
Everlasting Era

Join the journey of a young man who wants to live a better life and have to go through many hardships and unknowingly enters the cultivation world where his life take a drastic change, when he know that the things he work for can be destroyed by superhuman easily and decided to challenge his way through the dark path where one wrong step and he will spell death

Dana_Ash · アクション
15 Chs

10: Shadow Union

Once inside the damaged house, ember, Mùyáng and other 6 guards where stunt by the luxurious decoration, contrary to how the house look from the outside, inside was whole another world with top qua6 furnished floors, and other decorative objects. The floor consists of 4 counters with 2 on right and 2 on left side and in the center of the room there is a spiral steps which leads to the first floor

They follow the hooded man to the first floor.

On the first floor there is a balcony in the which gives a good view of the street ember come from.

Mùyáng ' So from here they get to know someone has arrived'

On both side of the balcony is rows of rooms.

Ember follow the hooded man to one of the room where a man was sitting on his chair, his face was covered with white mask.

As ember and others walk in he ask " Why are you finding me"

Ember " I get a task, which mention this boxes where to be delivered to Shadow Union headquarters and here is the contract letter"

The hooded man came forward to take the contract and give it over to the white mask man.

After reading the contract the white mask man imprinted a logo which shows a snake coil around around a owl flying in the dark sky, using a stamp and return the contract to the Ember and said to leave the boxes and tell them

"You can go"

Ember tell the guards to put down the boxes. Because of the boxes were heavy the guards quickly put down the box at one side and turn around to left from the door least they where told to relocate the boxes again. As the guards where leaving ember said to Mùyáng and the guards to wait inside the carriage he will come within few minutes.

The guards where hesitate but Mùyáng think that ember might know this white mask man, so he order the guards to follow him to the carriage.

When Mùyáng and 6 guards get outside the room, the white mask man tell the hooded man to leave them alone.

After the hooded man leave, ember said

"Today is white tiger and red ape battle, on who will you bet"

"How do you know that it is me"

Ember " It was just a guess "

"That is one of my identity on the surface, what you want from me"

Ember " Can I also become a member of Shadow Union? "

"Your age is less, once you are of appropriate age come again, if you are able to find Shadow Union headquarters again"

Ember " Then forget it, I am leaving"

Ember was thinking ' Like I will be able to find the headquarters again, just for this one time to locate it I have to ask Young Master Haoyu Zhao and he has to go to full extend, anyway both Haoyu Zhao and Hai Liu has told he to join their clan as outer disciple and I can step on the immortal path, but that time I have not check my qualifications, which turn out that I do not have fate with immortals, they also tell me other way, which is to become rich ans hire immortal, one more think thoose who has only recently step path on immirtal path are called cultivators o my after many years did one in a thousand can be said to half immortal and from billions of half immortals only one can became a true immortal, and the most important think both Haoyu Zhao and Hai Liu tell me to hide your knowledge about cultivators and immortals'

Ember exit from the room and from the stairs go down and leave from the door where he found that carriage was already turn around.

Seeing ember, Mùyáng said " Come on the guards are inside we are setting of"

Ember board the carriage and take the front position with Mùyáng at his side

Mùyáng " Are we leaving from the same route, cannot we take another route? "

Ember " We cannot, from here leaving the street we came from every street is a paradise for criminals, we will be dead before we even know when we died"

With this ember drive the carriage from the previous route and when passing through the street where they meet Gost sect member, while going they do not see anyone, as they where going to exit the street ember stop the carriage and ask Mùyáng to check the lanterns.

After Mùyáng check the lanterns and sit beside him ember start the carriage, Mùyáng was seeing the back of the brightly lit street, once they came outside the range if brightness the light was suddenly off and they again submerge in tide of darkness with only light sourse as the lanterns. After travelling certain distance ember tell everyone to grab to something and let the horses sit, after some time the ground began to rise, from afar it loon like a horse carriage was floating in a sea of darkness. Once they reach the top the ground parted way for them and they emerge from the ground. It was another day and evening heat was to intense which causes Mùyáng to close his eyes for som time.

When ember tell the horses to stand and the carriage resume its travel, after a certain distance, Mùyáng remember a strange think that sunlight was intence and when they where comming upward and the ground split but sun rays was not entering only when we reach up do sunrays fall on us, it was like a gate which divide darkness and light. Thinking this Mùyáng feels a shiver through his spine and decided to not tell anyone about this past night.

After some time the traffic of people keep in increasing on the street and ember need to slow down his carriage. After 5 hoursMùyáng see the familiar traven again but he do not adk to stop as he want to stay away from ember as soon as possible, ember also did not stop the carriage and only stop once they teach the east outer wall, ember tell the guards to give water to the horses and feed them and let them rest for a full day. After giving instructions to the guard and seeing them carrying out their work ember with Mùyáng go to the manager tent, once inside they see the manager sleeping.

Ember look at Mùyáng to which he hooded and tell ember to go outside, once ember was outside the tent Mùyáng first check if there is any spies and form hand some signs which resulted in forming an Illusionary skull and blue fire dancing around it with open mouth and make a water ball and throw it on manager face, because of water ball manager walk up to see a skull with dancing blue flame and was scared and fell down from his chair right after he fell Mùyáng erase the illusion and started laughing, listening to the laughter manager understand that Mùyáng has done this.