
Even the gods fear

Orion a human recently ascended into god-hood is killed in battle against the Solanis, the strongest god on earth. In his death he gains a new life, "I won't seek battle in this life I will simply seek life".

Young_Master_9127 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Final battle

The title of 'god', Something only given to those with the power to oppose the heavens. On the the entire earth there were only two individuals who held that title.

Orian stared into the infinite abyss of space lit up by the numerous stars and planets, with the occasional asteroids aimlessly passing by. As he stood on the rocky remains of an unnamed planet, Orian slowly took in his surroundings.

The planet he stood on was small, no bigger than earths moon, however the planet was filled with holes, dust and multiple large chunks of the planet were detached and floating nearby. The air freezing cold, cold enough that an average person would only last a few seconds at most. This was the result of the battle that had just taken place, a battle between gods.

"... you win" a raspy voice sounded from a certain direction. The voice belonged to Solanis, the strongest 'god' on earth. Although he was termed as a 'god', his current appearance was nothing like a god. With a face devoid of color and countless scars and burn marks all over his face. His body, only half remaining with a clean cut that severed his lower and upper body.

"This sure doesn't feel like a win" Orian replied staring at the fist sized hole in his chest. Both were fated to lose their lives in this battle. These words however, never reached Solanis for he was already dead. All that could be heard was the unsteady breathing of Orian.

"I guess it's not too long before I join you..." he said, starring further into space. The earth was completely out of sight as during the fight they had travelled light years away from earth.

*Huff huff* dropping to his knees and clutching his chest in pain, Orian's breathing slowed with each second until finally, the 46 year old earth god, Orian, died.


Darkness. There was only darkness as far as Orian could see. He had no idea how long he had been in this darkness but found some comfort in it. He had no consciousness of his body or even of his existence itself.

Perhaps humans were formed in darkness and thus he had returned to the darkness. Or perhaps he had simply faded out of existence and was in the border between life and death. Orian's theories began escalating emphasizing the extreme confusion he was feeling.

Orian's thoughts explored further. Why had he even been fighting Solanis to begin with. Was it to seal his place as the strongest or was it a grudge. He had reached godhood in just over 40 years as opposed to Solanis who took 80, so there no question about who was more talented.

Orian's thoughts continuously changed topics, unable to think straight for too long on one subject. He had trouble remembering details of his life, his memories where like a long straight road with some portions covered in thick fog.

His consciousness faded again and woke up after an unknown amount of time to... more darkness.

"What the hell is going on..." Although he tried to say it, his voice wasn't audible and was only in his own consciousness, well, if he even had a body that is.

In this darkness a light finally appeared in the distance, Orian finally felt like he was fully conscious again. He could now hear muffled voices talking, although it was unclear what was being said, he was sure that he was still alive.

"Why the hell is it taking so long!" This voice did not belong to Orian, although slightly muffled Orian could now hear the voice of a man.

'This is probably a hospital' Orian thought to help make sense of his current situation. "Urg! I can't take it anymore!" The same man said rather angrily.

"Calm down, you're not even the one giving birth!" Another voice replied, this one belonging to a female.

'Birth? What the hell are they even talking about' Orian's confusion only grew along with light in his darkness until the light fully enveloped him.

'Bright... it's too damn bright!' Orian squinted his eyes, trying to make sense of all the brightness. It was understandable, his eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness and thus the light seemed especially bright. Through all the light he could make out 4 people around him.

One was lying on the bed, the other, somehow carrying him and the other two standing around him. He could only see the general outline of the people as they were blurry and the light only made it more difficult.

"What the hell is going on?!" Is what he tried to say, however no sound came out, in fact he could not even move his own body. The situation was truly a strange one.

"Let me see my son" a soft gentle voice of a lady belonging to the person on the bed spoke. "Certainly" the one carrying Orian, also a lady, responded.

Orian was passed to the lady on the bed as his thoughts spun, 'how the hell are they carrying a grown man around like he's a child?!'. One thought led to another until...

'Am I freaking baby!?' The idea finally dawned on him.

Orian's mind was in disarray as he tried to process the reality that he was now a baby. He looked around and noticed that his vision had finally return. He was in a hospital room, and the people around him were his parents and two doctors. The memories of his life as a god slowly started coming back to him, but they felt distant and blurry, as if they belonged to a different lifetime. He couldn't understand how he had gone from being a powerful god to a helpless baby.

The doctors were talking to his parents, discussing his health and development. Orian listened intently, trying to understand their medical jargon. He realized that he had a lot to learn in this new life, and that he needed to adapt quickly if he was going to survive.

As his parents cooed over him, Orian looked up at them with innocent eyes. He knew that he would have to play the part of a baby for now, until he could regain his strength and figure out how to return to his former life. But for now, he was content to lay there and observe the world around him.

As the doctors and his parents left the room, Orian was left alone with his thoughts. He knew that this was only the beginning of his journey, and that he had a long road ahead of him. But he was determined to overcome this setback and reclaim his title as the god of earth. With a newfound sense of determination, Orian closed his eyes and fell asleep, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.