

Henry and Linda are in their jewel shop of" Watson's Groups"

Linda , " Show some couple ring sets"

The attender shows couple ring set...

Attender showing a luxurious ring set.., " Mam check this.."

Linda in anger , " How dare you.. showing costly rings ..show me simple rings.."

Henry in mind , " Melanin...you are wrong..my Linda is not a money minded girl see she asking simple rings "

Actually the truth is Linda liked the ring very much and she dont want to share that with Melanin...

Henry , " Give only simple rings . First ask apologize for making my love angry "

Attendanr , " Sorry Mam.. Sorry Sir..I thought this ring will be prefect for Madam but I didn't think she'll like simple ones.."

Linda curses herself for misunderstanding Attendant ..

Attendant starts showing simple rings..

Henry sees a ring..He takes it without second thought..It's a platinum ring... In bride's ring, the middle designed with diamonds in the shape of curve... Even Henry ring also platinum.. a double layered ring with diamond stones at middle..

Linda , " Henry the ring is awesome..I am.."

Mrs Kathleen interuppting her , " Wow.. Henry this ring is perfect.. Perfect for my cupcake..What you say Henry"

Henry gets a smile in his lips, " Perfect.. Perfect for my babydoll.."

Linda gets angry and excuses herself and goes to washroom..

In other side..

Mrs Kathleen selects wedding dress for Henry and Melanin..

Linda comes to the area where others were purchasing clothes..

She sees a man trying to stab Henry with knife from back..

She runs and stands before the man and Henry and stops the man from stabbing Henry by holding the knives with her hands..

Henry gets shocked on seeing this and starts beating the man in front of public

Linda who done with the first aid stops Henry..

Henry kicking the man , " you try to kill me and my Linda and my love is telling to forgive you.."

Linda making the man to get up , " Why did you do ? "

The man , " Due to poverty madam. My daughter didn't eat anything for days. an unknown person hired me if I kill Henry they'll take care of my daughter..You can do anything with me just save my daughter "

Linda , " Henry , give him a job.. It can be any job..He did this for his daughter..So.."

Henry kicking the man, " I'll take care of daughter education but I won't leave him as you are injured because of..


Linda hugging Henry , " Henry please..Leave him for me.."

Henry leaves the man.., " Now it's time for the babydoll..She said you are a money minded woman. But today you not only saved me but hurted yourself too for saving me"

Linda , " Henry , ignore her..She is jealous that I have you. Anyways an year marriage will be a hell for her.."

Henry smiling , " I think you are right .Let's go.."

After few hours Linda meets the man who tries to stab Henry and gives 500$

The man gets it happily

--small rewind

Linda in washroom thinking of Henry words that ring is perfect for his babydoll

Linda , " If it goes like this then Henry will fall to Melanin..I must do something so that Henry starts believing me more.."

Linda takes her phone and calls , " Linda here.. Do as I say.."


Henry tried to take revenge on Melanin for taking bad about Linda..But as Granny stayed with Melanin he couldn't do that..

Next Day

Outside the church hall

The bandits are playing wedding music and Cristiana , Linda were welcoming the guests..

The hall is filled with gossips of people taking about a marriage between succesful business man ( Henry) and the hidden Fashion Designer ( Melenin )

Random guest 1 : We were all searching for hidden Designer to sign a contract with her for our company but this Henry found her and married her.

Ransom Guest 2 : Is this the same designer who worked for Hemsworth group?

Random Guest 3 : Yes..She is same designer..But I envy their love.

Random Guest 2 : What Henry and fashion designer are lovers. How?

Random Guest 3 : Yes they are. When I asked why did Henry allow his fiance to work on Hemsworth groups ,Mrs Kathleen said they both (Henry and Melanin love each other) and if she became designer of Watson groups everyone will say she attained success because Watson Groups. So she made her carrier in Hemsworth groups even though they are business rival..

Random Guest 2 : Even I also heared that..Do Jasob Hemsworth know this...

Random Guest 1 : I don't know..Now I doubt that they both are rivals in business..

They all heared a loud and fast music and a white Rolls Royce decorated with read rose halted..

Church Pastor :

" Lets the door open for groom "

The church door opened and Henry started walking with his long steps inside the hall grabbing everyone attention..

He was wearing a blue tuxedo.

His hair was gelled..The rosegold fossil with a shining dial added more handsomess to his sexy hands..

He was carrying a emotionless face as he always but yet many ladies in the church fell for his face and many gents were jealous comparing themselves with Henry...

Henry was taking some oaths ( I don't know the wedding quotes so I am skipping it.. Please apologize )

Soon , pastor " Let the door open for bride "

The door opened a beautiful young lady wearing a ivory colour gown having a small bouquet with a bright smile enters..

After taking few steps she looked back and our most beautiful bride wearing a white princess gown comes..Her clevage is exposed a Little entered. She is holding Mrs Kathleen hands..

As Melanin has no parents Mrs . Kathleen agreeed to take her in ..

Mrs Kathleen , " Bridesmaid Sau..your friend is ready to enter . You can proceed "

Sau ( Safiyaa ), girl in ivory gown entered the hall and stopped near the stage and looked at Melanin..

Granny signalled Henry and Henry came down and took Melanin hands with force..

Melanin with tears in a whispering tone , " Bernny.."

Henry kissed her cheek leaned her ears , " Turn and look at the first row babydoll. Bernny is sitting with her friends . She is waiting eagerly to look at our marriage .

Melanin looked at Bernny.. She was wearing a lavendar gown with an artificially smile..She was surrounded by some girls ( Female Bodyguards ) . They holded Bernny with gunpoint and they were dressed sexily ..The sexy look of them took the guest attention not the gun they are holding.

Bernny tried to shout but one girl asked Bernny to look at statue arranged in each and every corner of stage..

Yes they weren't ordinary statues their whole body were painted with white colour cement and they were holding silver colour gun..

I think you people guessed even Melanin is also at gun point so Bernny give up the plan of shouting..

Both sister were crying silent thinking of other state..

Henry hugged Melanin by shoulder and pressed her shoulder muscle, " Shall we Babydoll.."

Melanin looked at Henry with tears..

They both took wedding oath and slided ring in each other hand..

" Mr Henry you may kiss your bride "..

Henry looked at Melanin ..He pulled her by waist and kissed her forehead..

Melanin still being kissed by Henry with tears dropping and crying in mind , " Why history is repeating with me..Last time he married me left me alone on wedding night..I suffererd for 2 years living alone. I know he'll leave today too and divorce me..IF I AM NOT THE ONE FOR HIM why destiny making me to enter his life again and again..."

Henry took Melanin out of stage


Melanin in mind , " I don't want to hurt you too Sau..I am going to hide the truth that Henry divorced me and he married me again..Yes Sau , MY EX-HUSBAND MARRIED ME SECOND TIME "

Hi readers ,

How is the Chapter guys? You like it..

I uploaded their wedding rings in community section..

And Sorry for late update..As I had office works in morning I wasn't able to update

Love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️