
Voices of the Chord [2]


Stepping forward, Brandon immediately halted after hearing Raven call out to him.

"Where are you going?"

"I have something to do."

He couldn't tell him.

He couldn't tell any of them.

Especially Sarah.

"There's Wraith Beasts inside that forest."

Sporting a frown, Claire chimed in as she held the unconscious Rachel in her arms.

"...I know."

"Then if you knew, then why go?"

Brandon didn't respond. But the look in his eye told Claire what he was about to do.

She turned to glance at Sarah who looked at her back with a confused expression.


Everything revolved around Sarah. She didn't need to involve herself even further.

She had lost enough already.

"Brandon, you should wait."

All of a sudden, Raven approached Brandon.

"Vanessa's coming, along with Reinhard and Liam."

"...I see."