
Even if the whole World was watching // Larry Stylinson

[complete] "This school is Tomlinson's last chance." "Thats not my problem." "What about a deal. You take care of him and I will put in a good word for you at Harvard." Ugh that was a strong deal the director knew exactly how much Harry wanted to go to Harvard. "Fine" Grate now he had to deal with this little badboy. He rolled his eyes. Harry's whole life is planed he would finish his senior year go to college and live his own life everything seemed to go perfect for him. Louis is adventures, spontanious and dosn't give a fuck on planing stuff. He and his girlfriend were happy but there was something messing in her eyes. Well, falling in love was definitely not supposed to be on his to-do list. (Also available on Wattpad and soon on Ao3)

t0mm0_thetease · その他
28 Chs


After like ten minutes of driving he stopped the car in front of the huge house. Two other cars were parked in the driveway, probably his parents. "Wake up," Harry said in a harsh voice, but Louis didn't even move an inch. Harry tried a few more times by pinching his arms (that were surprisingly strong) but he didn't wake up.

Harry started getting hungry, his stomach growled already. He checked the time, it was lunch break anyways. He was thinking about what to do as Niall called him.


"Whow you sound annoyed. where are you??"

"Long story, in five minutes at the diner?"

"Uh Okay?" Niall sounded confused and Harry could already see his face when he arrives at the diner together with Louis sleeping it out in his car. Harvard Harry reminded himself just do it for Harvard. He turned up the volume to overtone Louis snoring and turned the car aggressively. Driving over to the Diner where Niall was already waiting.

Leaning against his car looking up from his phone as he spotted Harry parking next to him. "Uhm-" He pointed at the passenger door with that facial expression as if he wanted to tell him that Louis was sitting in his car. To make sure it wasn't a joke. "Let's just go inside," Harry said not even looking at Louis as he closed the car door.

"But it's burning hot out here you can't just leave him in the car."

"Oh right,"

Harry made his way back into the car started it and let down the window at Louis' side. "Let's go"

"You're unbelievable," Niall said and followed him across the parking space through the door and over to an empty table. If Louis can drink then he can stay in the car as well. And... oh god stop thinking about him. "So?" Niall asked curiously while harry studied the menu. "Uhm I think I will take the number 46 with-"

"Harry!" Niall glanced, Harry rolled his eyes "Fine." He snapped a little loud, some people turned around and looked at him. Harry just smiled embarrassedly. Then he told Niall the whole story and he looked just as confused as Harry himself. "But why was he drinking at school?" The waitress had given them their order already.

Harry looked through the window at his car once in a while, just to make sure no one broke into it, not because he was worried about Louis. It was just, the windows were down so anyone could just casually break into it. Anyways, Niall had already finished eating. Telling him every detail, it took longer than Harry thought, lunch break was almost over.

"I don't know Naill, and I don't care." Niall lifted one eyebrow at him "You check on him a little too often for me to believe that." Harry almost choked on his drink, "I didn't...I'm just worried that someone breaks into my car." The blonde boy just nodded sarcastically and chuckled. "Sure." Ugh, it was the truth, well... at least it wasn't a lie.

They paid and left the diner, Niall came up with the idea to take Louis home until he was sober and then send him home. "No" Harry protested "I won't take him anywhere but his own home."  The fact that he had to bring that boy somewhere at all made him so angry. He could be at school if Louis wasn't that stupid and get drunk at the fucking school bathroom. What the hell was wrong with him?!

"Tell Ms Cordon I'll be late because- I don't know... traffic?" he begged putting on the seatbelt. "I got you," Niall replied smashing Harry's door shut. "Thanks love you mate," He started the car "Love ya too." he waved behind him. Harry drove out of the parking lot towards the street. Grate. Sarcastically.

The cars were still standing in the driveway, and Louis still sleeping deep. No chance to wake him. Harry would rather die than take the boy home with him. This is why he stood in front of his house door and pushed the bell. It was a weird feeling to stand there, in front of a house of people he didn't know to bring them their drunk son.

After a while a man opened "Hello sir," Harry greeted him nicely "Who are you?" The man asked, he had grey hair and looked like he was in his late forties, he seemed nice. "I- uhm." Harry couldn't believe that he would ever say that but it was better than, hey I am the guy who hates your son, and by the way, he is drunk in my car.

"I'm Harry, a friend of Louis." Harry swallowed his pride and pointed at his car, "He isn't feeling well and I drove him home." He decided not to tell him that Louis was drunk he didn't want to get him in trouble or something, it wasn't in his business. The man who potentially was Louis' dad helped Harry bring the boy inside.

One arm around Harrys neck the other around his dad's, they stumbled upstairs through the hall that had so many bedrooms and all those pictures on the walls of little girls. Probably his siblings. Louis' dad must know that Louis was drunk by now, he smelled really strong like alcohol, and he had babbled some weird things on the way to his room.

