
Evil Designs: Fire Emblem Across Realms (Oneshot)

Hector, the Champion of Tiamat had taken over several Dimensions in her name. Primordial Creatures that caused slights in the past were paid by her Champion. All the places with Dragons that needed to be brought to heel before her partial brother Bahamut brought them under his fold. Moving to the next destination, Hector was in for some trouble. Especially with the setup he was given this time. Having a twin younger sister awaken long-buried feelings he was able to make do without. The mother as normal had weird circumstances and the father was something lacking in his eyes. Hector is struggling with the decision if he should form a contract with his sister and make her a champion. But that would introduce her to a world of warring Pantheons and secrets as old as Existance itself. To make it worse, Hector's kids from previous Dimensions have tracked him down. Wanting to still learn and fight with their father. They were grown, why was it so hard for them to understand to stand on their own!? What's a champion to do with all of the trouble especially when he needs to still take over the Dimension for Tiamat without an issue.

Magmatide · ゲーム
21 Chs

Fire Emblem Chapter 10 Siege of a town Part 2 Kill to Conquer

The bandits tried to attack the moment the sun went down. The Lorca tribe members moved about like regular villagers while the actual regular villagers locked themselves up in the various cellars to hide.

The Pegasus Riders had left with the unwilling members who didn't want to fight and the heavily wounded from before. Among the fighters, the situation looked to be in the Bandit's favor from any outside sources speculation.

Hector defended a side by himself mostly. Serra refused to be no more in a dash of him about (30 feet) away. Dart was to keep a watchful eye on her and the wall to make sure none broke through not to far away.

Quick patchwork only goes so far.

The Lorca tribe available fighters guarded the cellars. Lyndis, Madelyn, Wallace, Kent, and Sain took the main entrance. Hassar and Wil were perched on the wall to provide support as much as they could.

"I would kill for some good night vision goggles right now." Eyes adjusted over time and the training, but couldn't beat technology advantages. Not without wasting magic anyway. Hector caught enough movement to make his move. He fired a small fireball out into the distance. "Lighting it up."

*Fwoosh!* The small fireball sailed through the open area into some rags they placed out there. In a matter of moments, it turned into an inferno illuminating the area in a large circle.

"Ahh!" A bandit let out a shriek as his tunic caught fire. It didn't last long as an arrow made contact. "Uuk!" Pierced right through the throat, the next shot from the defenders ended the bandit's life.

The first death signaled the full scope of the conflict. The Bandits charged in ready to pillage. Sacean members steeled themselves to get ready for what they assumed would be a long arduous night.

"So little coming this way, no matter." Having spotted only 6 or so, Hector stepped forward and kicked backward at a set of logs.

The logs made a makeshift barrier between the walls. It would take some time to get through it. By estimation, a few minutes hard work by the enemy. This was the plan only if Hector had a few bandits to deal with. "Need to make this quick if help those not arrive in the next day or so."

On the wall, a few Sacaen Archers moved down to provide support at the southeast.

Clothes still burning from embers, three bandits were in quick striking range.

*Schlick!* A swing with the sword from the left caused the bandit to lose an arm. Coming down with his axe in the right, the bandit lost his other arm and life. Blood gushed all over scaring a few of his cohorts.

"You bastard!" The bandit screamed giving his position way even more. Swinging a steel axe with all his might as if to crush Hector under the weight. "Stand still for I can finish you!"

The axe was dodged by a little bobbing and weaving. Which each swing, Hector made sure to move closer to any of the other bandit's direction. With any luck, this would cause the bandits to hit one another.

"Why should I listen to you?" Weaving back and clashing swords with a bandit on the left, Hector pushed back with his sword just enough to mess up the other's footing. "I mean, you are trying to kill me, that will not simply do."

"Grr!" A bandit with a sword joined in to attack Hector from the right. "Hold him for a few seconds!" Maneuvering against the axe of Hector, the man thought he had a good place to hit from with his overall speed. "Got you now you slippery snake!"

