
Evil Star: Advent Of The Strongest Crime Lord

This is a sh*tty world, Human is just a tag we have put on ourselves. In the end, we are just savages tearing apart each other when others least expect it. In this world, there is a hunter and prey. You can survive only if are the hunter. Preys are meant to die. If you are weak, you die. If you are kind, you die. If you are compassionate, you die. DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!! Follow Samuel in his journey to becoming the biggest crime lord to ever exist.....

1 Chs


AUTHOR NOTE: So first of all, hello everyone I'm BIGBRO_DDH. A new author who just started his writing carrier. This is my first proper work so please give it lots of support and inform me about any changes to be done. The story starts from chapter one. These two prologues would give you guys an idea about the mc and his followers. Although it won't make sense for now, you'll understand everything at the end of volume 1. Stay tuned.

...It was nighttime.

The night sky was filled countless stars twinkling with a mystical gleam. The milky white moon gave the sky a innocent glow. Sometimes, a comet streaking through the night sky attracted countless eyes towards towards the sky bringing a smile on their face.

Some children clasped their hands and started making a wish, while others were trying to find happiness they couldn't find in their life. Some were just casually looking at the sky to pass time, while some were praying for the happiness of their loved ones.

But there was one man who was staring at the sky with a lifeless look.

...Under the night sky was a city illuminated with countless lights of buildings, malls, restaurents and other facilities would make a person wonder just how beautiful it was.

Sadly the people living there were not so good.

In one of the alleyways was a middle-aged man lying on the cold ground with countless bruises and three bloody holes over his body. He had a lifeless look on his face which suddenly changed as started weeping while tears rolled down his eyes.

He closed his eyes while recalling what happened a few moments ago.


"Please stop! any more and he would die!"


In a magnificent mansion which looked like a huge palace, the same man who was lying on the floor was getting beaten up by men dressed in black suit while a woman and

child were begging them not to hit him.

These men were really brutal. Even when doing all this, they had a crazy smile on their face as if they were enjoying beating up the man.

A little away from this brutal scene were three men who were dressed as if announcing the world that they were 'RICH!'

They were drinking some expensive wine and looked at the man getting beaten with a amused expression as if this was some funny drama.

The rich man in the middle spoke out,

"Stop it,boys. You're having too much fun there. What if he dies?"

Although the rich man said that, it was obvious that he didn't care whether the man lives or dies.

The men although reluctant stopped beating since their boss had ordered them.

The rich man who stopped them got up from his seat and walks towards the man with and steady steps. He stood it front of the man while his shoes were were just a inch away from the man's face.

Suddenly, he swung his leg and sent the man flying with his kick. The man who was already injured got even more hurt as he coughed out a mouthful of blood.

"You're right, guys. Beating up this trash is really fun" the rich man said with a maniacal smile on his face. He then stomped the man's face till he was half dead.


"Stop beating my daddy!"

The woman and little girl who seemed to be his family were crying hysterically while trying to escape from these men's clutches.

The rich man then grabbed him by his hair while still smiling at his misery.

"I warned you David. You should have sold your company to me while you had the chance. Then we wouldn't have to deal with this sh*t" the rich man said.

To this, David although his mouth covered in blood replied in a hoarse voice "How could I? Pablo, I used to think we are best friends and I helped you build this empire. But what you did was getting involved in illegal business behind my back and after all these years when I find out, you are stabbing me in the back by eying my company. Seriously, how cou..." before David could finish his words, Pablo stuffed his mouth with his shoes with a maniacal smile plastered on his face.

"You're a bit wrong there, old friend. I don't just want your company, I also want your wife. She's just too too good for you" said Pablo with a sinister smile.

When David heard this, his face turned ugly as he stared at Pablo with bloodshot eyes. He tried to say something but couldn't as Pablo's shoes was still stuffed in his mouth.

"You know, for many years I have been eying your wife. I would have already snatched her if not for building this company and rising to the position that I am at right now. But now that everything is settled..." Pablo said while looking at David's wife with a lewd gaze. Seeing his gaze, she turned pale and started shivering.

"Now that I think about it, your daughter ain't bad. She might turn into a true beauty one day. It's better to keep her here" said Pablo while he and other men in the room started laughing at their misery.

David was so angry that blood had started to come out his hand because of clenching them so tightly. He wished to just get up and punch Pablo in the face. But reality isn't that nice. He blamed himself for trusting such a brute and putting his family in danger. But he just didn't understand how Pablo was able to get his signature for the ownership of his company.

As if his thoughts were heard, Pablo said "You must be wondering how I got my hands on your shares right? Well it's simple actually . Come in"

He took out his shoes out of David's mouth and ordered someone to come in. Soon a man in glasses came in who was all too familiar to David. Seeing him, David was confused for a second but at that moment something ticked inside his head. Finally realizing the truth, David lost all his reasoning and started screaming hysterically "PETER!!! SO IT WAS YOU?!! HOW COULD YOU?! WHY?! JUST WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!!"

