

As a wolf in the pack, I could feel the power and strength coursing through my body. Together with my brothers, we were a force to be reckoned with, feared and respected in the forest. But when we came face to face with the Ancient One, a European vampire, our confidence was shaken. The predator's dark red eyes held a kind of fearless intensity that made us all pause. We knew that we were facing a creature with centuries of experience and supernatural abilities that we could not match. Even as a pack of wolves, we were no match for this ancient vampire. In that moment, I couldn't help but think about my life and how it had led me to this moment. Being a wolf was a good life, a life of brotherhood and loyalty. It was almost holy in a way. But facing this predator made me realize that there was so much more to the world than I had ever imagined. I knew that if we hadn't come to Forks, we wouldn't be in this situation now. But despite the fear that was coursing through me, I couldn't bring myself to end this life. I felt that there was something bigger at play, that there was a purpose to this encounter that I couldn't yet understand. The Ancient One's friendly, creepy smile only served to make me more uneasy. This vampire was unlike any creature we had ever encountered before. With his supernatural abilities, he could easily take us down. As he decided to run away, I couldn't help but wonder what other dangers lay ahead of us in this new, unknown world.

Xander1987 · 書籍·文学
9 Chs


Next day, I went to search for a gym to help me get back me in to routine. I Called and asked Charlie about Gym and He suggested Clearwater gym. It was run by son of his friend and asked me to check it out. As I parked near gym, a young man came out of the building and met me. He introduced himself as Seth Clearwater. He was friendly and eager to talk about the gym's facilities. "We have a weight room, a cardio area, and a few exercise classes. We also have a basketball court and a swimming pool," he explained. As we spoke, I noticed a sense of familiarity in him. "Do you live here in Forks?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'm from the Quileute tribe. We live nearby," he said with a smile. "I've heard of your community. I've always been interested in learning more about it," I said, hoping to learn more.

Seth's face lit up, "It's a really unique place. We have our own traditions and way of life that we've managed to preserve over the years. We also have a lot of fun events and festivals throughout the year." I listened intently, fascinated by his description of the community. "I would love to learn more about it. Would you be willing to show me around?" I asked. "Absolutely, I'd be happy to," he said, his friendly demeanor putting me at ease.

As Seth continued to explain the gym's facilities, I couldn't help but ask him more questions about the Quileute tribe. "What kind of events and festivals do you have?" I asked.

"Well, we have the annual Quileute Days festival in La Push, which is a celebration of our tribal heritage. We also have the salmon bake, where we prepare and cook salmon over an open fire. It's a big community event," he explained.

"That sounds amazing. I would love to experience it," I replied, feeling even more intrigued by the community.

"Definitely. You should come to one of our events. It would be great to have you there," Seth said with a smile.

As we finished our conversation, he handed me a brochure with the gym's schedule and rates. "Thanks for your time, Seth. I'm definitely interested in joining the gym," I said, taking the brochure.

"It was great talking to you, Max. Let me know if you have any questions," he replied.

As I walked out of the gym, Seth's words echoed in my head. I couldn't help but think about the annual Quileute Days festival in La Push that he had mentioned. I had never been to a tribal festival before, and the idea of experiencing something new and unique was thrilling.

After trying out other gyms, I didn't feel quite at home like Seth's gym. I called him and scheduled my workouts - I'll be going in the early mornings until school starts, and then after dropping the kids off.

I went home and told the family about my new gym and Seth Clearwater," I said. Megan asked, "What's he like, Mom?" "He's very athletic and friendly," I replied. "He invited me to join him for a workout tomorrow morning. But before that, I'm planning to go trekking in the nearby forest to watch out for animals. If we spot anything dangerous, we might have to fence off the area."

"I want to come with you tomorrow, Mom," Harry chimed in.

"But what about the others being alone in the house?" I asked.

"It'll be okay," Harry assured me. "We'll lock the door from the outside and give Sophie a phone so we can stay in constant contact."

"What am I, chopped liver?" Megan complained. "Why didn't you choose me? I'm older than Sophie."

Sophie spoke up, "Because I'm more responsible."

Keri asked, "What's chopped lirer?"

Megan snapped, "Liver, you short spot!"

Keri complained, "Harry, she called me short pot."

Harry looked to me for help, but I pretended to be busy with something else.

"Mooom," Harry whined. I didn't budge. I had a smile on my face and looked away, pretending to search for something that didn't exist.

"Okay, Megan, I chose Sophie because she wakes up early. If you want to do it, I will call you at 5:00 am, and you can watch over," Harry said.

"No, no, you mister. I would not do it. You didn't choose me first. You are no brother of mine. You, Brutus, and no Christmas present from me for you," Megan replied.

"Harry, you changed your mind this fast and chose her over me. No present from me, too," Sophie added.

"When did you give me a present ever, Sophie?" Harry asked.

"I was going to give you one this Christmas," Sophie replied.

And this bickering continued for some time.

I slowly signaled the twins to come to me, moving away from the living room.

