
Chapter 18 The Adventure Begins

Dihua Marsh, named after the extensive growth of reeds in the shallow waters, is a natural wetland located in the northern part of Liyue.

It is formed by the deposition plains and shallow waters influenced by the flow of the Bishui River. The waterfall at the northwest corner is quite famous among travelers. Abundant in aquatic plants and rich in resources, it is fertile soil surrounding the Qingce Village.

Lakes and rivers crisscross, forming a diverse ecosystem composed of various flora and fauna, creating excellent scenery for travelers.

At the same time, Dihua Marsh is also a must-pass route from Mondstadt to Liyue by land, so there are often caravans resting here. The Wanshu Inn, built deep in the river beach, is the iconic building here.

Today, a group of four people broke the tranquility of the early morning and arrived at the landmark of Dihua Marsh, the Wanshu Inn, built on a huge rock pillar.

Half a month ago, Xingqiu brought Chongyun excitedly to the Wanmin Restaurant, saying that he had found an ancient map that recorded an ancient ruin, which might contain the legacy of ancient heroes. He asked Xiangling to help prepare some dry food, as he and Chongyun were going on an adventure.

The location marked on Xingqiu's map is the marshy reed plain in Dihua Marsh. In the folk legends of Liyue, this place is where the rustling of reeds, the croaking of frogs, and the singing of birds can be heard, and it is also the final resting place for countless ancient heroes.

So, after Xingqiu got the map, he eagerly pulled Chongyun, who was practicing at home, and prepared to embark on an adventure to search for ancient heroes.

And Xiangling happened to be going to Dihua Marsh too, not for adventure like Xingqiu, but to pass through Dihua Marsh and then head to Spring Vale, from where she could go to Mondstadt.

Yes, Xiangling wanted to go to Mondstadt. After listening to countless stories about Mondstadt adventures, half true and half false, from Wang Daoyi, Xiangling became very interested in the wild boars of Springvale mentioned in the stories, as well as the ancient snow boars sealed in the mountains. But what interested Xiangling the most was the rumored rampant dragon; yes, she wanted to taste the flavor of dragon meat.

And Wang Dao Yi was the one who was called over by Chef Mao out of concern, to become Xiangling's bodyguard.

The four of them traveled day and night, traversing mountains and rivers, and finally arrived at the Wanshu Inn half a month later.

In fact, at a normal pace, they should have taken at least a month to reach the Wanshu Inn.

It was because Xingqiu was afraid of being discovered by the Feiyun Commerce Guild, so he deliberately set off early, and all four of them were holders of Visions, with good physical fitness. Under the continuous journey day and night, they arrived at the Wanshu Inn half a month ahead of schedule.

"So tall!" Arriving at the foot of the Wanshu Inn, Xiangling couldn't help but exclaim.

Although she often foraged for ingredients in the wild, it was mostly in Tianheng Mountain and near Qingce Village. This was Xiangling's first time in Dihua Marsh.

Wang Daoyi didn't feel much. Compared to the awe-inspiring buildings of his past life, the Wanshu Inn only gave him a sense of novelty, rather than shock.

"Wanshu Inn is located between Dihua Marsh and Guili Plains. With no one around for miles, the higher it is built, the better it can guide travelers!" Wang Daoyi explained with a smile to Xiangling.

"Four guests, would you like to have a meal or stay overnight?" Although it was still early in the misty morning, the waiter of the Wanshu Inn was already welcoming guests at the door.

"Get us some breakfast for four people and a room!" Xingqiu took off the jade plaque from his waist and threw it to the waiter. "Charge it to the Feiyun Commerce Guild!"

The waiter took the jade plaque thrown by Xingqiu, recognizing it as the plaque of the Feiyun Commerce Guild, which was usually only held by high-ranking members.

As a junction between the commercial routes of Mondstadt and Liyue, the Wanshu Inn naturally had cooperation with the Feiyun Commerce Guild.

