
Even if the whole World was watching // Larry Stylinson

[complete] "This school is Tomlinson's last chance." "Thats not my problem." "What about a deal. You take care of him and I will put in a good word for you at Harvard." Ugh that was a strong deal the director knew exactly how much Harry wanted to go to Harvard. "Fine" Grate now he had to deal with this little badboy. He rolled his eyes. Harry's whole life is planed he would finish his senior year go to college and live his own life everything seemed to go perfect for him. Louis is adventures, spontanious and dosn't give a fuck on planing stuff. He and his girlfriend were happy but there was something messing in her eyes. Well, falling in love was definitely not supposed to be on his to-do list. (Also available on Wattpad and soon on Ao3)

t0mm0_thetease · その他
28 Chs


The door closed behind Harry's back. The other boy sat on the chairs of the waiting room his legs crossed and shoes on the table texting something on his phone. Grate. Ugh.  He rolled his eyes again. He wouldn't gonna let this boy destroy his whole achievement,  Harry needed the Directors' good word. It would probably bring him into Harvard. Actual Harvard!! 

Harry had dreamed to go there since 3rd grade and he worked so hard for it. The boy looked up from his phone, he was chewing gum.

"Gum isn't allowed!" Harry glared at him, on which Louis blew a bubble and let it pop loudly.

"You're not my Mom." Oh, luckily not. Harry could never imagine spending more than an hour around Louis, and his mom lives with him. How was he supposed to make this boy do his school stuff and stop skipping lessons when he didn't even spit out his fucking gum if Harry asks him to? Okay, this is a lot harder than Harry expected.

"Maybe if you beg." The shorter boy smirked. Unbelievable. No way Harry would beg him to spit out his stupid gum. "Whatever. What's your first lesson?" Harry exhaled loudly to show his annoyance. Hopefully, Louis has a different schedule than him so Harry wouldn't have to see him all day.

"I don't know." He shrugged walking out of the room straight through the hallway towards his locker. Harry had no choice but to follow him. He clenched his jaw as they arrived at his locker which happened to be the one exactly across Harry's. It was empty only one piece of paper stuffed in it. No books, notebooks, papers, pencils, nothing. Wow, it was a wonder he had a backpack. Harry would bet it was empty too.

The red-painted locker door closed loudly "What the hell!" Harry flinched he had been deep in his thought and brought back to reality now. Thanks to Louis.

"Aw did I scare you?" Sarcasm. Like all the time but it wasn't sarcasm in the way between friends it was only to annoy Harry. Louis was the type of guy who would try to annoy him until he would lose his nerves and give up. "Ugh, it's math. I think I'm gonna skip." Louis crumbled the sheet into a little ball, turned on his heels, and walked towards the door.

This is not gonna happen. Harry wouldn't give up he had a deal with the Director and he wouldn't let this opportunity be destroyed just because this kid thinks he's the boss. So he swallowed his pride and ran after the boy. At least he threw the paper ball into the trash bin and not just somewhere else.

"No, no you don't." Harry grabbed Louis' backpack and pulled him back roughly. "Let go of me!" He hissed ripping his back out of Harry's strong grip. His expression changed quickly into a mad glance.

"You're not allowed to skip lessons just like that."

"And you - again- you're not my mom."

Louis' accent made the my sound more like me. He had in general a really strong accent which was so annoying. In the beginning, it sounded beautiful but Harry got sick of it.

"And don't you dare to touch me again!" He hissed giving him another glance and kicked the door open so aggressively that it banged against the wall next to it. Grate. GRATE! Harry threw his hands up. The bell rang. Harry wouldn't risk being too late just because of Louis. Ugh, he growled and turned on his heels to go to class. Math.

Niall was already sitting at their usual table, Zayn at his right. He was biting on his pen and he looked like he'd be deep in his thoughts. The classroom has filled up with people, some guys sitting around a table laughing at something on their phone. Some others looked like they were asleep. Harry walked past them letting himself fall onto the chair next to Niall.

"Where have you been man?"

"At the Director's office."

"What? You?!"

"Ugh." Harry let his forehead fall onto his crossed arms on the table. "Don't even ask." He murmured into his arm.

"Wait what?" It was Zayn he sounded just as surprised as Niall. It Was quite understandable Harry never had a reason to be called out to go to the director's office. He would prefer to be called out because he had done something bad and was about to get detention for it then- wait no he doesn't, he needed to stay "clean" for his application Interview at Harvard. Whatever.

"Not because I did something bad."

"I didn't think so, to be honest. But why?"

"He offered me to put in a good word at Harvard."

"What? Why aren't you jumping around and- I don't know....writing it into your journal??"

Harry lifted his head to look at their confused faces and rolled his eyes. Just at the thought of Louis. He knew that he couldn't accomplish the other side of the deal if Louis was acting like he was.

"Because he would only do that if I- I. Me. Harry Styles, If I would keep an eye on that new Louis kid and make him do his homework and get good grades and teach his behaviour."

"Didn't he receive a red card yesterday because he nearly burned down the bathroom?" Zayn asked him with furrowed eyebrows.


"Wait, where is he? Shouldn't be here?" Harry watched Niall turn in every direction looking out for the boy but he wasn't there. He was probably on his way to a skate park smoking or whatever he is doing in his free time.

"Yes he should but he isn't. That idiot decided to skip."

"Isn't the point that you make him stay at school?"

"Yes, Niall that is exactly the point. But he decided to be a total jerk and don't listen." Why couldn't he just be like everyone else and do his school stuff? Jerk.

"Don't worry, you will get into Harvard even without the help of Mr Johnson I know that for sure." Niall tried to comfort him while the teacher passed out a stack of papers to everyone. Fuck. No, no, no the test! Harry didn't study for it, he was so nervous the whole week about his first day at the bakery today that he today forgot it.

