
Exiled Saviour

What do you do when you are summoned to a filthy corrupted world and asked to vanquish the Chaos god. Only to be disposed of for no specific reason by the very entity that you were summoned by. However it doesn't end there. After surviving you must now get stronger and help the very being that betrayed you to save this world, so that you may go home and leave this treacherous planet... Is what you want everyone to think. --- *** --- *** --- *** --- *** --- *** --- *** Authors Note: Hello. This is my first time writing a Webnovel, so I'm not very experienced. However, I'm hoping that with time I can improve both my writing and novel so that this may be a more delightful read. I'm planning to make socials in the the future such as discord and what not. Also the front cover isn't mine. Alright bye.

_MYSTERY · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Auxiliary Chapter

Status Screen:




Personal aspect:…

Elemental affinity:...

IP(Ichor points):...


Stat points are distributed into 5 different categories 

Strength(STR): Strength is referred to the person's physical strength.

Agility(AGI): Other than the obvious speed and agility, Agility would refer to the person's reaction time, balance, athleticism, flexibility and coordination.

Endurance(END): Endurance increases a person's stamina, digestive system(allowing them to adapt to foods that are normally hard for a normal person), pain tolerance, healing quicker from wounds, prolongs the time they can survive without food and/or water, and less blood loss when wounded.

Vitality(VIT): Vitality reduces the maximum amount of damage that a character takes from a blow. It makes the bones stronger and also makes the skin tougher and harder to penetrate.

Perception(PER): Perception refers to a person's senses including touching, smelling, seeing, hearing and tasting. The higher the PER stat point, the higher one's perception shall be. However, 1 PER stat only does minimal changes, although still noticeable. You must have a lot of points in this stat to do things such as see in the dark.

Ichor Points(IP): This refers to how much ichor a character can store in their body. The maximum points that can be put into this is 25. It increases the ichor storage by 4 points every stat point. The maximum a person can have is 100 ichor In their storage.

Authors Note: Since the status Screen won't be shown for a while, that'll give you an idea as to how it works.