Peter was his secretary who had been working for him for many years. After his family, Peter was the one he cared and trusted the most. So it was inconceivable for him to him that the person that he had treated as his brother for half of his life would stab him in the back so cruelly.

In return, Peter just smirked as if mocking his misery. 

"Why you ask? Because you don't deserve this David. Over the years, we have done so many dealings. You could have made so much money. But you! You wanted to be goody two shoes earning money by honest labor. So when his person here approached me offering me the management rights to such a company, I just couldn't refuse. Just blame yourself for being an ignorant fool who can't differentiate between right and wrong" 

David had lost all his reasoning. He wanted nothing more to pounce on him and tear him apart.

But at this moment, three gunshots were heard. David froze in his place. When he looked down, he found three bloody holes in his body with blood continuously oozing out from them. The one responsible for this, Pablo had a evil smile on his face while playing with the gun in his hand. David eyes lost their color as he collapsed on the ground. 

David's wife and daughter who saw this cried uncontrollably tried to beak free from the guards and kept calling his name in hopes that he will wake up. But David stayed still without even moving.

"Throw the trash out. My mood is getting spoiled here" said Pablo as he kicked David's motionless body.

Although he knew that after taking all his wealth David was not a threat anymore, he did not wish to have any loose ends.

His men carried out David's body and now his eyes fell on David's wife, his eyes filled with lust and greed.


Outside in the alley David had just woken up and he recalled everything that happened inside. He was still losing blood but he didn't seem to care. He started rambling

"Was it so wrong to live a honest life? In all these years I have never done something that would hurt others so why is it that me and family are going through such suffering? Where did it go wrong? Was it when I made a deal with Pablo without anything about him? or was it when I hired Peter whom I trusted blindly? Just what was it?!" He had lost all hope. He lost his wealth, his family is with those lecherous bastards, he was backstabbed by his assistant whom he thought of as his brother. He didn't know what to do anymore.

"I'd say it was neither" said someone from the shadows. David although startled at first realized something and asked while smirking "Are you the grim reaper?" 

In reply, he just heard a chuckle. Someone or something there seemed quite amused.

"I guess my time has come. To think even you are laughing at my pathetic life" said David in a dry voice.

"Of course, you're life is pathetic. You lost everything precious to you. You couldn't even save yourself and even dragged your wife and children in it. You life is nothing but pathetic. I'm surprised you didn't die from shame" said the voice sarcastically.

"What do you think I should have done?!! Do you have the answer?!" growled David. He was already going to die so he didn't care about offending a grim reaper. Also, he didn't like the way this grim reaper talked as if he knew everything. 

"Of course. Did you think I would say all that without an answer?" the voice said.

"No matter how many excuses you have, there is only one answer your misery...." the voice said and the air suddenly got chillier. 

"YOU...ARE...WEAK!!! You could have protected your family from those lowlifes. They wouldn't even dare to eye your wealth or betray you. You can afford to be kind if you have strength. Strength is good! Strength is evil! You were just asking to be killed because kindness without strength is nothing short of crime. You don't even have such simple common sense. How did you even survive in this world?" said the voice and it was filled quite strong emotions as if it had first hand experience how it feels.

Listening to the voice, although pissed David couldn't refute to that. Those words were most definitely had some truth in it. If he had strength, he could have protected everything. Slowly but surely, a new fire had been lit in his heart. He looked towards the direction where the voice came from. He started to realize that the owner of this voice was not just some grim reaper. Hope had rekindled in his eyes.

"Can you...give me that strength?"

As soon as he asked that, a red light appeared out of nowhere which was floating above someone's hand.

David could finally see the appearance of the mysterious person.

He must be the most handsome David had ever seen in his life who didn't look a day older than 20. He was wearing a completely black suit which matched with his messy jet black hair giving him a wild look. But there was something on him which David would never forget for the rest of his life. He had blood red eyes and just by looking at them one could feel extreme coldness and bloodthirsty aura from them coupled with a maniacal smile made him look him a demon from hell.

Any sane person would be scared shitless when looking at him, but David was full of smiles and his eyes were full of hope. Yes! this is it. This person could help him seek his revenge.

"Just so you know, there's no free lunch in this world. In order to gain power, you must lose something precious to you"

"I don't care! Apart from my family, I'll give you anything" 

"Even if you lose your humanity and turn into my slave..."

"Yes! As long as you help me seek revenge, I'll even give you my soul!" exclaimed David. He didn't care anymore. He would give up anything just for a chance at revenge.

The mysterious man seemed extremely pleased by David's words as his smile grew larger and the red light turned into crimson flames. If one observed closely, they could hear wailing cries of people begging for mercy. Just looking at those flames, one would feel a chill run down their spine.

"Welcome to my paradise"

The last thing David saw was the blinding crimson light covering his entire vision....

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