
Everything belongs to me!

Alexander Curry, born and raised to be the ideal servant for the Dove family, faces punishment when he defies his master's orders. Forced to donate his eyes for his master's daughter's transplant, as atonement for his disobedience, he vows revenge. [CONGRATULATIONS, MR. ALEXANDER CURRY. THE GODS OF VENGEANCE AND POSSESSIONS HAVE HEARD YOUR CRIES OF DESPAIR AND HAVE GRANTED YOU THE POSSESSION SYSTEM. RICHES, TALENTS, SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN EVER DREAM OF ARE YOURS FOR THE TAKING.] Empowered by a mysterious system, Alexander sets out to take vengeance by seizing wealth, talent, and everything else from those who wronged him.

South_Ashan · 都市
20 Chs


"Are you really Alexander Curry?" Stacy asked Alexander, looking at him with slight doubt.

Alexander was quiet for a moment then he shrugged and replied nonchalantly "What do you think?"

It was then she realized, and immediately, her face became ridden with regret.

"Fuck. You are him" Stacy mumbled then gulped.

She looked at the manager and saw the increasing rage that loomed on his face then she looked at Alexander.

"Mr. Alexander, I'm so sorry! It was an innocent mistake on my part. I didn't know you were the Alexander Curry we've all been waiting for and I've unknowingly treated you poorly which is something you definitely do not deserve" Stacy said as she rushed to Alexander's feet and started groveling.

She looked up at Alexander's eyes and the young man had a look of disgust.

"Sir, I promise it was a simple mistake that anyone could have made. Please find it in your heart to forgive me—" Stacy said but Alexander cut her off.

"Did it matter?" He asked coldly.

"Huh? Did what matter, sir?" Stacy asked.

"Does it matter who I am before you treat me like you should any other customer? Are you telling me that your kindness only comes when associating with people you consider to be important?" Alexander asked and Stacy's eyes fidgeted.

She didn't know what to say. Her own actions had put her in such a terrible situation and after what Alexander had just said, there was no way to justify it.

Not knowing how to defend herself, Stacy dropped her head on the floor at Alexander's feet, begging.

"You're right sir. I've done something very stupid and I wish I could take it back but unfortunately, I can't. Everyone makes mistakes and today I've made a very big one. Please show mercy" she cried.

Alexander smacked his tongue.

"Get out of my face if you know what's good for you" Alexander replied, pulling back his leg that Stacy was groveling at.

Stacy, not knowing what to do, looked at the manager who was vibrating with even more rage than she looked at his hands and saw that they were already clenched.

She looked at Alexander's cold expression and filled with desperation, she crawled forward, grabbed his feet, and resumed begging for forgiveness.

"I know I've done you wrong but please sir, forgive me. I swear I didn't know any better. If you let my shortcomings slide just this once then I promise to change my ways moving forward—" Stacy said but wasn't able to finish when…

"You stupid animal! Look at what you've caused!" The manager yelled, letting his anger get the better of him as he kicked Stacy in the stomach.

She dropped to the floor, holding her hurting stomach and groaning.

"You've already done so much to ruin the warm welcome I had planned to give Mr. Alexander and now you want to continue annoying him. Have I not taught you properly?" The manager asked, kicking and stomping on Stacy's body more and more to let out his anger.

Alexander watched for a few seconds and the amount of disgust he felt skyrocketed by two hundred percent.

He shook his head in shame and rolled his eyes then he turned around and started leaving.

"Mr. Alexander, where are you going?" The manager asked.

"What does it look like? I'm leaving" Alexander said, continuing to leave.

"Is it because I told you to leave earlier? Well, I take it back. Please stay and buy what you came for" the manager begged.

Alexander waved dismissively, saying "No, thanks. I think I'll go check somewhere else. It shouldn't be hard to find what I'm looking for if I try"

The manager panicked a little and then heard Stacy's groaning from beneath him.

He looked at Alexander and asked "Is it because of her? Well, you don't have to worry because she's effectively fired. I'll call security right now I get her thrown out so please stay"

Everything the manager said fell on deaf ears as Alexander continued leaving.

The manager panicked even more than he heard Allen chuckling silently.

He frowned and walked over to Allen then grabbed his hair.

"Ouch! Uncle, what are you doing—?" Allen asked but the manager cut him off.

"Shut up brat! I know you had a hand in making him angry so you're going to make amends" the manager said threateningly.

"I'm going to what?" Allen retorted, grimacing from the pain of how tight the manager's grip was.

After getting a couple feet closer to the door, from behind, Alexander heard.

"Mr. Alexander, please turn around and look." The manager said and Alexander stopped walking.

Annoyed, he turned around as asked and was surprised to see the manager forcing Allen to bow his head at him.

Alexander grimaced.

"What's going on? What's he doing?" He asked.

The manager smiled and then slapped the back of Allen's head before saying "Do what I told you if you know what's good for you brat!"

With a look of shame, Allen said "Mr. Alexander, I'm sorry for what I did. For sending my bodyguards to attack you, I'm sorry. Please find it in your heart to forgive me and please come back and buy what you wanted from the shop. I promise you, you won't regret it"

Smiling nervously, the manager looked at Alexander and asked "So, sir, did you like that? I'm sure you did so please come back. I've been waiting for you since Laura called to tell me about you and I can't just have you leave like this now, can I? Please, forgive and forget everything that just happened, and let bygones be bygones"

Alexander was silent for a few short seconds. He looked at Jeff and Jerry, both of whom he had knocked out, and then he looked at Stacy who had been beaten up, drooling and crying on the floor. Lastly, he looked at Allen who was very ashamed about what he was made to do by his uncle.

With a look of disappointment, Alexander shook his head and chuckled then he turned around and continued his exit when from behind he heard…

"Why are you still leaving, sir? Have I not done everything in my power to make amends for what you had to go through? What else do you want?" The manager asked frustratingly.

Alexander shrugged and said "I don't remember ever asking you to do any of that. What I want is to leave and there's nothing you can do that'll change that"

"Why?" The manager asked and to his surprise, Alexander stopped.

Thinking that Alexander had changed his mind and was going to patronize his business, the manager smiled.

He waited for Alexander's entire body to turn around but to his surprise, only the young man's head turned to glare at him from over his shoulder.

He saw the angry look that Alexander had and he gulped.

"Sir?" The manager mumbled.

"All of you disgust me. That's why I'm leaving" Alexander replied, looking at everyone in the shop.

They had all looked at him in negative ways when he first entered the store and what's worse, they didn't even try to help or intervene when Allen sent his two bodyguards to beat him up, so, to him, they were all the same.

He found every single one of them disgusting.

"All of you deserve each other so I don't want anything to do with people like you," Alexander said then returned his head to face the door and resumed his exit.

Just then, from behind, he heard the manager rushing towards him, panting and saying: "You can't just leave like this after everything I've done. Stop being childish and come back—"

The manager placed his hand on Alexander's shoulder, trying to stop him from leaving but that was a huge mistake.

The moment his hand touched Alexander's shoulder, the young man grabbed it and flipped him over.

Before the manager knew it, he was slamming his tailbone on the floor.

The manager yelled, winced, and groaned in pain.

"What the hell happened? What did you do to me—?" The manager complained but then looked at Alexander and saw the wicked glare the young man was giving him.

Immediately, the manager went silent.

"Don't you ever lay your hand on me again" Alexander threatened then smacked his tongue and finally left the store.

The driver rushed out with him and as he watched Alexander's back while the young man was heading to the car, he could only feel fear and worry.

After what he's seen in the jewelry store, it has cemented in his mind that Alexander was not to be messed with.