
Evil Degenerate Reborn In Vikings

Please Keep Calm And Carry On Reborn in Vikings as a Degenerate FYI MC not a good person, I've had readers complain about his actions when it is clearly stated on the title. Crackfic Warning Huge R18 Warning R*pe In*est G*re Tor*ure Lemons.....honestly don't read if you have a soft stomach. slight time adjustment

73 Chs

Ch 36 Flames In The Darkness

(Anna has been changed on character sheet)

Atop my horse I moved swiftly toward Newcastle in the pitch darkness through the dirt path as I urged it onward.

I could see the lights of the town and fortress off in the distance as I rode and already imagined getting my hands on that sweet Princess.

After half an hour I reached near the wooden town walls and dismounted after tying my horse down to a tree.

It whinnied at me but I patted it's thick neck and spoke softly. {"Be Patient, I will return soon." I spoke.

The horse chuffed and pulled at it's bridle as if trying to pull itself loose.

I held a hand to it's shoulder and spoke. "I will untie you, but you will stay nearby or I'll roast you over a spit."} I told the big beast and it nodded it's head and chuffed.

After untying it I walked a few feet away then began to slowly turn into my wraith form, the strange feeling of becoming incorporeal crawled up from my hands to my entire body.

Before long I had completely turned into a shadowy mist and began to rise through the air slowly.

Floating over the dark town I could see guards stationed on the walls and a few dozen conscripts patrolling the streets with torches.

I moved to the Northern side of town and lowered myself slowly.

I began to rematerialize and spent ten points on a black clay pot from my inventory, it was fairly expensive but useful....it was Naffatun, A Firebomb.

I held it firmly and lobbed it at a cluster of tenements and immediately a bright spatter of sticky fire spread wide over one of the homes.

The bright fire seemed to light up the darkness beautifully as it quickly spread like a plague.

I could hear the distant shouts of the guards who could see the mass of fire in the distance.

They immediately ran through the dark streets and alleys to combat the quickly spreading flames.

I slowly turned wraith and floated away from the blazing flames as the screams and cries of Dozens was heard as they realized their homes were in fire, many would surely die but it was a sacrifice I was willing to make.

I headed up to the castle where the guards watched the bright fire in the distance and wanted to rush out to smother the flames, every Guard could hear the haunting screams of people burning alive in their homes while waiting for help to arrive.

As I flew over them I heard their Captain yell out to one man. "EDWIN GO INFORM THE KING!!! ASK HIM IF WE SHOULD ASSIST!!!" The Captain shouted and one young soldier ran off into the Castle.

I floated in behind him but headed to a different place while slowly moving through the halls.

I spread my senses to find the scent of Judith....it was like sweet almonds and vanilla, I just had to track it.

After ten minutes I picked up on a trail and began to follow it while there was a panic in the castle as servants and guardsmen scurried around.

I overheard one speak to another. "We went to inform the King but he lost himself in his cups during supper and couldn't be awoken." One man spoke and the guard beside him sighed.

"I don't blame him after what happened to the Good Queen Ealhswith....What did the Castellan order to do with the flames?" The other guard spoke.

"Most of us are going to help out it out, it's spreading too quickly and a dozen homes have been engulfed." The man responded and soon they had scurried too far out of earshot.

Before long I reached a room with a large silver embossed door with a few maids and guards standing just outside.

"Princess hasn't stopped crying for her poor mother..." One guard spoke and wiped a tear from his eye.

"The Good Queen Ealhswith gave herself up for our lives...She shall be remembered as a Saint." An older maid spoke and patted the Crying guard on the shoulder.

"Aye...Aye...but it's just too horrible, Queen Ealhswith was the most pious and devoted person in all of England, and now she's been taken by that Abomination!!!" Guard spoke out coldly.

"It's...It's the Kings doing, I was there when the Cardinal laid blame on the King...'Your Wife, Or Your Kingdom'...The Cardinal said that was the price for his Oathbreaking."

Another maid who sat further away spoke and everyones eyes opened....they'd heard rumors but never from someone who was actually there.

I moved to the pair of braziers nearby and smothered them out.

Immediately one maid squeaked out cutely out of fright but the older Maid spoke.

"Don't make noises like that Aprilena, Go get a torch from down the Hall and light them again." She spoke and the little maid nodded and scurried off.

While it was dark I slid under the silver embossed door and entered the room.

Immediately the Princesses sweet aroma filled my nose as I looked around for the young Virgin beauty.

I found Judith laying in her bed while holding her pillow tightly as she spoke at nearly a whisper as I floated just beside her.

"God please find it in your heart to return my mother....I'll do anything to see her again, I swear it..." She spoke with pain in her voice as I rematerialized beside her bed as I stood over her curvy body.

Immediately she sensed something behind her so she turned and immediately opened her little mouth to scream but I covered it with my giant hand tightly.

