
Everyday Is Interesting

Kade now is a high school student. He is kinda mad, but really normal, just like any ordinary guy. Just to feel good, sometimes he does extreme things. After catching interest on people, very unique people, and knowing them, deepening his relationships, he slowly started to discover and learn new things, while his own personality is changing and contradicting himself, nothing is complex and hard as before, everything has a standard, and he tries to get one.

64bites · 現実
10 Chs

Where I am

After walking for 4 hours straight on a road near nowhere, with a bag full of empty water bottles and canned food, Kade could finally see a city far away, while the sun went down.

On foot by all afternoon, the sun accompanied him throughout his journey. It was possible to see the asphalt being melt, beyond the unbearable heat, he also realized that the road was old, and needed to be paved again.

He struggled to not fall, he knew that if he stopped there, he wouldn't arrive before night, that was a problem, since the road didn't have any light poles, nor cars passing by.

While sweating a little bit because of the lack of hydration, he still regretted of what he had done, not from the action itself, but from the consequences, the sun was running out all the water he had recently drunk.

"I wait for a smaller sun" He thought about a song. It was impossible to go back now, as he had no place to rest on the way back.

It was already possible to see the light of cars passing in the distance, along with that he felt a breeze. That day the weather was very strange, the sun should have disappeared a long time ago, the last time he looked on his cell phone, it was almost 6 pm. Trying to calculate the time while facing the sun directly, which was only being obstructed by the dry ground, it had been at least a couple of hours since his cell phone ran out of battery.

Kade thought this was karma, a conspiracy, the sun, which should have disappeared from his field of view, was still there, just to make life difficult for him.

He could already hear the noise of the city, the horns of cars, people talking and having fun.

For a moment he stopped, as he faced the moon that was almost above him, the transition between night and day was very abrupt, as if a higher entity had simply turned off the lantern that illuminates the Earth.

"They say it's good to live in a tropical country, blessed b-by God, but I think it's sad." His lips were dry, he was completely without water, he was short of breath and his voice hoarse.

"One day I will knock away this nefarious condition, drop everything and go to…" The song was almost over, but he was too dehydrated to continue, no more sounds coming out of his vocal chords for him to continue the song.

His vision began to blur, the lights that were a few hundred meters away began to distort. Gradually, he stopped seeing colors, everything seemed to be different shades of gray, and small eye floaters of different colors appeared in the middle of the dark sky.

Slowly, his eyes began to rise as his lids lowered. He could no longer move his legs or feel his arms, overloaded by the backpack he was carrying all way long.

Knowing he was going to pass out, he immediately let out the loudest scream he could manage as he lay down with his backpack under his legs. Before losing consciousness immediately, he could hear the sound of an approaching siren. It was impossible for this to be an ambulance, since only now had he managed to scream for help, unless it was an incredible coincidence, but Kade didn't believe it.

It's probably a police car, he supposed, before he lost consciousness.


A few seconds later, the police car stopped beside him, without turning off the engine. Inside there were only 2 people in the front seat, a bulky, bald man with a beard covering the entire lower part of his face. In the copilot's seat there was a middle-aged woman, with hidden muscles, her blond hair reaching almost to her belly.

The woman got out of the car, and walked calmly towards me.

"Stop stalling and see if the kid is ok" The bald man spoke in a slightly irritated tone, urging the woman on, while he had one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the lighter, lighting a cigarette that was in his mouth.

"Oh God, I know, okay? He is breathing normally, no signs of a convulsion. He's probably dehydrated, there are several empty bottles in his bag." She lowered her voice after complaining.

"He'll probably wake up in a few minutes, let's wait a while. If he doesn't show signs of conscience, we take him to the medical center."

She took him to the side of the car, on the shadow.

Few minutes later he woke up. In fact, to say that he woke up is a bit exaggerated, he was half awake, still affected by fatigue and dehydration.

"How many raised fingers do I have on my hand?" After seeing that my eyes were half open but dazed, she asked worriedly.

"A-hum" I tried to say something, but only a weird noise came out of my mouth.

Now she that was more aware of my condition than ever, she put me in the back seat of the patrol car and got into the front.

"You had a bottle of water, didn't you? Give me." She spoke to the bald man.

"We're out of water" He drank the last bottle a short time ago, all they had in the car were 2 sealed beer cans, which they bought not a long time ago.

"Oh, but there's beer, will that do?" He suggested.

"Do you even have a brain?" He is most certainly an idiot. Beer would only make my situation worse, leaving me more dehydrated.

"Uh?" He clearly didn't understand. Now I was already getting conscious, why the hell are they arguing? Did they forget about me here?

"Wa-water, gi-give me" I tried to warn her, my voice was husky and my throat dry.

"Oh- ok, wait a second, ok?"

I nodded.

By this point the car was moving towards the stores, she was probably going to buy a bottle of water. I was about to lose consciousness again.

"Here, water."

I tried to reach out my hand, but my muscles didn't move, like I had a 20-pound weight on each arm.

I looked at her, she looked at me. After 3 seconds of staring at each other, she still didn't understand.

She took the cap off and placed the bottle in my thrown hand, with great effort I lifted my arm and put the bottle in my mouth.

"T-thank you."

"Don't worry, you can repay me later."

I don't have any money with me for now.

"We'll drop you off at the hospital."


Thanks for reading this far! Please wait for some grammar errors. In case any words are wrong I would be more than happy for you to comment on it, suggestions too!

I will try to do things slowly. From now on the story will be wrote in 1st person. Any wrong word or information, pls tell me!

64bitescreators' thoughts