

After being cheated on by her husband, Zhu Biyu agrees to sign the divorce papers and leaves the marriage. But one night with that man seemed to have resulted in a baby, and with the help of her family, she escaped overseas to train her child and build her life back. Five years later, she's back with her genius son. Only, why was this man trying to win her back? Devoted assistant: "President Ye, Madam has been spotted with another woman" Ye Yating: Have the man's eyes unable to see her again. Zhu Biyu: There's nothing between us anymore, let's stay in our separate ways. Ye Yating: I have let you go once, this time, I'm tying you to my side! Lan Lan: Daddy, Hurry, Mommy is being courted again!!

Floatingyueshen · 都市
17 Chs

Taking A DNA test!

"Sister!" Zhu Biyu heard a male voice call behind her. She looked back in fear and saw a man wearing all black running towards her. 

Her heart beat fast against her chest when she saw him following her. The first thing that crossed her mind was that someone had sent a thug after her. 

But who would do that to her? Her adoptive mother and sister wouldn't dare to hurt her because they still believed she was married to Ye Yating. 

As for Ye Yating, he didn't care about her enough to do that. There was only one other person. Fang Yuhan. 

But would she really go so far? She had already divorced Ye Yating. She was no longer a threat to her. 

Besides, there was no way Fang Yuhan would know that she would be outside by this time of the night unless Ye Yating told her. 

Seeing the man's fast-approaching steps, Zhu Biyu ditched her box and ran. 

However, he started running after her. 

"Xiao Yu, wait! I have something to tell you!" He called out. 

Zhu Biyu stopped running when he called out her name. 

There were only a few people who called her "Xiao Yu." Just who was this man? Did he know her?!

She turned to look at him with fear on her face. 

The man finally got to her. Zhu Biyu stood a few steps away from him as she tried hard not to break into a run again. 

She studied the man's face again. After being with the Ye Family for three years, even though the man was not wearing any of the famous brands around, She could tell that the clothes he had on were high-end products. 

Plus, he didn't look like a thug at all. If she were to take a guess, she would say that he was the son of a really influential family. 

But who was he, and what did he want with her? 

Why did he know her name?!

"Yu'er.....I finally found you," he said as he smiled at her. 

Zhu Biyu couldn't help but notice just how similar their features were...

"Who are you? And how do you know my name?" She asked him. 

The man smiled at her. Zhu Biyu could sense that he felt a bit uneasy. But why does he feel uneasy? 

"I ...my name is Zhu Tian....I've been looking for you for so long.....Zhu Biyu, I'm your older brother!" He announced, his voice trembling at the end. 

Zhu Biyu went quiet for a few seconds. Then, she burst out into laughter. The situation was just funny to her. 

She had just gotten divorced, and her entire life had been uprooted. But this man was here telling her that he was her brother. Did he expect her to believe such lies? 

Zhu Tian frowned when he saw her laughing. He had been looking for Zhu Biyu for a long time. 

As he had been the closest to her and had more free time, he had taken on the hard work of searching for her. His investigation had finally led him here, and he had rushed over immediately without any care for anything else. 

Unfortunately, who would have imagined that the security had denied him entry and asked him to leave? 

He never expected her first reaction when she heard about who he was would be to laugh. He knew that she would not believe it immediately, but he did not expect her not to take him seriously at all. 

Wasn't she searching for them too?

"Sir.....are you messing with me?" Zhu Biyu finally asked. Breaking the silence. 

Zhu Tian shook his head. "Of course not! I am not messing around with you! You are my sister! You don't know ...how long we've been looking for you. We've almost given up all hopes of finding you. Mom, Dad, and Hui are all waiting for you!" Zhu Tian said excitedly. 

Zhu Biyu wanted to laugh again, but she held herself back when he seemed serious. 

She did not believe that he was his sister, however. Even though she knew that she was adopted by the Shen family at a young age, she did not think that her family would come looking for her. 

They were the ones who abandoned her in the first place. Why would they come looking for her?!

Zhu Tian saw that she did not believe him. He sighed. 

"If you don't believe me, we can get a DNA Test!" He said. 

Zhu Biyu took a few steps away from him when she heard this. 

She didn't want to go anywhere with a complete stranger. What if this was Fang Yuhan's scheme?

Sensing her reluctance, Zhu Tian ran his hands through his hair as he thought of the best way to convince her. 

He didn't need a DNA test as Zhu Biyu was simply a copy of their mother. It was impossible to make a mistake when they looked alike so much. 

However, he couldn't handle his sister with force, so he had no choice but to beg her. 

"Yu'er, it's the truth. You are really my sister! You got lost at the age of four when your mother took you to the amusement park. We have tried to find you all these years, but we have been unable to." 

Zhu Biyu squinted her eyes at him. Indeed, it was around that age that the orphanage had taken her in. A year later, she was adopted by the Shen Family.

Seeing that his words seemed to get to Zhu Biyu, Zhu Tian continued, 

"Mother has been sickly since we lost you, and when we could not find you after the first year, she has simply withdrawn from everything else."

Just the thought of how his mother always had a blank and sorrowful look most of the time made his heartache, and he was even more determined to bring his sister back. 

"Yu'er, we have all been missing you… You don't have to believe me, but please come to the hospital to get a DNA test with me. I am not going to hurt you. Please, please, trust me!" Zhu Tian begged. 

Zhu Biyu watched him closely. She still did not know if she should trust him or not. She was all alone, and no one would stand up for her if he did anything to her. 

No matter what, she did not want to die. Her life was still very important to her. 

Zhu Tian sighed when he saw she was unwilling to go with him. He had an idea just then. 

He brought out his phone and quickly searched for a picture of his mother. 

"You look so much like our mother.....just take a look and tell me if you still don't believe me...." He said to her.

Zhu Biyu took the phone from him while still keeping her guard up. 

However, as soon as she saw the picture of the older woman, her mouth fell wide open. She could not believe what she was seeing. 

The woman looked so much like her ...or rather, she looked so much like the woman.

The woman was like an older version of her.

Zhu Tian smiled when he saw the look of surprise on her face.

"Do you believe me? This will be confirmed as soon as we get the DNA test. Xiao Yu, please come with me!" Zhu Tian begged again.

Zhu Biyu looked up at him again. She really could not think of another reason not to trust him. 

"Fine. Let's go," she said.