

In afternoon

In Melanin class

Some students were dozing off. Some were taking notes while one girl was thinking about incident happened in morning.

" Did he really was acting playful in years back ? Am I thinking wrong ? No how can I think it is attraction. I am clear what I have for him is love . Only love. And me calling him bro really affects him. Yes I.."

Her train of thoughts are interrupted on hearing annoucement , " Attention all students and faculties , with the Sports meet coming in few days , prelims of all games start from tomorrow. As relaxation students can play fun games today and the best fun games will be used for guest entertainment in sports meet. Each class must have their own SPOC , all these SPOC must report to Henry Watson , the chief SPOC of the sports meet. Have a nice day"

Student started shouted excitedly but Melanin heared some gossips in middle , " Henry Watson is real " .