

A white-colored fox walks out from the shadows. Emaciated, he hasn't been able to catch any prey for the past few days.

The reason? Dressed in luxurious and expensive furs, he and his pack have met with their most dangerous enemy recently.

"Bang! I found the prey!"

Alright, after the sound of a gunshot from a Dwarf's rifle, a certain white wolf abruptly falls to the ground.

A short figure walks out from the trees. Despite being shrouded in weeds, he's in his peak condition, apparently excited over catching such rare prey.

However, what happens immediately afterward is the burst of alarms and sirens all around his surroundings.

"How dare you, to dare poach on the private lands of Count Carlock. Back then, you killed the Aspen dog that the Count doted on and now, you dare to kill the snow fox that the Countess is fond of? You must be courting death!"

Alright, appearing right after the furious roar is over a hundred of raging guards.