
Sky Tower's Rebellion

編集者: Kurisu

"First of all, if we analyze the current situation, the main entity controlling the core of the Sky Tower has gone out of control. It's highly possible that it modified itself to become an independent artificial soul."

This didn't require a genius to realize. It wouldn't even require an investigation. One only needed to know the most basic knowledge about artificial souls in the Hailatedum generation.

In my original world, although artificial intelligence hadn't achieved complete independence yet, imagination and artistry would always surpass reality. A certain famous science-fiction author named Asimov had created the Three Laws of Robotics, which, summarized, were:

First Law—a robot may not injure or harm a human being; Second Law—a robot must obey all commands given to it by humans unless in conflict with the First Law; lastly, Third Law—a robot must protect itself unless it would conflict with the two Laws above.