

The room was nice, my new brothers weren't. I sat on my bed watching Mrs Smith arrange my things down for me, she 0ut my clothes in a small closet and whistled to her self.

I knew the tune she was whistling, or at least I think I do. I felt a sharp pain in my head as I tried to recollect my memories. The doctor had said that it would come back in a matter of time and I shouldn't stress myself but even when I tried to not think about the whistling sound it still hurt.

"Mrs Smith? can you please stop whistling?" I asked politely "my head hurts"

I felt her back go stiff, she stopped whistling and turned to face me, her wig had shifted to a corner and it framed her face awkwardly. "Your head hurts sweetie?" she asked and I nodded not daring to speak.

she came to sit next to me on the bed, then she placed my palms on hers "Eva, my name is not Mrs Smith" she smiled "I know I'm not your real mom and I'm being paid to take care of you but right now you're with me and I want to be the best mom in every possible way that I can for you. Ryan and Church are not my biological sons either but I've been taking care of them since they were little kids."

I nodded trying to understand what she was saying.

"you don't have to be formal with me" she continued "right now, I'm your mom okay?" she patted my cheeks then went back to setting up my things.


"Mom!" I shouted as I ran towards the black haired woman in long green skirt, her arms were wide opened waiting for a hug. I ran to her, she was there. And then she wasn't.

"Wake up Evie" It was Ryan's voice. I opened my eyes to look at him, there was this annoying smirk on his face and I wondered what he was up to again.

I have spent three weeks with Mrs Smith aka Mom and Ryan has been my closest friend ever, mainly because he was always onto me. And my dog.

"it's Saturday and it's still 7:00 so why are you waking me up?" I asked half asleep.

"I'm bored" he shrugged "come watch anime with me"

"I don't want to watch your stupid animes" I grumbled as I went back to sleep hoping I would see her there.

"Mom is out on duty this morning" Ryan said "there's no food in the kitchen, she gave me your allowance and said I should give you when you wake up "

"okay, give it to me" I frowned turning to face him.

He smiled "who's your favorite demon slayer character?"

"Ryan!!!!!" I screamed in my head.

watching movies with Ryan was a waste of my time but somehow I felt like he was only trying to make me feel at home and I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Ryan was nice, he was that older brother that anyone would wish for. He was tall, not really handsome. He had black hair and black eyes which seemed like dark brown when you really looked at him and he smiled at everything and everyone.

I liked Ryan but sometimes I felt something was off about him. Was it the fake kindness he was showing me or the fact that he was not really interested in the anime he was watching _ had forced me to watch.

"is something wrong?" I asked concerned but he only frowned at me

"not enjoying the movie?" he asked "I can explain it if you want"

"no, not the movie" I said "you, it seems like something is wrong with you"

"what can a thirteen year old like you with no memory know about what's wrong with people "

something was definitely wrong with Ryan. I stood up and shrugged "Well Ryan, I'm hungry, give me my money"

He sighed instead then threw his phone on the bed. "why don't we go out to eat together? I'm kinda bored"

"yeah okay but I'm getting real food, not junks"

Ryan snickered and patted my shoulder"Sure thing Evie"

We headed out to the Olly's Restaurant which was just a street away when we saw a group of teenagers (Ryan's age) He waved to them and a few of them nodded their heads towards his side. We weren't really far from them when someone shouted. "Hey! Ryan, is that your new girlfriend?"

The question shocked me, I saw Ryan's face grow tense, something was really wrong. My memory might be glitching but my instincts were quite alright.

"Ryan?" I looked up at him "can we walk any faster? I'm really hungry"

He nodded, grabbed my hand and walked as fast as he could.

The restaurant was nice, the food was nicer and I had already gotten used to the stares, I heard someone earlier call me the 'new foster girl' and for some reason I didn't get offended, I wondered instead how Ryan was feeling. I wanted to know what was wrong and if he needed some kind of help. I wanted to help him.

"Ryan" I asked "how's it like in this neighborhood?"

"Here?" Ryan chuckled "it's just a bunch of people trying to get to the top of the food chain. The streets are hard"

I nodded "so how's it been for you living here? I'm curious"

"oh I manage" he smirked "why are you curious?"

"I'm just trying to make conversation" I improvised "you're kinda like the only one I have to talk to"

"you know you could talk to Church too, he's not that bad"

"I don't think he wants me a feet beside him" I said and Ryan chuckled

"Church is a cool guy and he's better conversation than me, all I do is talk about girls"

"okay let's talk about girls" I smiled "who's your girlfriend?"

"depends on who's asking and why they're asking?"

"your girlfriend broke up with you?" I raised an eyebrow causing him to smirk again, he seemed really handsome whenever he smirked

"yes my girlfriend broke up with me" Ryan nodded "woe is me"

woe is you.