
Chapter 10

3 months passed very fast...

During this period, I visited the market many times, participated in trainings, and exercised on the training ground outside them. During this time, I learned how to release magic on my own. I didn't have to use tools anymore.

The next stage for me is using pure elements. This is another important step in mastering magic. In later practice, I can use elemental fusions, but I also need to have perfect control of each one individually.

Thanks to Aria's directions I'm able to blow magical flames and throw small fireballs. Of course I didn't reach purity, darkness is still a big part of my flames.

I didn't have any more problems either. No one tried to assault me or arrest me...

I also had the opportunity to help with collecting herbs many times, and the season for mushrooms has also begun. My deal with Lily and her father is simple. They sell what I collect and take 10% of the profits. I like it, I'm not good at trading.

- Hello! Ready for gathering? - Lily came to me very fast.

- Yes! Are we going deeper today? - I asked her excitedly.

- Yep! Let's go! - she grabbed me again and we started our tour down.

We reached our goal after 15 minutes. I looked around and we started down now without the use of wings. We picked up some interesting spices on our way down to the lower ground, then split up and started exploring our surroundings separately. It's noon now. We plan to spend the time here until midnight and then return through the portal.

I like climbing here, it is great training for stamina and agility. In the beginning, however, the soreness was a nightmare... I also discovered the existence of muscles that I had not even dreamed of.

The most common find is sweet grass, but it is always in demand among the Exceeds. Never enough sweet grass! I found also more burner herbs today. I haven't found more phoenix feathers since my first herb gathering... I'm hoping to find at least one today... Or something equally cool.

After an hour, I found a large cluster of edible mushrooms. They taste great with bird meat.

A few days ago I bought myself a great quality spatial bag, I can fit the whole room in it. I also have about 50 pockets, so everything is organized. It cost me 2 months of saving but it was worth it. I put mushrooms in a don't-go-bad box and continued my research.

- I got you! - I shouted when I found a phoenix feather!

I carefully collected the fern and put it in the bag. My joy was interrupted by something sudden.

The earth began to crackle, and I felt strong tremors after a while. I rushed over to the tree and held on tight.

- LILY?! LILY WHERE ARE YOU?! - I screamed in panic and, to be honest... I was worried about her.

Suddenly, the walls moved away from each other and my tree began to tilt. It didn't take long before it held on with just a few roots and hit the wall, creating a large crack. I felt pain in my hands. They've been crushed... Everything was still shaking and thundering like in a raging storm.

Despite my desperate attempts to hold on, I couldn't do this in the end. I fell from a great height, hitting overhanging trunks and rocks. I lost consciousness.

I woke up with pain tearing through my whole body... Did I survive? By what miracle? Every movement caused me terrible pain, I'm sure I have cracked ribs and deep wounds on my arms, head, and legs... And of course crushed hands.

With the last of my strength, I took the phoenix feather and started chewing on it. It has a much weaker effect without processing, but there is always some hope of reducing the pain and reducing the severity of my injuries.

It tastes terrible. First of all, the bitterness seems unbearable. However, I have no choice... The next thing was a burning pain in my stomach... And then everything suddenly went away.

I felt a lot of relief, but unfortunately, as I thought. It wasn't enough to completely heal my injuries. I got up with difficulty and looked around. I'm in a cave? But I can't see a way out, how did I end up here?

My last hope was to make mental contact with Lily, but it also not worked. I felt like I was in a void with no connection to anyone. I'm not saying I can make a mental connection flawlessly, but I've always felt something. It's like... My range has dropped to 0 at this point.

I have one more option left. My crystal tablet appeared in front of me when I thought about it. Surprising.

"Dungeon aura detected, user is at point of no return. Analysis in progress."

My thoughts went blank for a moment.

- Where the hell did I go?! - I screamed.

I had time to learn more about dungeons and didn't feel like exploring those places. Especially since I'm a beginner at using magic.

- What can I do... What can I do... - I repeated over and over.

I needed time to calm down... and I noticed a little worm walking toward me... It is a worm that has a brown color and yellow spots... And a mouth filled with fangs. I stood and stared at it for a while until... It tried to bite me!

I blew my magic quite chaotic into it and the creature was dead after a while. What a relief!

The creatures in dungeons are incredibly aggressive because of the magic that pervades these places. I have no choice but to run or kill these things.

The farther I go, the more dangerous it will be, so if I want to get out of here as soon as possible, it's a good idea to try to find the side exit.

With benefits... I can find valuable materials here, practicing magic here also gives better results than normal. Unfortunately, training sessions are not organized here due to the risk of collapse.

More interestingly, dungeons seem to be planned creations. One theory is self-awareness of dungeons, another that it is the remnants of mighty wars where hatred has mixed with the world's magic and made a place inhospitable to newcomers... Still, another states that dungeons are the result of concentrated magic channeled by the thoughts of the beings living in the universe.

After a while, I slowly began to survey my surroundings. The wounds prevented me from being fully functional, so until my condition back to normal, I'd better not venture too far.

I killed about 34 worms in an hour. I almost forgot about the tablet. It appeared in front of me again when I had not expected this.

"Data recalculated, user capabilities assessed. Danger level: guaranteed death.

Meet monsters:

- Common earthworm x35 (easy, worthless)"

Guaranteed death?! I need to find the fastest possible way out! At least I got the statistics and I know if something is worth keeping... But what if I die?

I needed time to calm down again... After this, I continued my exploring. My fate is cruel... And I'm worried about Lily. I hope that she is safe.

I found large sweet grass. It is twice as big as the ones I've found outside! I put it in my bag and moved on.

The walls are covered with glowing moss, and small streams of water often drip down them. Water collects on the floor in larger springs and continues down.

It wasn't long before I found a small side corridor. I decided to examine it. After about 50 meters I reached a small room. In the center grew a small bush covered with berries. But I don't think it can be that simple.

I was right. A dozen earthworms crawled out of a small hole in the ground! They charged at me with surprising speed. They also seem to be larger than the ones I've seen before. I used my magic to burn them, but this time most of them survived and one managed to bite me! It hurts! Not like my current wounds, but I don't need more pain!

I kicked it and threw a fireball at the next one who came dangerously close to me. I managed to kill the rest, but that was the peak of my current capabilities. I need to rest.

"Meet monsters:

- Common earthworm x35 (easy, worthless)

- Common earthworm+ x12 (easy, fangs worth collecting)"

Oh, can I collect their teeth? I looked at these things with disgust. I took out my knife and quickly cut what I needed. Each worm had a set of about 50 teeth. I wiped my hands thoroughly on the moss and looked at the berry bush.

"Pinkberry - very taste berry full of energy" - something good! I needed something exactly like this.

I ate a few of them and I put the rest in a container. I went back to the main corridor and sat down on a stone for a moment. Caves are the most common dungeon appearance. Sometimes they are huge spaces like mountains or oceans because of wild spatial magic.

Thanks to the berries, I regained some strength. I didn't want to eat them all at once. I may need them more later. After an hour's rest, I got up with difficulty and continued on my way. I search my surroundings for anything that might be useful.