
Hardships of teaching

Intalru followed Yail Sul to the outskirts of the gathering to continue their conversation. "So to expedite the learning process I am going to appraise you... is that ok?" Yail Sul suddenly asked. "Umm sure?" "I don't think you know what that means.. I am going to peer into your soul and learn almost everything about you is that ok? there will be no secrets hidden." the older lizard had a solemn look on her face.

Oh.. I get it now! it's invasion of privacy.. "I understand how the skill works, and I agree if you know what I am capable of it would help us waste less time." Intalru nodded easily as he spoke.

Velma, Amanda, and Sha Na were making there way back to the gathering laughing when they suddenly heard a high pitched horn emit from outside the walls. "What's that mean?" Amanda asked. ".. I don't know?" Sha Na replied but felt uneasy for a moment.

"It's a Southland battle horn." Zul Gilga shouted as two of the guards posted by the wall ran inform him of the situation outside.. "Those d@mned smooth skins never learn do they?" Zul Sha said as he hobbled next to his old war friend before continuing "You think it's extermination, slavery, or just a robbing?" "It doesn't matter we will kill them all the same.. Ten on slavery.." Zul Gilga replied as Uru Elna approached.

"what's going on? do we know there numbers?" Uru began questioning Gilga "They have fifty men ranging from levels twenty to forty.." "How many over level thirty?" "twenty five are level forty and twenty five are level twenty.. they are all Paladins." "I believe that they plan to use our people as a test for their apprentices.. So extermination." Zul Sha stated. "Did you two bet?" "No you got here before we could wager!" Zul Gilga spoke hastily.

Uru Elna glanced at the red lizard before turning around and shouting to her people. "Everyone under level twenty must evacuate! Post hunters on every available surface of the wall, huts, and hills! warriors remain twenty feet behind the wall in a semi circle enclosement and open the small gate it will restrict them from all coming in at once but they will be less inclined to completely destroy the gate and surge in! Spellcasters remain behind the warriors deal damage any chance given and keep our warriors healthy! Fighters mingle with the spell casters keep them from sharp pointy harm's way and pull out the severely injured! Healers!! We stay behind the spell casters and fighters priest skills do no damage on Paladins so focus on healing, if you have other ways to deal damage then by all means use them! Oh yeah I almost forgot.. Rogues and Kiskartchi Kill stealing is encouraged!"

The Draconians were roaring for battle until they heard their leaders final order. Well everyone stopped shy of twentyish VERY happy lizards. The orders were followed out nonetheless!

"Stay out of the fight!" Yail Sul shouted as she left Intalru standing alone. "What?.. Wait up!! I can play support!" Intalru easily caught Yail Sul "How many points did you waste on agility! what did that dragon do‽"


Deep in the forest thunder echoed as an explosion of dirt flew from the side of a mountain. A deep and powerful yet calming voice could barely be heard rumbling from the cave "Is someone talking about me? ahh popularity is such a curse.."


"What did you just say?" Uru Elna shouted excitedly as she came running towards Intalru. "I can help the healers?" "No word for word what can you PLAY?" She said while looking expectantly at Intalru.

Huh? why is my scalp itchy? "I said I can play support?" "What did you main?" NOo.. she's.. only one way to know. "I main Jung or center versatile glass cannon is my preference!" "Any CC‽" "Oh I can grief for days!" "Get the F*¢k in there and grind! we talk after the battle, if you're trash I'm not wasting my heals on you!"

"Chief what are you thinking!" Zul Sha Came over and began chiding her like he did when she was fresh to the village. "Sometimes you get an over skilled random.. let's hope now's one of them."

(Where's Intalru?!) Velma asked Amanda hoping she could connect with him. (On it!... He's joining the fight should we..)

(What! we're going, Sha Na is coming too.)

(He said keep Sha Na safe till it's over..)

(Idiot! He's keeping us out of the fight of course he would say that!)

(.. We could.. do both?)

(I retract my earlier statement about you being an idiot.)

(Still better than a stalker.. He just cut my link from him said he needs to concentrate.)

(Don't make me do something we'll both like..) (I don't like that!!)

(What are you two talking about?)

Amanda and Velma turned towards Sha Na (You're still linked?) Amanda asked as her face paled.

(You Fu¢k!ng idiot!)

(I don't see you handling the mind links!!)

"Shut up! where's my brother!" Sha Na shouted. "I don't know so let's go find him!" Velma replied before grasping the two by the arms and pulling them along.

Gotta hand it to Uru.. she is a great strategist Fweaaaw! Suddenly Intalru's thoughts were interrupted as a booming voice shouted from outside the wall "Burn it down!"

"These Paladins seem to have practice with raids. New orders! Shamans we need rain!" Uru Elna gave more commands on different positioning for the job classes.

Intalru noticed a lot of empty space between them and the wall so he decided to be a little.. proactive.


"Sire I do not understand why we came here to avenge Mikeal.. he was a betrayer, and a deserter. If I may ask?" A younger Paladin inquired his mentor whom was more like a big brother sadly they have to keep up etiquette when in uniform..

"Merely because he was high captain Abelard's only son.. it's a known secret he was allowed to escape besides this isn't vengeance you are here to prove your metal for the crusade.. even if its an obvious 'Coincidence' that his son was killed by a draconian.."

Several of the other mentors who over heard the two nodded while a small group looked in disdain, Sadly politics finds its way and corrupts everything.

"If that's the way you lot feel then hang back like cowards and we will take all the glory!" A brash Youth sneered at the young paladin with a conscience. Many surrounding youths ran towards the wall in search of combat and glory while a few stayed back with there mentors. They could feel the cold stares coming from the mentors of the more 'zealous' youth.


Yail Sul felt a tug at the Mana in the surroundings and followed the source to Intalru.. She watched as he tossed a bunch of seeds on the ground and willed the Mana in the air and his own into them. Then they suddenly sprouted which was normal enough.

suddenly they began to grow rapidly which was reasonable since he learned some 'form' of the druidic arts.

What surprised her was when the long vines suddenly grew large dripping thorns before pulling into the dirt leaving Hundreds! of three inch holes in the ground.

What scared her was the screams she heard on the other side of the gate..

Amanda's chuuni senses must be going off like sirens

Sum12hatecreators' thoughts