
Everlasting Era

Join the journey of a young man who wants to live a better life and have to go through many hardships and unknowingly enters the cultivation world where his life take a drastic change, when he know that the things he work for can be destroyed by superhuman easily and decided to challenge his way through the dark path where one wrong step and he will spell death

Dana_Ash · アクション
15 Chs

8: White Tiger Clan

When the young man see Ember he happily greated Ember and tell a guard to arrange two sits one for Ember and other for Mùyáng.

Mùyáng realize that this young man is the 6th son of the one of the elder of White Tiger Clan

"Hello Ember how are you, did someone trouble you, I have already tell you if you need my help you should tell me immediately I will try to help you as much as I can"

Ember said in low voice" Young Master I came to you because I want to deliver some boxes to the Shadow Union headquarters, can Young Master help me locate clues to its headquarters "

Young Master " This request of yours I can try but I cannot promise"

Ember " It's okay Young Master I just want some hints about Shadow Union headquarters location"

The Young Master call one of the guard and said something in his ears, after listening the guard left.

After Young Master and Ember started to chart casually about there problems in life.

Unknown to Ember, Mùyáng was thinking that ' Ember has strong connection, so does he already know about immortal practice, but only mortals stay in outer city and cultivators stay in inner city and this 6 son of elder of White Tiger Clan is talking like he knows Ember from childhood. Let's not think about it I should complete the given tasks and never take join tasks with Ember, what will happen if he take me to the White tiger Clan leader '

Suddenly a loud cheer erupted and a young man came with a red ape with many guard surrounding him.

Looking at the red ape the Master of White Tiger patted the tiger and let him inside the ring and at the same time red ape also came inside the ring and the Master of the red ape came to Ember side and ask Ember who will win

Ember " Obviously white tiger"

Master of white tiger " Hao Liu my white tiger is stronger therefore I will only win"

Hao Liu "Haoyu Zhao do not interrupt when I am talking to Ember, go little kid watch the match"

Haoyu Zhao " I do not want to talk to you, Ember is my best friend "

Hai Liu " So what he is my friend also, and what do you mean by best do you have eyes on Ember and want to abduct him I do not know that your taste is for bodys"

Haoyu Zhao " Why do not you tell us how you develop interest in apes"

"The match is going to start"

As the match start the red ape hammer it's chest to show it's dominance, whereas white tiger was displaying it's swiftness by quickly approaching the red ape and slaping the ape with his front legs. To which the ape catch the front legs of white tiger and both started to wrestling, some time tiger was on loosing end and sometimes ape, with every slight chance of victor the crowd of people will scream out loud. They also want the match to end quickly so they can know the results of the match and also want the match to continue longer because it was very interesting.

And some how red ape gain the upper hand and through the white tiger to the other side of ring. As tiger touch the ring floor the floor carved in bue to impact but tiger got up like nothing happen. Seeing this the supporters of ape cheer loudly and the supporters of tiger quarrel that

"ape strength is not much powerful our tiger quickly got up like nothing happen"

"Next time ape will get thrown" To this comment tiger supporters cheer loudly for white tiger.

Ember was drinking the wine slowly and Mùyáng was regretting that he do order red fruit wine instead od wheat wine he has finish both his cups and thinking about buying the recipe for red fruit wine.

Both Haoyu Zhao and Hai Liu was quarreling continuous that they even forget about the match which they have started.

As white tiger get up from the ground the red ape came running ready to strike first but did not anticipate white tiger will slap him away and he will also fall making similar carved surface it was like tiger was taking revenge telling even I can smash you, to which croud again cheer and topic of quarrel was shifted.

Red ape get up as it was nothing and smirks at white tiger to which tiger let out a roar and pounce on ape but this time ape evade it and come at tiger back intending to catch catch from back but tiger notice and jump swiftly and evade ape attack. Seeing this many other people gather around the ring and started to bet and some even place a table and started collecting money. Such things are not bane but certain profit has to be given to the fight club manager.

The match was over with tiger winning and thoose who bet on tiger even won triple amount because at first red ape broke some bones of tiger therefore odds of tiger where increase and at last tiger get a bite at the ape neck which causes excessive blood to flow and red ape becoming unconscious and the white tiger do not kill the red ape.

Ember was counting how much he will get he had bet 6 copper coins 4 copper coins from last time and another 4 copper coins he get for transporting wood to merchant association. If odd are against 1 is to 3 then he will get 18 copper coins.

When the match ended both Haoyu Zhao and Hai Liu got on the stage and start giving healing medicine and Haoyu Zhao even give some medicine to Hai Liu to stop his ape bleading. Both Haoyu Zhao and Hai Liu are not enemy buth bacuse of there negligence and unnecessary quarrel the fight escalated.

After treating the injuries of there beast both step down from the fight ring. Hai Liu said to Ember that he has to leave to treat red ape injury and he will invite him to dinner next time with this he leave in hurry. At that time Haoyu Zhao guard also came and tell him something in his ears to which Haoyu Zhao came near to Ember tell the same content to Ember and said " I can only provide this much clue in shirt time, but if you stay for one night I can tell you the exact location of it"

Ember " Thank you Young Master for your help with this information I can find headquarters, but since boxes need to be deliver quickly therefore I will have to leave now"

Haoyu Zhao " Safe journey, and you can contact me in emergency "

Ember " Thank you for your concern, now I will take my leave"

With this Ember and Mùyáng make way through the crowd and return to the ground floor and Ember goes to the first floor and collect his bet money and come to the Mùyáng who was drinking red fruit wine and ask him to stop drinking too much.

Mùyáng quickly finish his 4 wine cup and follow Ember to the carriage and get inside the carriage and Ember sit at the front and drive the carriage.