Kame said, "Bad mommy." By playfully hitting on my head

"What did I do?" I asked. "I don't want to pick a side"

Keri said, "Bad mommy." and smiled. We went to backyard and played tag.

After dinner, we went to sleep. I was doing well for the last few days.

Next day, early in the morning, Harry and I packed our bags with essential items such as water, snacks, chocolates, and bug spray. We planned to explore the trails near our house and search for any wild animals that might pose a danger to the children.

As we were getting ready, Sophie came down the stairs, looking worried. I greeted her and started preparing breakfast. Sensing her fear, I asked her what was wrong. She hesitated at first but then expressed her concern about our safety.

To calm her down, I reached into my bag and showed her my Glock, while Harry pulled out his shotgun. I explained to her that these were just for our protection, and we had no intention of harming any animals. I assured her that our guns were only for scaring away the animals in case of an attack.

Sophie looked relieved and thanked us for taking precautions. She even offered to pack some extra snacks for us. We told her to call us or call Charlie, if anything were to happen.

As we walked deeper into the forest, the darkness was broken by the soft glow of the sun peeking through the leaves. The greenery around us was thick, with lush plants and trees that towered above us. The ground beneath our feet was wet from the morning dew, and we had to be careful not to slip on the mossy rocks and roots.

As we continued on the trail, we could hear the sounds of the forest coming alive. The birds were chirping, and their melodies filled the air, while the bugs were screeching and buzzing, making their presence known. We remained alert, scanning the trees and bushes for any signs of movement that might indicate the presence of an animal.

Despite the potential dangers, we were in awe of the beauty of the forest. The sunlight filtering through the trees, casting patterns on the ground, and the smells of the woods made for a peaceful and serene atmosphere. We continued on, enjoying the peacefulness of the forest and keeping our guns close, just in case.

As we continued to walk, we were so engrossed in the beauty of the forest that we didn't even realize how far we had gone. Suddenly, the sounds of the forest quieted down, and we became instantly alert, looking around to see if there was any danger.

I signaled to Harry to stand back to back and point our guns in all directions. We slowly circled ourselves, keeping our eyes and ears open. Suddenly, I noticed something moving between the bushes. I signaled to Harry to take a look, and we both focused on the spot in the corner of our eyes.

We heard a slow growl, and our hearts raced with fear. After a minute, we heard the sound of running, and the bush rustled as the animal moved away. We waited for a few moments, making sure the danger was gone, and then let out a sigh of relief.

I asked Harry what he thought it was, and he said it could be a very big wolf or a bear. We realized we were very far from home and decided it was time to head back.

As we walked back towards our house, Harry and I discussed our encounter with the possible wolf or bear in the forest. We agreed that we needed to take measures to ensure our safety, such as installing floodlights and fencing the perimeter of our property.

However, we soon realized that we had made a wrong turn and ended up in a beautiful meadow. We were alert, knowing that we could still encounter dangerous wildlife, but then we heard people talking in the distance. Harry wanted to call out to them, but I stopped him and we walked slowly towards the voices. As we got closer, we saw two men, a woman, and a child. The people we encountered were strikingly beautiful, and their surroundings only added to the surreal atmosphere.

Taller one had a strikingly beautiful appearance. His skin was pale and had a slight shine to it, and his hair was bronze and tousled. He had sharp features and his eyes, though not currently in direct sunlight, still appeared to be a deep, golden color. His expression was serious yet curious as he looked at us.

Women, on the other hand, had a more subdued beauty. Her long brown hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders, and she had a heart-shaped face with soft features. Her green eyes were warm and welcoming as she smiled at us, making us feel at ease in her presence.

Little girl had inherited tall one's brown eyes. She had curly brown hair that bounced around her shoulders, and her skin was a healthy shade of pink.

The bulky one had dark hair and deep-set black eyes that were focused on us suspiciously. He is wearing a half pant in this cold weather. His build was muscular, as if he spent a lot of time working out, and he wore a serious expression as he assessed our presence in the meadow.

Bulky: Are you here for hunting? This is private property.

Me: Oh no, we're not here for hunting. We're actually new to the area and we bought the Glenn's house and staying there. One of my children saw a wolf in the forest, so we're just looking for any signs of it.

Bulky: (remains suspicious and maintains his pose)

Nessie: (interrupting) Hi! My name is Nessie! You guys smell nice, like my Jacob.

Bulky: Nessie, don't talk to strangers.

Nessie: (reassuringly) it is okay, Jacob. They're nice people.

Me: (smiling) Thank you, Nessie. We're glad you think so.

Taller one: (approaching) Hello, my name is Edward Cullen. This is my wife Bella, our niece Renesmee, and our family friend Jacob.

Me: (recognizing the name) Edward Cullen, your name sounds familiar. Are you related to Carlisle Cullen at the hospital?

Edward Cullen: (face lighting up) Yes, he's my father. Do you know him?

