
First Class

"Welcome class."

I ran to the rest of the group, looks like everyone was early today. I might have to wake up before the birds do now.

"Welcome." Everyone said back but me.

I noticed the girl from yesterday in my class, this was going to be an annoying year. I rolled my eyes.

"Will everyone partner up with someone for today. They will be your partner for the rest of the class. The girl started to head in my direction, but everyone grabbed her attention.

"Can we do all the group work on our own?"

"You can but it will be a lot of work for one person." The teacher said. "You must be the transfer student, I've heard your very capable in working with people you trust do you trust anyone here?"


"Do you know anyone?"

"Yes, but not by name."

"Alright." She went on with the class. "By the end of the week I want everyone to have run this whole yard at least ten times. I will give you a watch to keep track of how much you do, you must keep it on you at all times. The more you do the higher your mark."

"What's the highest that was ever gotten?" Someone else asked.

"Known was maybe a hundred, we have one that is also unreadable, but we assume it was over five hundred."

"That's impossible!" Someone else said.

"But they did it." The teacher pointed out.

"I've beaten that persons record in my lifetime by like thousands." I whispered. "But I'm also not human." I sighed.

"Did you say something new girl?" The teacher asked me.


We continued to work on this, we'd be doing this for the next week, and we were aloud to work on it after classes to, which I found very annoying. Considering that this was one of three classes. The next ones better give me a better challenge.