
Evil Jinn

GrimmReaper001 · ホラー
1 Chs


Rishabh & Ishita, a newlywed couple who had just tied the knot in a beautiful ceremony in their hometown of Kanpur, were planning to have the perfect honeymoon. They wanted to spend a week at a wonderful resort on the city's outskirts, far among the calm countryside. But they had no idea that their blissful honeymoon would soon turn into a living nightmare.

They had already fallen asleep in bed on their first night at the resort when they heard strange noises outside their door. They ignored it at first as the sound of the wind, but it increased louder and more frightening with each passing minute. Ishita tried to calm Rishabh down, but he was visibly shaken by the noises.

They heard the noises again the next night. It seemed like someone was banging on their door this time. There was no one outside when Rishabh opened the door. They inquired with the resort staff, but no one had come to their room that night.

The noises became more frequent and strong as the days continued. Ishita began to sense a presence in the room, as if someone was keeping an eye on her every move. Rishabh couldn't ignore the horror that was consuming him, so she tried to to brush off it as her imagination.

The room became freezing chilly one night while they were sleeping. Their breaths could be seen in the air, and the hairs on the back of their necks stood on point. Then they noticed a black figure standing at the foot of their bed, blazing red eyes staring at them.

Rishabh and Ishita become paralysed by fear, unable to move or scream. The figure moved slowly towards them before disappearing into thin air. The temperature in the room returned to normal, but the pair was terrified.

The next day, they decided to put an end to their honeymoon early and leave the resort. They were about to leave when they were stopped by an elderly gentleman who claimed to be a local priest. He informed them that the resort was constructed on an ancient burial place and that the visitors had awakened an evil jinn.

The jinn, he claimed, had been sealed in the burial site for thousands of years, but the resort had disturbed its resting spot. It was now out for vengeance on everyone who attempted to disturb his  peace.

Rishabh and Ishita were surprised. They had never believed in the otherworldly, but now they were confronted with a vengeful creature that was beyond their ability to understand.

Rishabh and Ishita felt a sense of relief overflow over them as they drove away from the resort. They had escaped the terrible jinn's grasp and were looking forward to returning to their normal lives. But as they drove down the curved shape road back to Kanpur, they noticed something that made their blood run cold.

The road ahead appeared to disappear from sight and all they could see was blackness. Rishabh attempted to slow down, but it was too late. They were tossed around like rag dolls as their vehicle turned over and again. They were locked inside the car until they eventually came to a halt, unable to move.

When they gazed out the shattered windscreen, they saw the same dark creature standing in the distance, its burning red eyes looking at them. They realised then that they had not, in fact, escaped the terrible jinn. It had been following them and had finally caught up with them.

Rishabh and Ishita could feel the jinn's malicious influence seeping into cars as it neared. As the jinn invaded their thoughts and took possession of their bodies, they were unable to resist.

The jinn's voice whispering in their ears, promising them a destiny worse than death, was the last thing they recalled. Then everything went darkness.

The cops discovered the car wreckage on the side of the road the next day. Rishabh and Ishita were nowhere to be seen. They'd disappeared without a trace, leaving only the chilling recollection of the evil jinn who'd claimed them.

Years later, some residents claimed to have seen a shadowy figure lingering around the accident scene, gazing over the vehicle wreckage. Some claim that Rishabh and Ishita were still locked within, under the jinn's power. Others think that the jinn took their souls and cursed them to roam the land for eternally under its diabolical gaze.

Whatever the truth was, one thing was certain: the wicked jinn that haunted the resort had taken another victim, and its hunger for revenge was unquenched.