

     " Experiment 130 has escaped sound the alarms" One guard screamed next thing you know all the alarms are going off the tower lights are on and the dogs are barking. I can't get caught if I do they'll never give me a chance to escape again. This is my only chance, my last chance maybe I should start from the top on how I got here I don't really have a name I've always been called 130 from what I can remember I grew up in this place that they call the etho lab I was sold to them at the age of seven by my parents.


When I first came here there were many other kids but as time went by there were less and less kids. From what we were told we were here to become weapons for the military. "Humanity's greatest creation" they called us.  the scientist believed  that it was possible to combine human and animal genes to create superhumans with special abilities. They told us that we were the lucky ones that we would help humanity and stop the war that was destroying our planet but not all of us were lucky. And the ones that did survive were unluckier.


I've never ran so much in my life and it felt good usually I had a room that I was trapped in with no windows. This is the first time I've ever felt what freedom felt like the first time I could walk around without a collar and yeah I mean a literal collar at the lab they forced us to wear collars to keep us obedient and to see our rank and levels.


The levels went from 1-6. Six being the most dangerous and of course with my luck I was part of the level 6s I was the third highest rank in the level six categories. But I guess I can't complain because usually levels 1 through 3 had complications in there mutation and didn't even look human anymore and sadly most of them were killed as failures. Not that I saw any of them anyway I never really saw any other experiments only when I was transferred to the experiments and they were getting taken out and let me tell you it wasn't pretty.


I was usually locked and chained up in solitary due to my abilities. My genetics were mixed with a orangutan and a Fox . Yeah I know very weird mix.I am one of the first experiments to be mixed with two types of genes .The orangutan is where I get my strength they have four times the strength of a normal human And The Fox genes enhances all of my senses.


For years My body has been tortured and experimented on but today's the day that I have put my plan into action and escaped this hell hole. I don't know what I'm going to do or where I am going to go but all I know is that I plan on never coming back to this place.