
The Festival (1)

Raniel walks through the corridors in a hurry, stopping in front of the big gate where his office was, he enters and there was a guy hidden in the black blankets who was looking out the window, the same window that overlooked the arena where Nyara and Sarah had fought.

- Excuse me my friend for the delay.

- No problem, as far as I can see, everyone has arrived, right?

- Yes.

- Was the one who hugged you Daniel's granddaughter and niece?

- Yes, her name is Nyara Kimari, a girl of value.

- Are you sure to put her on this journey?

- If she accepts my friend, I don't trust anyone else but them.

- I hope your decision is the right one.

- Me too my friend.

- I have to go, I have to tell the king the news.

- Have a good trip my friend.

- Thank you, my friend. - The friend leaves quietly through the door and disappears.

In one of the rooms Axel was taking off his armor to take a shower when Sarah enters the room, angry.

- Whatever this mission is, don't accept it. - She says irritated, crossing her arms.

- Why do you say that miss? - Asks Zenon who was also entering, leaning against the wall so he could hear Sarah's tantrum. -

- I am sure of what we are going to do, "She" will be in the middle.

- Are you talking about Miss Nyara?

- Who else is serious? - She gets even more irritated. - Axel, let's go any time we can find a good mission.

- Don't start with your tantrums, Sarah. I don't know what you've had, but that's no reason to let Raniel down.

- Damn it!

- Sarah my dear, I've seen you angry many times, but I've never seen you like this before. Where do you know Miss Nyara from?

- From the Rave, my parents lived there for a while when I was a child and that's when I met her.

- But from what I've seen she's no elf and that elf called her his sister.

- Yes she is not an elf and that is Darim Kimari, she is his adopted sister.

- Ah I remember him, he helped us in the past, this Kimari, he is a respected Druid and has great power. - Zenon says thoughtfully and at this point Axel just in a towel appears and Sarah can't take her eyes off him.

- I have heard of the Kimari family and they are a large and important elven family with great influence in the Rave. But that doesn't explain why I hate them.

- I have my reasons. - She shakes her head- Never mind, Axel wants me to dry his body. - She speaks with a look full of forbidden promises.

- No thanks, I could go out, I want to get dressed.

- I don't know why. I've seen you naked many times. - Zenon laughs and she leaves them alone, still angry.

- I don't know how you resist her. - Zenon approaches his friend still laughing. -

- Very simple, my brother. I have a lot of patience.

- Wise words.

- Sarah won't accept the separation.

- Good brother she always liked you and thought that the way you treated her was different from the others and that she had a chance.

- I consider her as a younger sister. It was a mistake to approach me beyond that.

- She doesn't consider it and it annoys her.

- Let's forget about it, let's enjoy this festival and have a few drinks.

- Come on, I think we need a good drink and women to forget about these things. I'm going to take a shower and change my clothes. Are you waiting for me?

- Yes, I'll be in the courtyard. - Axel leaves his room and walks to the garden where he sees Raniel's youngest daughter standing next to her mother Amanda. Amanda was Raniel's wife, she met him at a young age when he was already principal of the school some 30 years ago. She attended the school and learned magic there, becoming one of the strongest and most respected magicians in Evans, but gave up this life when she married Raniel and had their daughters.

- Hi Axel. - She goes towards him and compresses him with affection. - How are you, dear?

- I'm fine, ma'am.

- Well, I heard that my husband has been up to no good and called you and Nyara. - She shakes her head and sighs.

- It must be something simple, a search for some parchment or item for the school.

- I wait, but something tells me no.

- Hi Axel. - The little girl runs up to him and jumps into his arms.

- Hi Mila, my girl, you have been growing, you will soon be taller than me.

- You think so?

- Yes. Miss Amanda where is Julia?

- She is at school taking care of a class. She only comes at night for the festivities. She'll be happy to see you. - At this time Zenon arrives wearing ordinary clothes as well as Axel when Mila sees him she runs to greet him.

- Hi there, little one, you're looking more beautiful every day. - She laughs and her mother goes to her and taps her on the shoulder.

- Don't give her any ideas Zenon. - He takes her hand and kisses her.

- Beautiful Amanda, as always Milady looks more beautiful than ever. - She laughs-

- Zenon, it's time for you to stand up for yourself.

- I'm sorry I try, but my heart belongs to all women, I can't belong to just one. - At this time Elisa came down and Sarah was wearing a very daring outfit which showed a good part of her body, a long skirt with a cut which showed her legs and a blouse which not only highlighted her breasts but also showed part of them.

- Always modest Zenon.

- Well, Sarah, I try to do my best. - He takes a long bow - Let's go girls, because the party is about to begin

- No gallantry Zenon, let's go Or I'll leave you behind. - Says Axel going ahead with Sarah at his side-

- Let's go you idiot. - Says Elisa dragging him along.

They walk until they reach the central square of the kingdom where it was richly decorated for the celebration to the goddess of creation. Music, magic shows, concerts were happening all at the same time and several tents were set up around the square, in the center there were couples dancing. Then from the podium a cleric of the goddess of magic appears wearing light blue clothes.

- Another year we are gathered in Tassy to celebrate in the name of the Goddess of Magic. Thanks to her we have in Evans the magic that moves and worlds the world. So today we begin the 35th Festival of Tassy with a performance by Julia, a teacher from the school of magic. - The people get excited and the music starts playing and Axel sees Raniel's oldest daughter in the center of the arena so she starts a magic presentation releasing TOWERS OF FIRE, then TOWERS OF WATER, RAY, EARTH, WIND. And the people go crazy so she calls someone then the Cleric speaks again.

- And today in particular after some time away from us, she has agreed to introduce herself to us. Come, Nyara, come and impress us with your magic and your beauty.