
Evo evolution

DaoistqDj4PF · ゲーム
1 Chs

the lost and the return

"we don't always don't know what will happen in our world you can just wake up , do your work , go home , get hit by a truck , and suddenly get reincarnated to a new world. life has many surprised isn't. " a faint sound of a young man.

"my story may not sound believel or ordinary

but trust me , my name is Eho , and this is my story where I got reincarnated and became the most powerful human in the world. "

" it was just a normal day when I was going to my home after doing my both part time job and school. " Eho said faintly " hmmm I wonder what mom will cook today oh yeah she said the , "you better be careful there are criminals that has super strength ", " I didn't pay attention to it thinking the news is fake but I just said " "ok mom" "that lead to my downfall".

"I better be home before mom gets worried" Eho said while he's walking to the street , not knowing he's expiration is coming soon.

hello there is a truck of criminals heading to street 417 they are arm and seems to have an incredible strength over ." a cop said " hello we are sending dispatch at street 417 over" the cop said on the other side .

while Eho is walking to at a street his mom called , " hello Eho my baby when are you coming home?" his mom said in a worried voice , while Eho responded with don't worry mom I'm fine am about to come home " Eho said in a assuring voice " oh thank God you better comeback soon as there's more criminals running around and can you tell me where are you at now " his mom said in a bit worried voice but calm tone " ok mom I'm just at street-" a sound of a phone dropping and a car driving by was heard but with no sign of Eho.

"Eho? Eho my baby why are you not r-responding?" there's still no sounds of Eho

"Eho !?!?!?" and that's how the story of my life ended at street 417 or , should I say this story of my life".

a sound of police sirens can be heard and one cop said " hey stop right there or-" but suddenly he stops as he saw a crowd and a

dead body

we now go to the time when the cops got home where Eho lives , and then there was a doorbell " hello who is this-" ehos mom saw the police " um hello of-f-ficer what are your doing here?!" in a bit of worried face , and the officer look worried knowing that the mother knows something bad happen bad happen to his son " hello were here to drop the bad news that your son's is deceased" the officer said , and ehos mom dropped down crying.

Eho funeral was soon started but this seem the end of ehos story this was just the start of it , as the new story shall begin.

and now we pin point to the view of Eho " uhh what happened why does my body hurt-" as Eho stops remembering that he was just with his mom in the phone and he remembers what happened " no I was just in the phone with my mom and... , no!! I c-c-c-cant! be dead!! no what about mom no-" then Eho suddenly start started feeling pain from his body " what is happening- aghhhhhhhhhhhh aghhhhhhhhhhghghhhghghhhhhh help!!!!!!!"as

Eho screams in pain and he opens his eyes.

Eho sees that he's in the woods still in pain but fine and he also sees that hes wounds are mysteriously Heald and he stands up looking to the deep woods.

" hello can anyone help me!?!?" Eho shouted "hello! please can anyone help me! please!!!" Eho shouted again.

while Eho was shouting he discovered a hologram just above him floating there and Eho said " what the!? wait am I dead!?!?"

but then Eho inspect the hologram as it says that " please enter player name" and Eho look in confusion.

"what and who player!?!? and where am I!!!?!??" Eho loudly said , Eho grew more furious the more the holagram did not answer.

while Eho keep yelling at the holagram some things appear suddenly as Eho saw a big mantis monster in his way screaming and screeching about to fight anything in it's path.

Eho screams in terror as he falls down as he the monster is causing the ground to grumble

dew to its power , and the monster was about to kill Eho but suddenly a man in a odd horse comes in and cuts up the head of the beast.

"t-t-t-th-thank -y-y-you" Eho said in fear and shock and the man in the suit said " your welcome and stop shouting at nothing and go become a hunter or something to become stronger" the man said"

" hunter?" Eho said in his mind , but Eho quickly said "where could I become a hunter"

and the man in the suit "said there's a village nearby in the north" and Eho said "thank you again" but the man already left Eho sighs and decided to go to the village the man said.

Eho walks to the village and when he got there he started hearing that there's a high tear monster that's killings more hunters.

knowing that he might die he decided to become a hunter.

eho enters a wooden building that said to be one of the hunter association building that gone worn down over the time.

as Eho enters the building he saw a few people and a tall oldman with a beard that seems to be in his 80s.

Eho said "hello may I sign up as a hunter".