It was the first test he wasn't prepared for in years. He always studied multiple days before a test, but especially at the first test of the most important year, he was somewhere else with his thoughts. That would destroy his total A grades. Fuck! But it was just a test, right? It wasn't even an exam so it wouldn't count that much.

It was a whole catastrophe like expected. Harry had just stared at the problem questions and played with the pen in his right hand. He could only solve two out of five problems. He never felt so helpless in a test like then, usually, he got B's in Math and pushed them to A's by solving problems at the board or something.

The rest of the day was as bad as the start. The chef of the bakery had called and asked if Harry could rather start in a few months instead of that day. Ugh, why has everything to be so complicated since senior year? And it only started two weeks ago.  Louis didn't show up that much in school and if he did Harry tried to talk to him.

The only thing he got was that Louis actually went to math class once. Well, he got kicked out after the first half but it was at least something. Harry decided to stop trying he would get into Harvard anyway he had the best grades so. Zayn had a lot of practice and couldn't hang out that much with Niall and him anymore.

It was Friday, lunch break and the three boys sat together at their usual table in the right corner of the cafeteria, eating their sandwiches. Niall was mumbling something about that girl he had to do a biology project with. Harry's phone buzzed on the table and a massage from his mom popped up.

hey honey, I'm stuck at work I got a case, not coming home today. I'm sorry. Love you two.

It didn't surprise him even tho she told them she would be home early today, it never worked out. He just let his phone slide into his backpack looking at Niall to tell him. But his facial expression told Harry that he already knew.

He took another bite of his sandwich as he heard some people starting an argument behind his back. That happened often which was the reason the boys were so happy that they could finally eat somewhere else at least twice a week. It got louder and louder, it was the usual. Harry didn't pay much attention to it.

Normally it was the boys from the football team trying to figure out who was the strongest but as it got louder Harry noticed a sharp accent, it was annoying and- he turned around to take a look at the guys- of course, it had to be Louis. This guy barely comes to school but when he does he had to mess with Stan out of all people, Stan?! Really?

He caught the boy standing close in front of Stan, the leader of the Football team, pushing him backwards, spitting something Harry couldn't understand.

"Is that- ?" Niall started but stopped as Louis punched Stan right into his jaw. Harry almost choked on his sandwich as he saw Stan punching the smaller boy back. Harry wouldn't say he deserved it but on the other hand, he wouldn't say he didn't. He was a jerk and someone's gotta show him.

"Aren't you supposed to do something?" Niall asked a little hysterically, Harry couldn't blame him it never got so far that they were fighting in the middle of the cafeteria. But no it wasn't in Harry's business. He scoffed "No why should I?"

"What in hell I going in here?!" It was Mr Johnson he looked shocked and mad down at the two boys laying on the ground fighting. Surprisingly Louis sat on top of Stan punching him and not switched up, Stan was way taller and at least looked stronger than Louis.

Mr Johnson ripped them apart, Louis' fist was bleeding. Harry couldn't tell if it was his or Stan's blood, and he didn't want to know it, to be honest.

"You two, in my office. NOW!" He pointed at them and looked up straight into Harry's eyes, shit! No. Harry turned back to Niall and pressed his eyes shut hoping Mr Johnson didn't saw him. But he stood already behind him.

"Mr Harry Styles would you follow me to my office please." He sighed annoyed. He didn't do anything why should he? Ugh, fine. Harry rolled his eyes. Niall and Zayn gave him an asking look on which Harry just shrugged and told them he'd be right back and followed the director through the hallways to his office.

Louis and Stan already sat there both with a mad look on their faces and their arms crossed in front of the chest. Stan looked pretty beaten up he had a black eye, a cut at the eyebrow and lip. While Louis only hat a cut at his bottom lip. There was no need for Harry to be there, he had already told Mr Johnson that he couldn't take care of Louis.

After he took a shot while art a few days ago, Harry decided that he didn't want the deal, he can get into Harvard without Mr Johnson's help. And if he tells himself that often enough he would believe it one day.

"Please take a seat."

"Why am I here?"

The director nodded in Stan's direction. "Would you please go over to Mrs Grean and tell her to call your parents," Stan growled mad, but got up and left. Of course, he slammed the door shut behind him so loud Harry noticed Louis flinch. Aw did he scare you? Harry thought.

"So, well this didn't work out the way I expected it to." He started, pointing between him and Louis.

"I want you Louis to listen to what Harry tells you." Louis jumped up outraged "Why should I?!" Louis yelled pointing at Harry, facing him with his back. "He is not my mom. And I-"

"Enough!" Mr Johnson cut him off in a harsh tone, Harry just sat there watching the smaller boy flinch again but this time he covered it up better than before. He started a fight with Stan but flinched when someone yelled at him. So stupid. He was pretending to be such a bad boy but is scared when people yell. Harry rolled his eyes at himself. Just stop thinking about him. Ugh.

"Yes, Mr Tomlinson you will! I called your parents and you know exactly what is gonna happen if we kick you out!" Wow, Harry had never seen Mr Johnson mad, his face red and a little vein popped up on his forehead. Harry felt like he wasn't supposed to be there, Louis turned to face him gave him a really mad glance took his jacket and stomped out of the room angrily.

Mr Johnson sighed and let himself fall into his armchair. "Look Harry, I know you told me you don't want the deal but please, try to reach out to him." Did he have a chance?

"Okay- But if he is acting over the top again-"

"If you get him through the year with a full C then I will get you straight into Harvard without any application."

Mr Johnson looked at him through tired eyes like he was done with everything. Understandable after Louis' small freak out. Harry's eyes widened, Wait, what?!