

編集者: Kurisu

"Karo: surname and age unclear. Blonde with blue eyes, has a full beard which obscures his face, but he looks older than he sounds. It's unknown when he showed up at Rhino Tavern, but he's been here for almost half a year now. He's good at cheating during gambling. People call him "The God of Tavern Gambling". He's never had a proper job, as his main source of income comes from winning bets against adventurers. He's especially good at Gwent and Hearthstone type card games. As for why he specializes in cheating, it's because he's won and lost in card games, but when tallying it up in the end, you would definitely be the one in red. However, as the game's so thrilling and interesting, you wouldn't lose that much in a single round. There will always be some bored person who're willing to give him money."