"Humph!" Hector stepped off feigning a bit of a retreat. Two bandits with an axe came in close to try and surround him. "Thanks for getting close to me!"

*Whoosh!* Spinning with a hard pivot, his overwhelming strength was on display fully. Pressure from the axe hit against each of the bandit's weapons knocking them unstable. Just long enough for his sword to cut them in the chest or arm.

"You brat!" One bandit got back far enough and moved in with a lunge. Catching Hector in the thigh when doing so. "Got you... now..." His strike did less damage than he thought. "It's.. stuck!"

Clenched muscles around the sword in the thigh, Hector came down with his axe into the sword bandit's shoulder. Unlike the other, his strength was high enough cut deep into muscle and bone tissue.

"Kuk!" Choking on his blood, the bandit died with an incredulous look on his face. Hector looked back briefly to make sure none had gone to the barricade to start cutting it down to get through yet.

'So far so good.' Listening to it a little closer, he could hear the sounds of arrows from his side and the sounds of cursing from the Bandits. 'If my magic was better, I would be able to sense were people are located better, just not there yet I guess.'

Finishing off the few bandits and tacking a few strikes, Hector moved upward a little in the area to do recon. The bandits he fought against weapons were tossed into his Internal Space for now.

Down by the southern part of the town the battle was a lot bloodier and dangerous overall. Hector's Mercenaries held hard with tactics and drilled in doctrine. The Sacaens kept well with overall speed and skill to stay alive.

"They are not so bad, I see why the Boss was interested in them." Dart cut a bandit in half with both of his axes while looking over his shoulder. "Especially those two women there, light on their feet like birds they are!"

Lyndis moved with quick speed dealing with several cuts that annoyed her opponents. The other was her mother Madelyn who cut a little less but blows were deeper. Any bandit that got behind them were shot by arrows.

Wil and Hassar made sure to keep everyone covered who got surrounded. The "moving fortress" Wallace was keeping at least 10 bandits at bay himself. None getting out of reach of his lance but staying far enough away to keep from getting maimed.

"We need to hurry!" The red-haired knight Kent shouted. He caught sight of several bandits charging in from the side. "They are trying to overwhelm a single side!"

Seeing the increase in bandits, the group became nervous. It was bad enough lighting was bad as the Torches and fires started to die down.

*Woosh!* A green blur shot pass on horseback! Sain the cavalier charged into the darkness towards the group of bandits in an instant. Four more green riders chot pass. Sacaen Nomads by the looks of it.

"Where did they come from?" Lyndis didn't recognize them at all. By the look on her mother's face from what she could tell, neither did she. "Are they friends of father?"

"I do not know." Madelyn looked back at the bandit threat taking a deep breath. "Come on, the enemy won't spare the civilians if we do not take care of them after all this!"

A bright light engulfed the two as they moved forward. Serra who was forced to go around because of the collapse logs by Hector had made it over. She was none to happy to be cut off from his side so quickly.

'Ohhh, that blasted Hector will get an earful later! Just wait!' The cleric had the stave in one hand and a dagger in the other that dripped blood. 'I don't care if they are just bandits, we are still outnumbered!'

A few Saceans came over with a few mercenaries. The area they defended was secured enough by other mercenaries that arrived. Most of them were tired and weary but numbers would scare the enemy hopefully.

The hours continued on. More and more bandits went down with a few mercenaries getting seriously injured due to high numbers and stamina waining. However, one person kept pushing with a zeal and glee not seen by only a few.

Hector was no longer using weapons besides his hands. Both Sword and Axe had grown to heavy to wield for the moment. Plus his grip was looser due to a mixture of blood and guts.

"Raaah!" Hector had one bandit gripped in his left hand and a second gripped in the right as he charged forward. Slamming through two smaller bandits in the process using them as rams. With a turn, he flung one high into the air. 'Gravity should kill him!'

