
Chapter 43: Double Date

Leena had noticed the sly smile on Adriene's face ever since she walked into the yoga studio. Adriene probably thought she was being discreet, but she was too stiff and asked questions that were too plain to come from the usual Adriene.

Leena was itching to find out what she was up to, but Adriene had kept her busy with small talk until class started so she wasn’t able to ask beforehand. So instead, Leena had to wonder the whole hour-long class— or at least she thought she was going to have to wait that long.

About ten minutes in when the teacher instructed them into their first downward dog, Leena looked under her arm at Leena and grinned. “I finally did it,” she whispered.

“Did what?” Leena asked.

Adriene’s face was reddening from the blow flowing to her face. She was cheesing hard. It looked painful. “I finally asked Dane out!” she squealed.

“Ladies….” The teacher’s voice cut through the relaxing music and pierced Leena’s ears.