why would Ada defend me? She hated Fry after all..."

Eventually, Byron reluctantly apologized and stepped aside, though his contemptuous expression remained. As expected, Fry was disliked by everyone here.

After all, he was a notorious villain who met his demise in every storyline.

However, Ada's actions instilled a newfound respect in me for my sister. Byron may have been an A-grade individual, but Ada, despite being a D-grade, proved herself through her remarkable achievements within the family. Despite her young age, she efficiently managed the family's business, earning the admiration of everyone.

A subtle smile formed on my lips. "You truly have an incredible sister, Fry."

Standing next to Ada, I made my way to this monster's lair

(It's sad to see the low views and poor support.

I hope you will at least provide some reviews, sharing your opinions on whether the novel is on a good path or if it should be discontinued)