
Evolution :Surviving The Apocalypse[BL]

Zian Hayes gets the chance to return past before the end of the world. To prevent the nightmares in the future from occurring he needs to become merciless ! He will not let anyone he loves die! COME JOIN HIM in kicking zombie butt and on his journey of REVENGE,LOVE and SURVIVAL! A year back in time before everything goes to hell. It was the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse... Zian who was lied to, used and betrayed is no longer the young man he used to be. So when he gets the chance to go back and prevent his life from falling apart will he emerge victorious? What about when he finds out about that his life, lives is just a game of evolution being played by Gods? Will he survive, thrive or just break down?

Lily_of_Incas · LGBT+
11 Chs

Ch 6-Confessions over breakfast- Yummy! Or I want to puke

Zian went downstairs to the his apartment kitchen. Marveling at all the food in the refrigerator and struggled not to eat the salmon and bacon he removed raw. Then he saw eggs!

' Fresh eggs! When was the last time I had an omelette. I miss dad's omelette's with feta and three cheeses..."

Zian seasoned the salmon and was contemplating when and if he should tell his father about the apocalypse.

He had complicated feelings towards his father . Love of course, a bit of anger and immense guilt.

When his mother and brother died his father became an ice block and workaholic. He practically abandoned him and Ali in his grief.

He just turned 14 when they died and Ali was just 11 years old.

He was angry, so angry that his father didn't try for them. He at only 14 years old had practically raised Ali with the house keeper Mrs. Kay . She was a wonderful woman albeit a little strict but kind. She herself had come into the city to raise her daughter. So she was very helpful with dealing with female problems that Zian shuddered to think about.

When his father started trying to reach out to them Zian was unforgiving.Maybe he was resentful that his father gave up on them. At one time his father was his hero. The person he aspired to be like but he certainly wouldn't give up on his children. Especially the children who were the only reminders of the love of his life.

Ali was more forgiving of his father and when he decided to reach out she met him halfway.

It was only when Zian experienced losing Xander, his father and Ali did he go a bit crazy. He also became closed off and refused to let anyone into his heart. It was as if the only love and compassion he had was for Bree. If he had to be honest he would have committed suicide in that hellish worldly not for her.

So yes, although difficult he did want to forgive and reconcile with his father. He understood his father more after his experiences although he would have made different choices as he raised and loved Bree to the best of his ability. At least his sister and himself had each other while his father had nobody to help ease his grief. At the same time how should he face him again?


Urrgh! This is such a mess!

When Zian was cooking the omelettes he turned around as he heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs towards him.Clutching a knife in hand with murderous intent he cautiously observed his surroundings.

He lived alone so who was in his apartment?

A young women with blue Gucci glasses and pink Hello Kitty pajamas came down yawning with bed hair. She was pretty women and you could tell she was of mixed - Asian descent.

" Zian, whatcha cooking? Smells great..I want the same thing as well." Ali Hayes yawned , still half asleep, rubbing her eyes .

Zian quickly turned around full of mixed emotions. His sister! She looked so young.Her hair was still long and not the savage blunt- knife cut she gave herself .

' Is it unmanly that at this moment I want to cry again?'

He controlled the urge to squash her in a bear hug .He hadn't gotten to see his sister before she died and missed her terribly.

Probably sensing her brother's strangeness Ali asked quizzically." Zee?"

" Yeah,Al?"

His voice sounding a bit hoarser than he would've have liked.

" You okay?"

" What, uhh...yeah I'm fine.So cheesy omelette with toast or plain?" He said avoiding her eyes with dead focus on cooking.

Ali sat down at the table curious to why her brother was acting so strange. She poured a glass of orange juice for herself and was wondering if he had a fight with their father again. She would have to ask her father because her stubborn brother did not like to share his problems with anyone with occasionally the exception of Xander.

" Toast " she simply said not wanting to nag him first thing in the morning.

" My land lady called just now . She said they finished fixing the pipe and renovations in the bathroom so I'll probably move back their tomorrow." Ali looked up a bit startled by the bitter and reluctant expression on Zian's face.

" Are you sure? You can stay a bit longer if you want ..." Zian offered before frying some bacon in a pan.

Ali suddenly shot up and ran to the bathroom. Vomiting the orange juice she just drank and started dry heaving. Bewildered and concerned Zian quickly switched off the stove and walked to the bathroom.

