
Every Beauty Has a Beast

Diana Belleview, a fresh graduate from NYU with flying honors and a job waiting for her. As she nervously flies out of New York, she finds herself in a strange place with strange people and strange rules, not to mention the people who calls her boss 'Alpha'. Will she still stay when she discovers their secrets? or leave, unknowingly bringing with her someone elses heart?

l3viny4a · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Welcome to GREYVILLE

I'm standing by the window of my condo unit where I can see almost all of New York, sweeping the view as much as I can, taking it all in.

I'm gonna miss this place. New York's bustling nights, city lights that never seem to go off, the tall buildings and skyscrapers that seem to have no end, the social gatherings and parties that tend to go all night and almost half the day.

I went to my room to see it one last time. I'm gonna miss my bed that's heavenly fluffy, my balcony where I can just sit down with a glass of wine and just listen New York's noise like it's music being led by the best orchestrator.

As I absorb this place for the last time, I feel emotional all of a sudden. This place has seen me in my ups and downs in my four years of college and residency years.

I feel my phone vibrate on my hand, signalling there's someone calling me.

"Yes, I'll be down in a minute." I answer to the other end. "I guess this is goodbye."

I walk up to the elevator and press the 'DOWN' button. It took a while for me to reach the ground floor but I ended uo liking it.

'Geez, I'd never thought I'll be too emotional to leave this place.' I chuckle at my own thoughts.

As I reach the ground floor, I say goodbye to the receptionists and the guard that I already considered family, and after that I went to the taxi that I called for me to go to the airport. There's not much I'm carrying since my employer said there'll be malls around where I'll be living, so I figured out I'll just buy more clothes and necessities there to avoid excess baggages.

The journey from New York to this place's airport passed by like a blur and in a matter of seconds, I'm standing on foreign ground.

I search for my name while waiting for my luggage, since it was said there'll be someone waiting for me to arrive. I walked and walked until I came to the exit amd saw that there was a Range Rover with a man standing beside it holding a paper with my name on it.

Before walking over, I can't help but admire the man's physique.

'Damn, this guy is a piece of meat.'

I mean I had a fair share of men back in New York but they honestly can't compare to this man here. I was startled when he turned where I was standing, maybe sensing there was someone staring at him

"Hi, I'm Diana Belleview. You are?" I said as I walked over.

He looked at my hands that's waiting for a handshake and reluctantly took it.

"Damon, Lu- I mean Diana. I'll be escorting you to the city." He opened the door to the backseat after saying that he's gonna take care of putting my luggage in the trunk.

'Oooh, a hottie AND a gentleman.'

"So Damon, how far is the city?" I asked just to make conversation.

"About an hour or two. I suggest you make yourself busy since it'll be a long journey." He said without looking back at me.

When I noticed that he didn't even look at the rear mirror, I asked him something bold just to see if he'll have a reaction.

"Why would I if you can make me busy?" And there it is. The reaction I've waited. I chuckled when I saw he blushed but was shocked to see that it was up to his neck.

'This man surely isn't used to compliments, huh?'

"I'm sorry but I'm just here to escort you." he shyly said. Cute.

"Aw, too bad." seeing that I can't make him engage with me any further, I just took a nap.

It was after a while when he woke me up saying we were at the house where I'm staying. As I looked up from the window, I was shocked to see that it was not a house but a mansion.

I slowly went out with my mouth open wide, eyes still looking at the mansion.

"Lu-Diana, here's your luggage. I'll call someone to bring this to your room. I'll also call for the Alpha so feel free to look around and feel at home." he muttered something at the end but I didn't mind it since I was busy looking around the place.

"Wait, Alpha?" I asked but was too late because he was already walking inside. What Alpha is he talking about?

I slowly walked inside but if I was shocked outside, I am in awe of the inside. I don't know anything about interior design but I can very much appreciate it. The floor was covered in marbles amd the ceiling has some sort of painting where a beautiful woman holding what looks like a pup and wolves around her.

When I looked at the walls, there were different kinds of paintings and pictures. I took my time looking at each of them and I was amazed every damn time. The paintings looked so surreal while the ones in the pictures are like gods and goddesses that descended on Earth.

I didn't even notice that someone was behind me until they fake coughed, resulting a jumpy-i-didnt-do-anything startled kind of act from me. And I must say, if Damon and the ones in the pictures are gods and goddesses then this one in front of me is out of this world, he must be the creator himself. Damn.

His tantalizing brown eyes are looking at me, staring down at me. And just by his looks, I can definitely say...

I'm in huge trouble.