
Extra's Magic


Gurdon · ファンタジー
209 Chs

Combat Exam (16)


My ears were filled with the swift rush of the wind.

My hair was tangled and dancing in the air, the strands intertwining like a wild, untamed spirit.

I was falling.

The snow-covered ground was rushing towards me, getting closer with each passing second.


The impact reverberated through my body as I landed on the hard, unforgiving ground.

Instantly, I lost sensation in my legs.

The pain was bearable but the sudden partial paralysis sent a jolt of panic through me.

I needed to ingest a Health Potion as soon as possible.


Groaning in frustration, I quickly accessed my Spatial Ring and reached for a glass vial containing a shimmering red liquid.


Unstoppering the potion, a faint smell of fish wafted through the air, making my nose scrunch up in disgust.

'Why does it have to be fish-flavored?