"Thanks for driving him over, oh and I'm Mark." The man said pulling the blanket up to Louis' shoulders. "Sure," Harry said and looked around trying to find the jacket he forgot at that party night, he still hasn't gotten it back. But he couldn't find it by just looking around, Louis must have put it somewhere else, perfect.

Mark had thanked him another few times before he finally sat back in his car, alone. Harry hurried back to school so he would at least be pleasant at the last lesson. Luckily he made it in time. Niall had waited for him together with that Liam guy, they seemed to get on pretty well. The lesson was over even before it started and Harry on his way home.

He tried really hard not to think of Louis but he was deadly curious about why he acted like that. On the other hand, he was too pissed. Because of him and his weird mood swings, Harry's chance to get into Harward got smaller and smaller. His grip around the staring wheel tightened, his knuckles turned white.

In conclusion, it had been a horrible day.


"I can't believe this guy," Harry said glancing angrily at Louis who stood at the other side of the hallway together with Liam. Louis hadn't been at school the last two days and now he was there like nothing had happened. Harry shut his locker door and looked into Zayn's disoriented face, he drew his eyebrows together that they created a deep crease on his forehead.

"I can talk to Liam if you want. They seem to be good friends, maybe he can make him." He was in the soccer team with Zayn and became kind of friends in the last past few weeks. But he probably couldn't influence him to go to school. "No, I will get that myself," Harry said making his way through the crowd of sweaty smelling teenagers. He was so filled with anger that it wouldn't surprise him if his face was deepened read.

"Louis, I need to talk to you." he hissed interrupting him and Liam. "Maybe later," Louis said, Liam gave Harry an apologizing look. Who does he think he is, the President?! Harry was about to explode as Louis just casually carried on what he started telling Liam. He was such an arrogant asshole. Harry couldn't control his actions, he just grabbed the older boys wrist and dragged him to the next empty classroom.

Louis freed himself "What the hell do you want from me huh?!" He snarled rubbing his wrist as Harry closed the door, he didn't want everyone to know that he was in there with Louis. What I want?! I want you to do your fucking school stuff and stop being that arse you are! How often do I have to tell you this huh?" Harry spat.

"I can do whatever I want okay?" Louis yelled back, his accent got sharper as he got louder. His t-shirt slipped to the side and showed a bruise that ran along his collarbone. And he also had a slight black eye that Harry noticed just yet "If you want to go to boarding school. Fine, do whatever you want!" He yelled lifting his hand to fix the strap of his backpack.

He watched Louis flinch slightly, he stared down into Louis heavenly blue eyes Harry would never stop looking at when they weren't Louis'. But somehow they looked... frightened? It was quiet for a while Harry was in his thoughts, wondering why Louis gets into so many fights when he flinches just by Harry lifting his hand. It was hilarious and pathetic at the same time.

"You know what? I don't care. Go and fight someone if that's what makes you happy" That was a lie. Harry cared, if Louis wouldn't start changing his behaviour he would never get into his fucking dream college, but never in that world would Harry admit that and begg Louis for help, he had too much pride. "Watch your mouth Styles!"Louis spat his eyes deadly serious.

"Start with yourself" God how he hated that boy. Something in Louis' eyes changed really quickly, they didn't look that sharp at him anymore like he was trying to kill Harry with looks. They looked more soft and kind of helpless. What Harry saw confused him. Louis pushed him harshly against the wall behind him and left the room.

To see him leave the room like that made Harry remember the time he got bullied, it had always been like that, just that he was the one running away. And he remembered the way he felt when he did, how miserable and alone. He just stood there at the wall starring at the door letting his guilty conscience take over. He wasn't better than them.

Usually, he didn't care about how Louis felt because, well, he was Louis. But something in his eyes was different this time. Stupid guilty conscience. Ugh, Harry rolled his eyes at himself as he made his way after Louis. He was about to get in the car when Harry spotted him "Louis!" He yelled breathlessly, wow he hadn't run in a long time. Louis turned around and looked at him but ignored him and started the car.

"What happened to him?" Someone next to him asked it was Liam he gave Harry a concerned look. If Harry would just know. "I don't know," Harry whispered watching Louis drive away at an enormous speed. "I will drive past him," Liam said worried, somehow Harry was a little worried, he knew how moody he was and only God knows what he was capable of when he was in that condition.

And the fact that Harry himself was the reason Louis was acting like that wasn't good at all, he would never get to reach out to him when he hated him with all of his heart. "Wait" Harry stopped Liam. It wasn't Harry's job to help him and he was probably the last person Louis wanted to see but he couldn't just be a total ass and treat Louis this way, no matter how he acted Harry didn't want to be like one of those people that used to bully him.

"I will go."