
Ethereal Rebirth: The Poltergeist Prince

A great unholy entity, a prophecy was born one day. He was the composite of the great devil-bender poltergiest’s spirit which walked the earthly plane few thousand years ago and and a human spirit of a prince. The coincided entities sole goal is to destroy the one who banished the devil-bender from earth all those years ago.

sampreeth_vuppari · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The Rise of an New Lord.

The relentless infiltration of enemy troops had woven shadows of trepidation across the kingdom for the past half-year. With midnight's cloak as their ally, they struck the royal palace, unbeknownst to the king's lingering presence. As the foe's guards stealthily breached the King's inner sanctum, their intention to eliminate the queen met an unforeseen reckoning. A blade meant for regicide turned on its own wielder, reducing him to a myriad of fragments. Panic rippled through the guards as the King emerged from obscurity, an embodiment of shadows incarnate. With a gesture, a king's finger pointed, and the entire guard battalion succumbed to an overwhelming force, their very essence dispersed into the air. The King deftly condensed them into a compact sphere before discarding their remains beyond the empire's borders.

From the abyss of the unforeseen, a formidable entity arose, kneeling in deference to the sovereign. A spirit, under the King's dominion, manifested in an instant, a testament to his supremacy, enacted in profound silence that even the queen remained oblivious to.

The king, an unparalleled poltergeist, wielded the might coursing through his lineage, an inheritance passed through epochs. Yet, this lineage veered with the advent of his son, Prince Celeb, who stood devoid of the ancestral prowess. Incensed by this absence and the burden of bipolar disorder afflicting the prince, the king's fury reached a boiling point. At his fifteenth year, the young Celeb was exiled from his own kingdom, relegated to wander and toil for sustenance.

A distant prophecy cast its shadow across the kingdom, foretelling the emergence of an exceptional soul once in a millennium. The king's son stood as the chosen vessel, destined to harbor an enigmatic duality within. An alternate persona, dormant yet potent, lay concealed within the labyrinth of his essence.

Whispers of this prophecy ignited fascination and fear in equal measure, fanning the flames of curiosity. As the prince matured, the relentless pull of destiny tugged him towards his inevitable transformation. With each passing day, his resilience endured, even as uncertainty gnawed at his heart. Approaching the precipice of revelation, he grappled with the abyss that beckoned—a realm of uncertainty where the potential for salvation and devastation intertwined.

The eve of his twentieth year arrived, and the sands of the prophecy's hourglass seemed suspended. Shadows waltzed around ancient castle walls, heralding the emergence of an irresistible force. A revelation, profound and consuming, tore through the prince's soul, shattering mortal confines. An emotional tempest surged within as memories of ages past intertwined with his being. The prince became a vessel, a conduit for this profound being, their destinies converging in a cataclysmic fusion.

The world quaked, mirroring the tumult within the prince's heart. Battles waged—clashes of identity, purpose, and destiny—struggles for dominion. Amid the maelstrom, time fractured, the essence of being ripped asunder. Kingdom and prince, held breathless in this moment, sensed the world-shattering transformation.

When the tumult subsided, truth stood bared—an awe-inspiring amalgam of man and alternate soul. This convergence of fates transcended mortal bounds, vaulting the prince to realms of untamed power. Prophecy held true—the prince, now an unparalleled devil bender, straddled worlds, poised on the cusp of a new era. The kingdom, with bated breath, beheld as he harnessed newfound might, a force potent enough to rend reality or ignite an age of unrivaled splendor.

In the crucible of destiny, the king's son had emerged as an embodiment of duality, an unfolding symphony of power, redemption, and the profound intricacies of the human spirit. The world poised on the edge, ready to bear witness to this magnificent saga that promised a journey through untold complexities.