" Al, are you okay? " Hearing the retching continuing he waited patiently.

Eventually the toilet flushed and Ali weakly spoke .

" Don't worry Zian I'm fine. I think I just caught a stomach bug. The smell of bacon just made me nauseated."


Have you ever heard of a deer in headlight moment? Currently that was how Zian felt.

'Is Ali, already pregnant? Shoot. How am I going to tell her?'

In his previous life it took his sister a while to figure out that she was pregnant. Around March sometime. She initially thought she was sick before mustering up the courage to take a pregnancy test.

Hell ,that was a dog blood drama in itself.When she finally found out she was pregnant ,Daniel Silver , her boyfriend in last of Engineering decided to join the army to get his father's and his approval to marry Ali. Although it seemed like a good idea it was actually a shitty idea!

Daniel was a good guy , a man who loved his sister a lot but when he joined the army he missed out on a lot of time with his sister and Bree. At the end of the world Daniel died before they could find him again rescuing ungrateful citizens.

So this time Zian decided to would be easier on the guy and give his sister a beautiful wedding before the apocalypse and make sure Bree had a great dad. Although it would be difficult to get his father 's approval he wasn't an unreasonable man.

Daniel should just obediently stay by Bree's side during her pregnancy and finish his Enginering Degree. Then start a stable job and enjoy the last few days of peace with Bree and Ali before the end of the world.Instead of making stupid grand gestures or Zian would definitely kick his ass.


Zian walked his weak and slightly pale and wobbly sister back to the table.He had already thrown the oil from the pan away. Put the bacon in the microwave and aired out the kitchen.

He poured his sister a glass of cold water from a jug in the fridge . Before quickly making a plain egg omelette with ketchup on the side and two slices of buttered toast. When Ali was pregnant in her last life she enjoyed eggs and could usually keep it down.

"Here , Al, you need to eat something." He said placing the plate on the table and squeezing her shoulder.

He put the cold cheese omelette on his plate and the salmon he cooked.

Engrossed in eating and Zian savoring every bite took time. Although he wanted to warf down every bite like a greedy dog he didn't want to appear act like a savage in front of his sister,

'The eggs are so fluffy and melting in my mouth. Yum! The salmon is so tasty. Oh , buttered toast ! '

As Zian rambled away in his mind and enjoyed his food Ali had already finished. She felt a lot better after eating and started feeling sleepy.


Once Zian was done he looked at the sleepy appearance of his sister and contemplated how to tell her that she was pregnant.I mean she was only 19 years old. Even in her previous life it had been a shock to her and it took a while for her to accept it. But it was better to do this now and sort out all their issues with her boyfriend and their father in order to give Bree a happier and stable life.

" Umm, Al, do you... um" Ali looked at him and it was as if all his tact and intelligence fled.Zian stuttered awkwardly.

He didn't know how to approach the topic. After all, hmm, he himself was still a virgin (at this time)who hadn't had a serious relationship. He was so grateful that he hadn't slept with Chelsea Smith yet or he would have had the urge to claw off an important part of his anatomy.

And... No one wanted to bring up their kid sister having sex.

" Are ... you , pregnant?" He finally asked and then realizing how insensitive that sounded wanted to slap himself.

Meek little puppy vs the Big Bad Wolf

" Are... you pregnant?"

Ali looked at her brother like he was crazy.

'Why on earth would he think I'm pregnant ?'

"Just because I vomited ?Hell, Zee, by that logic a lot of people would be pregnant. I mean I even..." Ali stopped scolding her older, fidgeting brother who looked like he was waiting for the ground to swallowing him.

Ali slightly panicked.With school, her assignments,dates with Daniel and the sudden burst pipe in her apartment he had been running herself ragged. She thought that she had become sick because of it so she hadn't noticed she hadn't gotten her period yet.

' Shit! She was 2 months late! Her periods irregular and she was but this late...

Could I really be pregnancy?But... we always used protection! Oh my god! I'm only nineteen, what do I know about babies?What would dad think? He would definitely be mad! Even Zian would be angry! What about Daniel?Will he stay...


Zian watched his sister become paler and paler.

She had probably caught on and now was overthinking everything.His sister as smart and capable as she was had the habit of everything and planning every step of her life.