She froze at the feeling of me grabbing her and I neared my head to hers, Judith could only see my nearly glowing pearlescent white eye through my veiled helmet.

I spoke to her as she trembled in fear. "You said you'd give anything to see your Mother again....I have come to see that happen Princess Judith....Do not scream or fight back because it will not help you.....do you understand?" I asked and she nodded while tears flowed out of her big brown eyes and her body trembled.

I let go of her mouth and she stayed frozen while looking up at me. 

"Wait there I will be right back." I spoke and she just cried harder in response.

I moved to the heavy gilded door and unlocked the solid steel bars that locked it.

The Maids and Guards heard this and stood at attention to receive their orders.

When the door opened all of them froze in terror at the sight of a monster stepping out from under the door, with my bear head cloak on I appreared eight feet tall which made all of them freeze in terror.

I stepped out and punched one guard so hard his neck snapped and his head flopped around while only connected by skin, then I turned to the other guard as he fumbled to draw his sword.

Before he could take the shiny sword halfway out of its scabbard I grabbed his head with one hand and slammed it against the cobblestone wall as brain master and blood spattered beautifully.

I walked to the two maids and spoke. "Which of you dresses the Princess." I spoke and the younger one meekly raised her little hand.

I nodded then grabbed the older maids neck and squeezed tightly as she turned red and clawed at my arm with all her strength, then she turned purple as I squeezed even harder and a loud cracking sound was heard before her entire body went limp.

The other maid looked at me as if Satan himself had crawled out of hell and was standing before her, if the maid hadn't peed a few minutes ago my boots would have been trickled on.

I grabbed her face and spoke. "The Princess and I are getting married tonight, Dress her for the occasion.... If you do a good job ill let you live." I spoke and her eyes widened when I spoke of letting her live..... The maid was sure she'd be killed by this evil giant soon enough.

I saw her nod cutely as her entire body trembled in terror.

I pointed to the door and spoke. "Go in there and get her dressed, come outside when you are done." I ordered and she stayed frozen out of fear so I grabbed her by the arm and opened the door then tossed her inside.

After that a sat on one of the nearby benches and started munching on the hearts of the two guards, I made sure to not make a mess since I'd soon be married after all.

I waited for fifteen minutes until the door was hesitantly opened and the Maid walked outside while looking at the floor.

"T...The.. Princess is dressed...." She spoke cutely so I walked into the room and dragged the maid with me.

I gazed at Judith who was seated on a small stool with tears running down her eyes.... She knew there was no resisting the Heathen now after he was fully armored and stood just beside her bed as she slept.

Judith muttered prayers to God for salvation but none would be had today.

I stepped forward as every heavy bootstep made both girls flinch.

As I neared Judith who was dressed in a baby blue dress and a white silk head covering I could see the tears that ran down her face.

I walked up and gently licked them off her soft white cheeks while she remained frozen.

"Do not cry Judith, Today is a day to rejoice... You prayed to see your mother and it shall happen..... And no girl as beautiful as you should cry on the night of their wedding." I spoke and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

After that I grabbed her arm as we walked to the door, I turned to the maid and asked her to take us to the Cardinal.

She nodded and we headed on down the hall, both girls screamed when they saw the gore in the hallway, the maid had not looked at the bodies until now and her body trembled in fright.

We walked for a few minutes before I spotted some guards patrolling.

I turned to the girls and spoke. "Cover your eyes ladies." 

They immediately did a nice they didn't want to see what would happen to those poor guards next.

I drew the Bearded Axe from my hip and charged forward.

The Three guards drew their weapons in a panic as they raised their shields but it wouldn't change a thing.

The first man I greeted with a kick to the shield which sent him flying into the wall as his head was popped like a watermelon from the impact.

A stab came to my leg from another but I struck pmhis blade hard then swung downward into his sternum as he was cleaved open from throat to navel as his guts spilled out.

The last two guards began running for their lives after dropping their weapons.

I threw my hand axe at the one furthest away and the wicked blade buried itself in his thigh as he let out a scream and tumbled to the stone floor.

The man just behind him tripped over his friend and by the time they looked back at me my boot was already moving to stomp their skulls.

With a terrible crunch their heads popped which covered the hallway with juice and brains.

I turned back and spoke to the two frightened girls who prayed for their guards to win. "Come on I took care of them." I spoke and they opened their eyes and screamed at the sight of so much blood and gore.

From their scream a door opened and two male servants walked out with groggy eyes.

I moved forward and slammed their heads against the wall which the two women saw In it's entirety.

I turned to them and spoke coldly. "Screech like that again and more people will die." I spoke and they both nodded while tears fell from their faces.

We continued on and I hacked apart two dozen more people before reaching the Cardinals Room, standing outside was a private guard who saw me approaching and immediately threw away his spear and tossed his daggers to the floor in the distance....smart man.

