
Exotic Villainess

What happened....I remember going to sleep....where even am I.WHAT?are you telling me i am now in an otome game world after sleeping,and i'm currently fifteen minutes away from being born so I need to choose some cheats... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the story of an exotic girl who got transmigrated into a game with her memories,a few cheats,and is one of a kind

rosemoon · SF
18 Chs


Mystic:"it's such a pity they decided to go down this path,from their planning,they should be a pretty smart group of commoners,but after this,they'll never be able to live a good life again"

Arwin:"you can't stop things like human greed,such a waste of talent"

Leocraft:"well,it could have been worst,at least it's not like they're kidnapping the children for joy"

Lilian:"and they also don't plan on selling us or anything similar"

Lirios:"they also have principles,because the youngest kid here should be around 11 years old,and the oldest should be around 14 years old"

Mystic:"yep,at this age we've been introduced to the concept of kidnapping"

Arwin:"which means we technically shouldn't have a physiological shadow from this"

Leocraft:"and from their healthy looks,they didn't treat any of these kids badly"

Lilian:"by right,they could be considered as kind hearted but..."

Lirios:"but it doesn't erase the fact that they still kidnapped children"


Mystic:"well,it's been about five minutes,let's contact out parents"

Remaining four:"yeah"

.....(with lirios)

Rosa:"where are you sweetie,your gps is showing a forest"

Lirios:"oh,about that,we've been kidnapped"

Ronald:"You've been WHAT?!!"

Rosa:"settle down dear,from rosie's tone,there doesn't seem to be a major problem"

Lirios:"I don't think they know who we are,but they should be contacting nobles and asking for money"

Ronald:"oh yes,some of my subordinates just informed with that a group of masked men have been asking for money from nobles,are you sure everything is alright"

Lirios:"everything is fine dad,and from their actions,they plan to escape after they get the money"


Lirios:"but I put tracking powder on the person who seemed to be the leader,this should make it easy to capture them after we've been rescued"

Ronald:"how are all the kids"

Rosa:"and how many kids are there"

Lirios:'there's a total of 25 kids if you include us,arwin,lilian,mystic,and leocraft are talking to their parents right now as well,and the other don't have any issues and have even been well fed"

Ronald:"we've located your location,we should be there in about 20 minutes"

Lirios:"see you later then mom and dad"

Rosa:"see you soon sweetie"

--------------------------(on the other side)

Ronald:"she seems to be alright"

Rosa:"of course she's alright,our baby is no weakling,but how dare those commoners put their dirty hands on my baby"

Ronald:"c-calm d-down dear"

Rosa:"this is me being calm ronald"

Angelina:"since you guys are here,lirios probably called you as well

Rosa:"she did,and i'm assuming your children called you as well"

Mariam:"yes,I received a call from mystic"

Rosellina:"I received one from leocraft"

Diana:"I received one from lilian"

Angelina:"looks like we've been too idle these days"

Rosa:"It would seem so,I guess some people forgot how we got our nickname 'the five thorns on a rose' I guess we need to remind them"

The rest of the ladies:"it would seem so"

Their husbands to the side were sweating while thinking of the dreadful images from the past

Ronald:"which stupid commoner decided to kidnap our children"

Tony(arwin's dad):"they probably didn't know whose children they were from"

Micheal(leocraft's dad):"they most likely didn't"

Ricken(mystic's dad):"If they did,then they most likely don't know the past history of these ladies"

Kingston(lilian's dad):"If they knew of the past,and yet still decided to progress with their actions,then they're probably looking for abuse"

Rest of the guys:"they're most likely looking for abuse indeed,it's like someone willingly decides to provoke a tiger with insomnia who finally managed to get some sleep"

Ladies:"let's go and get our children gentlemen"

Men:"yes mam"

They then got some tools and started preparing to go to the location of their children

-----------------(back to the kids)

Lilian:"I wonder how fast they're going to get here"

Mystic:"knowing our parents,probably less than ten minutes"

Arwin:"and that's if they take their time"

Leocraft:"yep,If they really tried,they could probably get here in five minutes"

Kid B:"are you guys saying that our parents would be here soon''

Kid C:"they'd better,when I get home,I'm complaining to my dad"

Kid A:"could you just shut up steven,we get it,your dad is a marquis,If I didn't know any better,with your bragging I might have thought your dad belonged to one of the three imperial powers"

He's right,and dang he's cute,he's not male lead material,but he looks really handsome,but I guess that's what you have to expected when you go to a game world

The boy who told steven to shut up seemed to be around 13 years old,he had a light green almost blond hair that reached the end of his neck,his eyes were a frosted blue with pupils the color of gold,although he was sitting,you could tell that he should be pretty tall

Lirios:"hey,what's your name"

Kid A:"my name's enrick"


Mystic:"what's with the reaction,do you know him"

Lilian:"yeah,you said his name in a surprise as though you know him very well"

Lirios:"not really,I've just heard of him from my dad"

Arwin:"really,then who exactly is he then"

Lirios:"he's a commoner who got a joker as his main job"

Leocraft:"a joker?"

Mystic:"which one?the funny one,or the other one"

Lirios:"the other one"

Arwin:"you know of the other joker rosie,I thought only Our parents know,and knowing your parents,they'd probably not tell you for fear of making you interested"

Lirios:"I've seen the file in my dad's office"

Lilian:"what's the other joker?"

Lirios:"I'll explain when we leave,it's been five minutes,our parents should be here soon"

Not long after they stopped talking,there was some sounds of items being crashed,and it wasn't long before their mothers showed up in front of them

Rosa:"are you alright sweetie?"

Lirios:"yes mom,we are all okay"

Angelina:"they didn't do anything to any of you did they?"

Children:"No,they even gave us food"

Rosellina:"good,if they did something to y'all I would have had to go back to give them a little more punishment"

Their husbands behind them shivered when they heard what rosellina said,I mean they've already destroyed the part of the kidnapper that makes them a man,and as a man,there can be nothing worse than that

Lirios:"let's go home then,also mom"

Rosa:"yes sweetie"

Lirios:"can we take him home with us"

She said as she pointed at Enrick

Ronald:"oh,it's that kid,sure then sweetie"


She didn't see the narrowing eyes of her friends behind her,and how scary their eyes were when they looked at enrick

I can't believe I met the future joker,he was known as the greatest business man of the century,he also helped the heroine a lot,because she helped him once when he was kidnapped,It was also hinted in the game that he's gay,I've never had a gay friend before,I wonder what they're like

They all then got in their respective carriages and head home

Rosa:"sweetie,why did you want us to bring him back"

Lirios:"well,he doesn't have any parents,and he's super strong,so why not"

Enrick:"thank you for bringing me with you"

Lirios:"no problem,from now on I'm your sister,okay~"

