
"Foolish apes, how dare you despise my existence, I am the omniscient magic mirror."

"Is that so? What's the answer for 1692321 x 768392, answer that in 3 seconds!"

"10.000065917832 trillion. Impressed, kid? You thought that my almighty creator would forget to equip me with a calculator?"

After hearing that, the silver-haired muscular guy was stunned, but he did not answer, he was still counting.

"... Let's assume that you are correct, let me tell you, it's not because I can't calculate it out, father taught me multiplications before."

Just from the looks, this good looking muscular guy was behaving like a living hero from a classic mythology, he was tall and fit, thickly built and had delicate features on the face… Well, this may be contradictory, but isn't there something strange known as in this world?