*Twang!* An arrow shot through the air catching Hector in the chest. Turning, the Champion moved in that direction with haste. Which was needed since his barricade of logs was getting attacked by three bandits.

Reaching down, he grabbed a few dead bandits' axes. With picked up speed, he threw them in that direction at full might. The first two axes were lodged directly into the spine and logs.

"Huh!?" Alarmed, the surviving bandit looked back just as the next two came at him. "Oh shii...!"

*Schlick! Schlick!* Both cut into his body like a V. Stuck standing due to the lodging of the blades into the logs behind him, the bandit was treated to the sight of what he believed to be a blue-haired demon covered in blood.

*Twang!* Another arrow sailed through the air catching Hector in the side of the neck. This made him stumble before falling onto the ground.

"Ugh..." Picking himself up, blood loss and a bout of dizziness got to him. "..to soon to switch up!" Not resorting to magic just yet, Hector pulled a Vulnerary out and bit into the pouch. 'Just a little pick me up to keep going!'

Chewing on the herbal remedy, he spat some of it onto his wounds to help staunch bleeding.

A few figures came out of the darkness but not the archer that pegged him recently. The archer was proving to be extremely slippery to get ahold of. The bandit was a well-used shield at this point.

Those that came out of the darkness were a cut above the rest. The Leader was the biggest with decent armor on instead of typical cloth rags.

"Kill that bastard!" The bandit leader shouted. Seeing too many of his brethren to scared to act against the monster that was Hector, he moved toward him to do the deed personally. "Have to do everything myself!"

"Help me....!" The bandit used as a shield had gained enough life after seeing help arrive. "this bastard has been using me as a shield!" Kicking and struggling did nothing to get him free.

The second bandit was then slammed into the ground brutally when Hector couldn't find a second target to hit with the body. With a kick to the chest with his boot, a small opening was given for a counter strike on him by the bandit leader.

*Schlick!* The bandit leader's axe cut deep down the front side of Hector's armor. Actually exposing his chest before it broke apart like fine china. The fount of blood that decorated the bandit leader made his grisly smile all the worse to see.

"Hehe, not so tough after all!" He shouted to give courage to his comrades. The other bandits looked a little happier now but did not rush out. "Clever little bug is still just a bug!"

The Bandit leader swung again with his axe landing a direct hit once more.

"Hector!" Serra almost shrieked seeing him take another deep wound. If she was not healing Dart, the cleric would have run over to help. 'Come on! Close faster!' Her magic kicked up under the fretting but made her more tired.

Lyndis and Madelyn had encountered other bandits. With Wil and Hassan giving them cover instead. The archers that were on the wall kept working on keeping the line held.

"Splendid.. truly splendid..." Hector, despite his wounds, smiled at the bandit. "If I was dying here.. it would suck.. but it would be a testament.. to my weakness..." The bandit leader stepped back at his words and stared and what he believed to be a true monster. "..But.. you just were not good enough... to grant me what I desire..."

Among the fighting, Hector had pushed his body to see if he could develop anything different. But no dice. His magic just continued to grow with the Primordial Sea expanding from the Bandits. Not to mention the number of those he Reaped increasing.

He would need to talk with Tiamat to see what was going on with his overall abilities not changing and slow growth in the fight.

Hector Ostia

Martial Rank: Lord

Magical Rank: Page

Reap: 84

Enthralled: 30

Level 5 → 8

HP 46 → 49

Str 19 → 21

Skl 18→ 19

Spd 20→ 21

Lck 14→ 16

Def 26→ 28

Res 17→ 18

Con 22→ 25

Mov 7

Affinity- All

Axe - B Sword- C→ Bow- B Lance- D→C Stave- D

Anima- C → Dark- B Light- C

Attained Martial- Journeyman, Cavalier, Fighter, Mercenary, Myrimdon, Rider, Archer, Pirate, Thief, Knight

Attained Magical- Page, Priest, Mage, Shaman, Troubador

Magmatidecreators' thoughts