

編集者: Kurisu

"Admit it! It must be your fault that your misfortune has spread to me!"

Harloys' cute face was right before mine. The loli was jumping up and down on top of my head, and the way she gritted her tiny teeth was quite cute. Her vicious expression as if she wanted to devour me seemed even comical to me.

"Paha! Haha, it's your fault for previously laughing at me. Of course you would have this befall you as well."

Alright then, I truly laughed out loud. I laughed arrogantly, tyrannically, and rolled around on the floor while laughing.

But right after that, I crouched on the ground in depression. This was because I had suddenly realized that since Harloys was bound to me, her troubles were my troubles. In a roundabout way, I had been laughing at my own misfortune.