
Chapter 11: The Commander's Son Has an Audience with His Majesty

The next day, I walked around the royal castle with Rinse after I dropped Alice off for class.

"So…why did you have an audience with His Majesty first?"

"My father really wants to see you. I don't know why."

"His Majesty directly..."

I have a bad feeling about it, but it can't be helped if he call me. Let's finish it quickly and go see Alice. Thinking that, when we arrived at the audience room where His Majesty was, Rinse stopped and said.

"Well then, I'll be waiting here, so call me when you're done."

"am I going alone?"

"It seems that I can't accompany you. Or is it better for me to stay by your side?"

"don't say such creepy things, but I understand."

After saying that, I entered the audience room. Sitting on the throne in this extravagant building is His Majesty the King of this country, Mr. Deus Landry. His Majesty the King said in a solemn tone when I entered the room.

"I've been waiting for you."

At those words, I let out a sigh. It looks like it's not something like punishment but I can't let it show. I took the courtesy of my retainer and said.

"Greetings, your Majesty."

"Hmm, your attitude suddenly change in the party, are you hiding your true character or you're simply a fake. are you confident to lead the Lost family?"

"Forgive me majesty if my words offend you but regarding what you just said, I still am Arth Lost of Viscount Lost, so please stop calling me a fake."


His Majesty laughed amusingly. This attitude of knowing and enjoying it pissed me off, but I put up with it because I'm a superior person.

"I am proud to be the next head of the Lost Viscount family, but I would still prioritrize Alice."

"Do you understand that by the time you talk about me that much, it's the same as a confession?"

"Your Majesty...I had an unrequited love for Alice Misty of the Duke of Misty.Is it possible that you, a grown up person would prevent our love?"

When I said that, His Majesty laughed and said.

"That development was out of my control, but... it's funny, so I'll forgive you. It wasn't a bad sideshow for you to steal a woman from my bonkers son."

"Thank you for understanding, Majesty."

"Well, judging from the results, it was probably the right decision to remove him from the throne and make Rinse the Crown Prince, so it's okay."

It's amazing that he can say that about his own son, but... this person seems to be reasonably good as a king, but I can't say he's very good as a father. Well, speaking of nobles, that's about it...

"Did you summon me to only say such things?"

"Hoho, what? You sound interesting, so I wanted to talk to you once. And if you were able to get engaged to Miss Misty, does that mean you were able to persuade Duke Misty? I'm interested in whether you persuaded him like you did with me?"

No matter what method I use, it's not your concern... it's just that I was about to be slashed, but I don't think you'll be convinced if I tell you that. So what's the best answer?

"I just told Duke Misty about my feelings for Alice. I didn't do anything special."

"I see, so you confessed your passionate love?"

"It's not wrong, but please refrain from making misleading remarks. The only person I love is Alice."

In the context just now, it sounds like I conveyed my love to the Duke, no kidding. I don't want to get involved with someone especially Alice's father who is such a straight-laced person. Besides, I have no predisposition for homosexuality at all. It's true that there are no restrictions on same-sex marriage or consanguineous marriage in this world, but even so, I'm normal, so I can't go that route. And the only one I love is Alice. I can't give it up.

"Well, joking aside, I have a favor to ask of you."

"Please ask majesty."

"Ah, Rinse going to meet the little girl who tricked my Son after this? If Rinse is in any danger at that time, I want you to protect him."

Unlike before, His Majesty has a serious expression on his face. I nodded and asked.

"I will do what I can, but what is your Majesty going to do with that girl?"

"I can't make up my mind, but at worst that girl will be executed, and at best she will be under house arrest. It wouldn't be strange to measure it. and that son of mine, he's the lowest existence among the royal family who have already stripped him of his right to succeed to the throne.

In other words, if things go on like this, the heroine-sama will be killed in the worst case. Arrest at best. Well, if there was no such thing as enchantment magic, would it have been easier to just get deported? Well, it's nothing to do with me, but even so, I'm worried about the trends of the prince and other capture targets. It would be fine if I just helped the heroine, but if I killed her unskillfully, Alice could be damaged by flying fire. To be honest, I don't care about the life or death of the heroine, but I can't forgive myself if Alice got hurt, so I guess I have to do something about it.

After thinking about it, I said with a sigh.

"Understood. I'll do whatever it takes to protect Rinse-sama. However, please don't execute her so easily. I don't mind if that resentment is directed at me, but I care if Alice is affected."

"It's not a pile of things."

"I thought you would say that. I'm begging you."

I sighed when I thought that it was in this person's hand from the beginning, but I gave up and decided to finish it quickly. I want to see Alice soon...