
A Third Party

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ainro was known as the Black General because, he had a head like a black tiger, a chiseled, stern face, body like an iron tower, with large eyes that reflected light like bronze bells, a flat nose, wide ears, and bull-like strength.

His gaze was a permanent glare that reeked of murder, and his body constantly radiated a threatening aura. This man had devoted his life to the military and was ranked 91 on the general board's rankings. He was known to all as a brave general who was always on the front lines. In battles, he broke through the enemy lines, and once, he took eighteen arrows and remained standing, as he fought on to take down the city gates. This man has never stopped, ever.

Standing opposite him was, in stark contrast, a green-eared, white-nosed youth of a General. He looked to be in his seventeens to eighteens. In an older gentleman's world of the military, he was but a baby.