With Xingqiu's jade plaque in hand, the waiter led the four into the inn. He had to register with the innkeeper with the jade plaque before returning it to Xingqiu.

Wang Dao Yi followed everyone into the inn, keenly aware that someone seemed to be watching him.

He glanced at the rooftop of the Wanshu Inn.

[It should be Xiao watching me!]

These days, he almost went to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor to find Zhongli every day, following Zhongli to listen to operas and drink tea. Zhongli was willing to take him along, probably using Wang Daoyi as a moving wallet.

Frequent contact with Zhongli would inevitably bring some of Zhongli's aura onto him. Although very weak, to Xiao, Zhongli's aura was as eye-catching as a beacon in the dark.

Shaking his head, Wang Dao Yi withdrew his gaze. Since it was Xiao, then there was nothing to worry about.

He didn't plan to look for Xiao either. They weren't familiar yet, so there was no need to stick to him. Once he got Zhongli on his side, capturing Xiao would be a piece of cake.


Wanshu Inn, top floor.

Xiao also withdrew his gaze from watching Wang Daoyi.

[The aura of the Lord, is this ordinary person a friend of the Lord in the mortal realm?]

Xiao pondered, as if sensing something, he looked towards the deep waters of Dihua Marsh and turned into a streak of green light, disappearing into the sky.


"I and Chongyun will rest at the Wanshu Inn for the morning. In the afternoon, we'll set off to explore the ruins in the marsh reeds. What about you two?"

Eating breakfast, Xingqiu began to plan their next move.

"I don't mind. It mainly depends on Xiangling's opinion."

Wang Daoyi shrugged. He indeed had no opinion and was just planning to follow Xiangling, embarking on a picnic journey.

Come on, she's a little chef from Liyue. Following her means you won't go hungry.

Seeing everyone looking at her, Xiangling swallowed the shrimp dumpling in her mouth with embarrassment. "Then I'll do the same as you guys, rest first, and set off for Spring Vale in the afternoon. We won't stay here overnight."

The chef at Wanshu Inn is indeed skilled. After finishing all the breakfast on the table, the four went to their rooms to rest.

Because Wang Daoyi and Xiangling were not staying overnight, Xingqiu only booked one room, and of course, Chongyun stayed with Xingqiu. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

As a wandering hero, Xingqiu knew very well that the most taboo thing when traveling is to separate from one's companions. So, when he and Chongyun went out, they always stayed in the same room. If they were in the wilderness, they would share a tent.

Time passed, and the sun rose to its zenith.

The four rested in their rooms for the morning, but thanks to them all being holders of Visions, after fifteen days and nights of continuous travel, they only needed a morning's rest to recover. If it were ordinary people, they would have been lying in bed unable to move long ago.

After packing up, they set off separately. Xingqiu and Chongyun entered the marshy reed plain to search for the ruins marked on the map, while Wang Daoyi and Xiangling headed towards Spring Vale.

Leaving the Wanshu Inn, they continued north, passing by the One of the Seven Statue of Dihua Marsh, and after several days of travel, the two finally caught a distant glimpse of the gate connecting Mondstadt and Liyue — Stone Gate.

"Xiangling, how do you feel? Are you tired?"

Seeing sweat beads already forming on Xiangling's forehead, Wang Dao Yi asked with concern.

"I'm okay!" Xiangling wiped the sweat off her forehead. "It's just a bit hot. The sun is really big today. Brother Daoyi, how much farther do we have to go?"

"We've already passed the One of the Seven Statue and the Stone Bridge. After passing through a small market, we'll reach Spring Vale." Wang Daoyi looked up at the sky; indeed, the sun was quite big today, hotter than the previous days. "Let me estimate. At our speed, we should arrive at Spring Vale before dinner."

"Then let's speed up!"

Hearing that they were almost there, Xiangling showed a happy smile and accelerated her pace energetically.

(End of Chapter)