Me: "Yes, I went to the hospital and spoke with him to inquire about the facilities available there. He seemed like a very knowledgeable and kind person

I could tell that Edward was proud of his father, and I couldn't help but be impressed by his admiration. I then turned to Bella and greeted her.

"Nice to meet you, Max," she said with a warm smile.

I introduced Harry and myself, and we chatted for a bit longer. Jacob, who seemed to be the most suspicious of us, finally seemed to relax and even cracked a few jokes.

As we prepared to leave, Edward offered to walk us back to the Glenn's house. We graciously accepted, and as we walked, we couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and safety around him.

"So, how long have you lived in Forks?" Edward asked, breaking the silence.

"We just moved here a few weeks ago," I replied. "We're still getting used to the area."

"Well, if you need any help or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask," he said kindly. "My family and I have been here for a while, so we know the area pretty well."

By the time we reached home, we were exhausted but grateful to have made it back safely. The children were up and running, and the living room was a mess. Sophie was angry, Megan was smiling evilly, and the twins bounced over to us. I was in no shape to inquire about what had happened. I hugged them and went for a bath to freshen up.

After a late breakfast, I called Seth and asked about finding someone to do the fencing and make the area safe. It was a lesson learned, and we would never underestimate the dangers of the forest again. Seth mentioned a man named Sam who specialized in this type of work and was a good tracker. He would be able to identify nearby animals and prepare the security accordingly. After giving me his number, I asked Seth to postpone today's workout, but he asked if I wanted to go see the beach in the evening.

"Absolutely. We could go check out the beach, and I will bring the children too," I replied.

"That sounds perfect," Seth said, smiling.

Later that day, Seth picked us up in his truck, and we drove towards La Push. As we approached the beach, I was struck by the natural beauty of the place.

As we walked, we talked about our experiences in Forks and shared stories about our lives. As the sun began to set, we made our way back to the car. "Thanks for showing us around, Seth. We had a great time," I said, genuinely appreciative.

"No problem, man. It was my pleasure," he replied, smiling.

After driving to the diner, Max and her children entered to find it almost empty except for a few patrons. As they scanned the room, Max's attention was drawn to Charlie sitting with a woman whose back was facing them. She smiled at him and Charlie flushed and smiled back. The woman turned to look questioningly and smiled at them as well. Max could tell that she was friendly and around their age. After exchanging pleasantries, the woman turned back to Charlie and resumed their conversation.

Max guided her tired children to a nearby table and they settled down to order some refreshments. As they perused the menu, Max leaned over to her children and said, "That's Charlie Swan, the town sheriff.

Harry turned around to get a good look at Charlie, while Megan's eyes widened with excitement. "The sheriff? Cool! Maybe he can give us a tour of the station someday."

Sophie chimed in, "That was the guy whose number you gave me this morning, Mom."

Keri and Kame were too exhausted to participate in the conversation and had already dozed off in their seats.

When the waiter arrived to take our orders, Max requested some lemonade to rehydrate the family after a long day of playing outside. And also ordered some light food, such as salads and sandwiches, to satisfy their hunger without weighing them down.

While we were waiting for the bill, Charlie and a woman came over to our table and introduced themselves.

Charlie said, "Hi Max, hi guys."

Everyone responded with a greeting.

Charlie continued, "This is Sue. She's my girlfriend." He blushed a bit as he spoke.

Sue playfully smacked his hand and blushed as well. "Don't mind him, he doesn't always know how to talk," she said. "Hi guys, what are your names?"

Max replied, "This is Harry, my eldest, and these are Megan, Sophie, Keri, and Kame."

Sue Clearwater: "They look tired. Where did you go before coming here?"

Max: "We went to the beach with Seth Clearwater. They played a lot."

Sue Clearwater: "Seth is my youngest son. How did you meet him?"

Charlie looked flustered and I gave him a questioning smile.

Max: "Charlie said that Seth was his friend's son. I was looking for a gym to work out and Charlie gave me his number. That's how we met."

Sue Clearwater: "Charlie, when are you going to tell me? Never mind. Half his mind is at the office and the other half is with Billy and fishing. I don't know how to deal with him."

Max smiled at the friendly banter between the two and said, "It's nice to see such a close relationship between friends."

Megan looked at Charlie and asked, "What's the coolest thing you've ever done as the sheriff?"

Charlie thought for a moment before replying, "Hmm, I guess it would be the time I helped rescue some hikers who got lost in the woods. It was a difficult operation, but we managed to find them and bring them back safely."

Megan's eyes widened in excitement. "Wow that sounds so cool! I want to be a rescuer when I grow up."

Sophie smiled and said, "I want to be a doctor and help people too."

Keri and Kame, who had woken up from their nap, looked at Sue questioningly.

Then Charlie said, "Ok Max, we are leaving now. Take your children home. We will talk to you later."

Max replied, "Ok Charlie. See you later Sue."

The children also said their goodbyes to Charlie and Sue as they smilingly waved at them.

After they left, I paid the bill and we headed back home, where we all quickly fell asleep after a tiring day at the beach.