Bree was an unexpected surprise that she treasured and wholeheartedly without reservation.Yet, ideally he knew she wanted to finish her MBA ,take over their mother's company , marry Daniel then have a child.

" Shh, Ali. It will all be fine." Zian pulled his sister in a tight hug when he saw her watery panicked eyes.

" It's okay. It's okay . I'm right here. Don't worry." Zian comforted here. He was glad he had the chance to redo the moment.

In his last life he was angry and called her reckless. Really, he was a huge assh*le. He was glad he was level headed and rational this time round so he could give his sister the support and comfort she needed. He wanted to assure her that he was there for her. That he would always be there her...


" I'll go take a pregnancy test. I ...I , no matter what Zee , if I'm pregnant I'll keep the baby." Ali unsure of a lot of things but she was sure that she would keep her baby. After all a baby that was hers and of the person she loved was a treasure even if it came a little earlier than expected.

"Al, I have your back no matter what. If you're pregnant don't worry about anything. I'll sort of things with dad . You just take care of yourself and tell Daniel that the only thing he needs to do is stay by your side." Zian promised and hoped he didn't need to beat sense into her future brother-in-law.

Ali who just stopped crying felt herself tearing again. It was still her annoying older brother who was always there for her and accepted her. It was as if the weight of a mountain fell of her shoulders. Zian wasn't angry and was even willing to talk to their dad for her sake. After her mother and oldest brother had died Zian was her major support system so she was glad He wasn't disappointed in her.


Zian drove his black Ducati motorbike to the University of Columbia campus. He was currently in studying at the Faculty of Pharmacy. Originally he wanted to study medicine like his older brother and Xander .Unfortunately, when they were called to identify his brother 's and mother's bodies he ran into the mortuary room and saw their broken corpses and all that blood...

From that time Zian Hayes couldn't stand the site of blood . He felt nauseas and dizzy so he decided against that career option. Little did he know he would become indifferent to the site of blood in the apocalypse...

Anyway he chose the next best option pharmacy and research. Xander's mother died from cancer because of the lack of treatment options and drugs at the time. He had always wanted to help people and became inspired to treated difficult and rare illnesses.When Zian thought his career options he decided that becoming a pharmacist and researcher would be the best thing for him.

He didn't want to go into business like his mum or politics like his dad as he didn't have any interest in those fields.One of the ways he survived in the apocalypse was knowing which herbs could be used for medical treatment and making drugs. There was a great need for medication so he didn't always need to go out on missions and could stay with Bree at the base.

When he got to campus he received some stares from girls and instead of taking time to greet them he blatantly ignored their presence.He coldly walked passed and went to the admins office. He was no longer the person he used to be.

Unknowingly, his cold air making him even more attractive giving him a bad boy vibe. Black leather jacket, white T- shirt and black boots. His hair tousled by the wind and aviator sunglasses screamed hot and dangerous.

Right now he had no time to spend on frivolous things. All of his focus was on survival and revenge . There were only two reasons he came to campus instead of stockpiling for the apocalypse.

He knew that there was a short elective been held on Native American Medicine and Traditional Medicine which he needed to sign up for. Most people just attend the course for extra credit and fun. They didn't really take it seriously and would just submit one paper at the end of the 6 week course.Well he himself was included but that course that he barely paid attention to

had helped him survive the hellish apocalypse.

The second reason, Chelsea Smith was here. She was studying nursing and they had psychology classes together. Not that she needed it after all she was a master manipulator. She could stab a person in the heart and then convince them it was their own fault.

He hated her. From the moment they met she played him like a joke. He actually thought they were friends but she took advantage of him and drugged him on Valentines Day and made him take responsibility of her because he had gotten her pregnant . The biggest joke was that day they didn't even sleep together!

After Xander's death when he went to confront her for leaving him she just laughed at him. She had her bodyguards hold him down and told him the truth. She just approach him because she was Markus Hayes son not because she liked him. She cheated on him with other men and used his money like water.

Yet, the thing he hated the most was letting this b*tch indirectly cause Xander heartache and his death.

The Bennett Family had even caused his father's and sisters death with her help. They didn't even spare Bree who was an innocent child! How could he not hate her! He wasn't that great! He wasn't a saint but a devil who had crawled from the depths of hell! An eye for eye a tooth for Tooth!

First it would be the Bennett's and then next the Smith Family...