When I reached him he raised his hands and spoke. "I'll offer no resistance Sir, but I have a wife and newborn child who need me." He spoke and I nodded while staring at him through my helmet.

I reached into my coin purse and pulled out a handful of gold coins then placed them into his hand. 

"For the Babe, you can sit quietly on that bench while we are inside." I spoke and he nodded before scurrying off to the seat quietly.

The two girls looked at me with confusion...I had killed every person we came across but I gave this one more than a dozen gold.

The two girls had stopped crying but they still trembled in fear while following me.

I banged on the heavy door three times hard.


Soon a shout was heard from inside the room.

" CHENWULF!!! I SAID NO VISITORS AT THIS TIME!!!!" The Cardinal yelled out Angrily.

I responded by kicking the door hard as it flew off it's hinges and slid a few feet and fell hard onto the cobblestone floor.

I stepped inside and found the Cardinal laying on his giant bed with a huge plate of cookies, cake, glazed turnovers, sweet cream on scones and candied nuts and fruit....just beside him was a large goblet filled with milk and a pitcher on his nightstand with more refills of the white gold for his goblet.

He had crumbs of pastries and nuts all over his face as I stepped in.....I expected him to be with a whore or a little boy but I guess his only vice was sweets haha.

He stared at me in shock as I approached his bed and slid a nearby chair toward me and sat down.

He was frozen in terror. "Don't worry, you can keep eating Cardinal I'm not here to harm you." I spoke and he chewed slowly before swallowing the pastry he was munching on.

He nodded as I took off my helmet and set it down beside the pitcher of Milk, he then saw the Princess walk meekly into the room and stand there.

I reached toward him and he yelped bit I just grabbed a blueberry muffin from his huge platter of pastries and ate it in two bites before taking the picher of milk and drinking deeply, my supply of Althea's Milk had long since ran out since my inventory was limited but this would have to suffice.

The Cardinal seemed hurt that I took a pastry but he was thankful I didn't come to hurt him.

"I require your services Cardinal, I am to have a wedding with Judith here and I need you to officiate it." I spoke and his eyes widened.

"It is not possible....you are a Heathen...you must convert before I can do such a thing, just as Rolf did." He spoke hesitantly then shoved a scone into his mouth to alleviate the nervousness.

I nodded and drank from the pitcher again before speaking. 

"I will take Judith for myself one way or another, do you wish for her chastity to be taken out of wedlock? It is a grave sin, She will be the first Woman I marry in a Christian ceremony which would make her my first wife in the eyes of your God."

I spoke and he closed his eyes to think as he shoved more and more pastries into his fat face.

Before long he opened his little beady eyes and nodded. "You are actually correct....even if you are a Barbaric Heathen, but how did you come to know so much about the Bible?" The Fat Cardinal asked.

"My first Wife back home is from Italy, Venice to be exact." I spoke and he nodded.

"interesting.....Very well, I will officiate the Ceremony, it will save Judith from sin since I know none here will be able to stop you." He spoke and I smiled and finished chugging the flagon of Milk.

He then looked at the platter and asked. "Do you mind?" He asked as his fat cheeks jiggled.

"Go ahead, there's only a few left after all." I spoke and he ravenously shoved pasry after pastry into his fat face.

The girls and I stepped outside as he changed into his official Cardinals robes, after a few minutes he stepped out completely clean and wearing that gaudy hat and gold cross.

"If we are to have a Wedding we need witnesses, lead me to where the Courtiers reside." I spoke and the maid nodded and walked down the hall.

Before long we reached a long hallway full of rooms and littered with Guards, these were the private forces of the various nobles.

The Cardinal stepped forward and spoke to them. "Do not fight and waste your lives, This Heathen cannot be defeated if this country is still being punished by God for it's sins!!!" He called out and magically all the men stood down and sheathed their weapons.

I was honestly surprised at how useful this tub of lard really was.

He then spoke. "Call your lords and Ladies, there is a wedding to take place now....and tell them to be quick about it." The Cardial ordered and they did.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked the fat man.

"Their deaths would do no good, and although you are satanic, you are also a punishment from God....I believe you have come to bring back true piety in people.....how can anyone not be godly when facing an abomination such as you?" He spoke and I nodded.

"You are surprisingly Wise." I spoke and he laughed as his fat cheeks jiggled.

"I know I am Fat Thenn, but I am no fool and I am truly Godly unlike many of my brethren even if I am latched to the sin of gluttony." He spoke while holding his golden cross in his pudgy hands.

Before long the nobles began streaming out of their rooms and screamed in terror but were reassured by the Cardinal that none would be harmed.

Soon enough we headed to the private chapel located within the castle, the private guards were ordered to stay where they were by the various Lords and Ladies....they knew there was no stopping the huge Demon even if they tried.