
This is what winter feels like [1]

It was a cold day.

Snowflakes gradually fell from the sky. The ground, covered by sleek snow sheets.


Carl adorned a white sweater with tears and holes etched on it, and a pair of worn-out brown boots. 

Looking at his side, it seemed like Emi had finished her preparations.

Finishing up his shoelace, Carl stood up.

"Let's go Emi."




Carl rubbed his shoulders from the cold breeze. Despite bundling himself up, it still wasn't enough.

Looking around, the people living in the slums looked at him with pity in their eyes.

He was used to this sight by now. People pitied the two siblings, and yet none would rise to the occasion and help them.

Bunch of hypocrites.

But not all of them were like that.

"Good morning, Carl. Going somewhere?"

There was a kind old man who would always try to give them food.

"Yes, Mister Eren."

"You seem cold, here."